HealthDiseases and Conditions

Constant belching of the air: causes and treatment. Flatulence and eructation: causes

Quite often patients complain to their doctors that they have (constantly) burping air. The causes of this pathology can be of a different nature. In this article, we will try to identify the most common, and also tell you how to get rid of this deviation.

General information about the disease

Why do some people have (constantly) burping air? The causes of this trouble are very often hidden in diseases of the digestive tract.

In medicine, belching is called a sudden and involuntary release of gases without any smell and taste from the stomach or esophagus through the mouth. If this process is observed rarely, then this is quite normal. After all, every swallowing movement of a person is necessarily accompanied by a certain ingestion of air (about 2-3 ml). This is necessary in order to normalize the intragastric pressure. Subsequently, this air is imperceptibly released through the mouth cavity in small portions.

But how to be, if this process is constantly observed? An eructation of air, the reasons for which we will consider below, in excessive amounts usually occurs in the presence of airbrush or pneumatosis of the stomach.

Norm and pathology: how to distinguish

An eructation by air frequent or constant is a pathological condition of the person which it is necessary to treat. As a rule, in this case the patient seeks help from a gastroenterologist.

Separately, attention should be given to such a deviation as neurotic aerophagy. This pathology is characterized by the ingestion of a large amount of air that occurs outside the consumption of food. As a rule, in such cases, this ailment can remind oneself both after a meal and at another time, except for the period of sleep.

If you constantly belch out the air, the causes of the phenomenon should be looked for in the disturbed activity of the digestive system, since this is a pathological syndrome that requires special attention of a specialist.

With the normal functioning of the digestive tract, this process is never accompanied by unpleasant sensations. At the same time, the air coming from the esophagus or stomach does not have any taste or smell. By the way, most people do not even attach this feature of the organism to any meaning, since it does not cause any discomfort. Otherwise it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

Eating after eating: when does it occur?

What should I do if after a meal the patient experiences a constant eructation of air? The causes of this phenomenon lie in the excessive ingestion of air during consumption of food. As a rule, this problem is most often found in those who:

  • Poorly chew food;
  • Excessively quickly absorbs food;
  • Feeds on the go.

Other Explicit Causes

What else affects the fact that the patient has a constant belching of air? The reasons can be as follows:

  • Excessive consumption of gas-containing drinks, as well as too cold or, conversely, hot food;
  • The habit of speaking during eating;
  • Strong and prolonged stress.

Belching with air: causes, treatment, withdrawal symptoms

As stated above, the eructation is accompanied by the release of gases from the stomach or esophagus through the mouth. Almost always, this process occurs with a characteristic sound. In this case, the patient can often feel discomfort in the chest area, and also feel an unpleasant smell.

Eating does not constitute an independent disease. After all, this pathological condition is only a symptom of any internal deviation and requires a medical examination.

The main symptoms of pathology

What are the symptoms of flatulence and eructation? The causes, symptoms and treatment of these abnormalities will be considered right now.

So, in the presence of various diseases in humans can be observed:

  • Eating sour + flatulence. It occurs with increased acidity of gastric juice. As a rule, it indicates such abnormalities as gastritis, the formation of ulcers in the stomach or duodenum.
  • The eructation is rotten. It is formed during putrefactive processes in the main digestive organ (stomach) and is associated with stagnation and decay of its contents (for example, with stenosis of the pylorus, cancer, gastritis, etc.).
  • Eiling belly in large quantities. Begins to disturb the patient due to increased gas formation in the digestive tract (for example, after drinking soda), as well as when swallowing the air while eating dry, talking during lunch, due to nasal congestion with a cold.
  • Belching bitter. It is formed during the back-throwing of bile into the main digestive organ with cholecystitis or cholelithiasis.

If you regularly have these abnormalities, you should definitely consult a doctor and take a medical examination. After a series of tests, the gastroenterologist must prescribe a treatment for you.

Frequent belching of the air: causes, diagnosis of pathology

The causes of the manifestation of a regular burping air are revealed after a thorough examination, namely:

  • An analysis of the patient's medical history and complaints (for example, when it appeared, how often it is disturbed, whether the occurrence is associated with eating, how long it lasts, etc.).
  • Analysis of the history of life (for example, whether a person suffers from diseases of the digestive tract).
  • Laboratory research.
  • Biochemical and clinical blood tests, allowing to identify the signs of inflammatory processes, violations of internal organs, etc.
  • Anal fecal occult blood. As a rule, it is carried out with suspicion of serious bowel disease.
  • Analysis of feces, or rather a coprogram, thanks to which it is easy to find undigested food, undigested fats, dietary fiber and so on.

Methods of treatment

What if you have belching with air? Causes and treatment of this phenomenon should not be identified or carried out if it is episodic.

Constant belching, which lasts too long, requires special attention. Referring to a doctor, the patient should undergo a thorough examination. After the diagnosis, the gastroenterologist is obliged to treat those diseases, which, in fact, led to the emergence of this pathology.

  1. Gastritis or inflammation of the lining of the stomach.
  2. Diseases of the esophagus (can be different):
  • Diaphragmatic hernia;
  • GERD or so-called gastroesophageal reflux disease. 3. Cholecystitis, that is, the formation of inflammatory processes in the gallbladder. 4. Stomach ulcer or 12 duodenal ulcer.

Non-pharmacological methods

Frequent belching of the air (prichny, treatment of the deviation is described in detail in this article) is sometimes eliminated by non-drug methods. As a rule, they are reduced to reducing intra-abdominal pressure. For this it is recommended:

  • To sleep on a rather high pillow;
  • Never tighten the belt or belt too tightly;
  • Walk after eating for 40-60 minutes;
  • Do not do physical exercises for training the abdominal muscles (for example, torso elevations, tilts, twists, etc.).

Possible consequences and complications

By itself, an eructation of air can not in any way cause any complications or consequences. However, it is extremely important to start treatment in time for those diseases that provoke its appearance (for example, diseases of the oropharynx, nose, stomach, esophagus, intestine, gallbladder, etc.).

Preventive actions

If you do not want to cause such a nuisance, like belching air, you are concerned, then we recommend that you observe the following rules:

  • Abandon the use of foods and drinks that promote gas generation (for example, legumes, soda, etc.).
  • Refuse from smoking, as well as drinking alcohol.
  • Regularly undergo a medical examination with the purpose of timely detection and treatment of diseases of the digestive tract.

The main causes of eructations in children

Surely every mother knows that eructation in a baby is quite common. As a rule, the reason for this process is that during feeding, it swallows up too much air. Most often this happens if the baby's body is positioned incorrectly during the period of breast sucking. Also with a similar problem may be faced by those mothers who have purchased for their child a bottle or nipple of irrational form (with artificial feeding).

Often, belching in infants is due to the weakness of muscle tissue, which is located at the entrance to the stomach. As the child grows up, they become stronger, the eructation passes by itself.

In the event that the baby has frequent regurgitation of mother's milk, you should consult a pediatrician, as this can signal the presence of a disease.

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