
ProstaDoz: instructions for use, description, reviews

What is ProstaDoz? Instructions for use and a description of this drug are listed in this article. It also contains information on the contraindications of the drug, its analogs and side effects.

Composition, description and form

What is the form of ProstaDoz? Instructions for use, reviews say that this product is on sale in blue-white capsules, which contain a fine medicinal powder.

The composition of the drug in question includes vitamin E, zinc, Teavigo green tea extract, selenium, palmetto and indole-3-carbinol.

Basic information

What is ProstaDoz? The instruction for use asserts that this preparation is a biological additive, which is often used as a multivitamin and mineral complex.

Specialists report that this remedy, as well as its analogues with the appropriate composition, is allowed to be used to treat a number of diseases that are combined in ICD-10 into two main groups associated with nutritional deficiencies.

pharmachologic effect

What is remarkable about such a tool as "ProstaDoz"? The instruction for use states that all substances contained in this preparation exhibit bioantiproliferative and antioxidant properties.

As you know, antioxidants are designed to suppress the oxidation (peroxide) of organic compounds in the human body. It should be recalled that as a result of this process, a lot of free radicals are formed, detrimental to living cells. Thus, it can be safely noted that the antioxidant effect of the BAA in question is related to the inhibition of aging processes. This is due to a decrease in the number of free radicals.

Properties of the medicament

What determines the effectiveness of dietary supplements «ProstaDoz»? Instruction for use asserts that the mechanism of action of this drug is related to the properties of substances that are included in its composition:

  • Vitamin E is a fat-soluble element. In the human body, it takes a direct part in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and is also a synergistic selenium. In addition, this vitamin plays a special role in the work of the endocrine glands.
  • A trace element, like selenium, is also very important for humans. It supports immunity and preserves the quality of the immune response. With its deficiency, the body's resistance to the harmful effects of viruses and pathogens is significantly reduced.

Selenium exhibits pronounced antioxidant properties. It is extremely necessary for the normal operation of the gonads, especially in the stronger sex. In addition, this microelement is required for the synthesis of a number of enzymes and hormones, as well as for the normal functioning of the human body throughout his life.

  • Indole-3-carbinol is a substance that has an antiproliferative effect on fibroblasts. This component exhibits anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties, and also eliminates dysuria due to the normalization of the tone of the urethra and bladder muscles. One can not help saying that taking zinc drugs helps to reduce pain in the genitourinary tract.
  • Zinc is a vital microelement. It exists practically in all tissues of the body and as a cofactor of some enzymes takes an active part in many biochemical reactions.
  • Green tea extract is a unique ingredient with the highest content of such active substance as epigallocatechin gallate. This ingredient has a high degree of purification, and does not contain any caffeine or other harmful impurities.

Effects after application

How does the therapeutic effect of dietary supplement ProstaDoz manifest? According to the attached instructions, the means under consideration contributes to:

  • Significant improvement of urodynamic properties. It also reduces the amount of residual urine, normalizes the tone of the urinary tract and reduces dysuric disorders, including during the act of urination.

  • Elimination of edema and inflammation in prostate gland, normalization of its functional state and ehostruktury, a decrease in the volume of this organ and a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the secretion of the prostate.
  • Reduction of pain sensations in chronic prostatitis threefold, improvement of immunity and sexual-ejaculatory function.

All of the above therapeutic effects after taking BAA last for a long time.

Indications for use

In what cases is the drug "ProstaDoz" (tablets) used? Instructions for use, reviews report that this remedy is very often prescribed as an active supplement to food in the treatment of chronic prostatitis in a strong half of humanity.

It should also be noted that this dietary supplement is often recommended to use women and men as an additional source of elements such as zinc, selenium, vitamin E, epigallocatechin-galate and indole-3-carbinol.

Contraindications to the intake of dietary supplements

Now you know how effective such an active additive to food, as "ProstaDoz". Instructions for use and contraindications for this remedy are also indicated in this article. Experts argue that the drug in question can not be administered to children. Also, it is contraindicated for use by those with high sensitivity to its components.

The drug "ProstaDoz": instructions for use

Use this supplement is allowed only for adults and women. As a rule, it is prescribed in the amount of two capsules 1 time per day during a meal.

The duration of the course of taking this drug is exactly 1 month. If necessary, after a two-week break, treatment can be repeated. However, before this, you should always consult a specialist.

Side effects

Is it contributing to the development of unwanted reactions of the ProstaDoz dietary supplements? To date, no such specialized studies have been conducted. However, judging by the reviews, this drug has never caused any side effects.

Shelf life and storage conditions of dietary supplements

Keep this product in a protected from light, out of reach of children and dry place at a temperature of no higher than 26 degrees. Shelf life of this drug is two years from the date of manufacture. It is released in pharmacies without a prescription.

Analogs of the biological additive

Are there any analogues of ProstaDoz? According to the experts, currently considered BAA has no analogues. However, there are still some additives that contain substances with similar properties. They include the following means: "Nolitsin", "Red root", "Apiprost", "Veraprostan", "Prostaker", "Ogoplex", "Phytolite" and others.

Reviews about dietary supplements

Now you know what the "ProstaDoz" additive is for. The instructions for use and analogues of the preparation were also presented above.

According to consumers' reviews, ProstaDoz capsules are good at treating chronic prostatitis. In addition, this dietary supplement is often used as an additional source of various microelements and vitamin E.

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