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Burning and itching in the eyes: causes, treatment

The eyes are a very important and vulnerable organ. Various diseases of the organs of vision can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, you should not "brush aside" and tolerate, if there is an itch in your eyes. Causes, treatment (drugs, procedures) should be disassembled together with a specialist. And although the Internet and accessible medical literature contain a lot of recommendations and explanations, the doctor will put the diagnosis more accurately (on the basis of examination and analysis), and hence the disease will retreat faster.

Severe itching in the eyes: causes

It is not recommended to conduct any disease independently, but it is impossible to let things go by themselves. If there is discomfort in the eye area, then your health is shaken. This is a signal that says that the body has problems that should be immediately eliminated.

Before you start taking any medications, you need to find out the reasons that caused itching in the eyes. Causes and treatment are very interrelated, so in no case do not start self-treatment, not eliminating what can cause discomfort.

  • Allergic reaction (for cigarette smoke, drugs, household chemicals, cosmetics).

  • Foreign body (mote, poor-quality lenses).

  • Infection (both ocular and other types).

  • Consequence of a burn.

  • Diseases of the eyes (cataracts, glaucoma).

  • Fatigue.

If you know exactly the cause of burning and itching in the eyes (for example, mote or reaction to mascara), you can eliminate it yourself and solve your problem. If the problem is serious and requires assistance from the outside, contact your doctor immediately.

Professional help

In each state polyclinic there should be a doctor an ophthalmologist (oculist). Of course, there are special clinics, where, perhaps, they will help faster or better, but for a "round" amount. In the polyclinic for the policy, CHI are required to provide free qualified assistance.

How will the reception take place:

  • The doctor will ask questions about your illness and get acquainted with your card;

  • Will inspect: eyelids, pupil movements, reactions to light;

  • If he has any doubts, he will write you a direction for tests;

  • Prescribe medicines, compresses and appoint a date for the next appearance.

Vision is one of the most important feelings, therefore it is very important to take problems seriously. If there is a risk, it is better not to engage in self-medication, as this can do more harm than to bring benefits. But if the discomfort is not strong and is, for example, a consequence of fatigue, you can apply a few simple tips to relieve the itching and burning sensation in the eyes.

Causes, treatment and prevention

The reasons that can be eliminated independently and the ways of treatment and prevention at home:

  • The cause of allergies (change the brand of cosmetics, avoid contact with pets, less to be in the sun without protective glasses or hats, plan a vacation for the time of ragweed bloom, etc.);

  • Fatigue, overstrain (break away from the computer monitor and do eye exercises, take breaks in work and sit for several minutes with closed eyes, do home compresses from decoction of chamomile or strong tea);

  • Foreign body (if you have to work with dust, dirt, chemicals or weather weathered, use safety glasses). Try to get the mote out of the eye with clean hands!

Do not neglect safety techniques and work without protection (for example, mowing grass, working with welding or scraping, using strong chemicals), and resting without thinking about eye health (open your eyes under the water in the pool, use expired cosmetics). If you wear lenses, you need to monitor the clarity of lenses and hands.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Symptoms - itching in the corners of the eyes.

Causes and Treatment

Most often, such symptoms are addressed to doctors in the spring and autumn. In addition to pollen, the human body is susceptible to many allergens. And even if you have not experienced all the "delights" of blossoming, it does not mean that you are not at risk of allergic conjunctivitis. If your immune system weakens a little, it can be attacked by allergenic pathogens. If there is an itch or burning sensation in the corners of the eyes, and you always want to scratch or apply ice, immediately consult a doctor.

Having ascertained the cause of the allergy, it is desirable to eliminate it and at the same time go to the pharmacy.

In such cases, prescribe antihistamine and steroid drugs. They will remove allergy symptoms. Also prescribed drops that will reduce eye swelling and drugs to raise immunity.

During this disease, it is not recommended to use lenses and apply make-up on the eyes. It is necessary to watch that not to transfer an infection in a healthy eye, and for this there should be a strengthened mode of personal hygiene. Eye drops with the effect of "artificial tear" and compresses of cold boiled water will help to soothe the itch in the eyes.

Causes and treatment of pruritus in the eyes, as well as the results of tests and prescriptions, the doctor must fix in your medical record.

Dry eye or keratitis

Symptoms are redness, a feeling of dryness and severe itching in the eyes and eyelids.

Possible causes and treatment: dry eye syndrome is especially affected by people aged 60 years and also citizens living in dry or dusty climate (premises), spending a lot of time at the computer, and heavy smokers.

The fact is that the tear is given by nature to "wash" the cornea of the eye removing dust and other particles from it, as well as to neutralize the enzymes. The composition of the tear is unique, and if a person is sick, tears may be less or change its composition (the tear will dry up faster).

Cure all this ailment will not be possible, especially since it is often itself a symptom of any disease: lupus or Sjogren's syndrome. Not only that keratitis is a chronic disease, often it is also progressive. But you can remove symptoms in several ways.

1. An ophthalmologist can prescribe drops with the effect of "artificial tears". It is important to remember that wearing the lens is better limited or inserted after 20 minutes after instillation.

2. The doctor will insert a small drug for the lower eyelid. And during the day, this drug will be batch-release doses of eye lubricant.

As prevention, you can recommend installing an air humidifier, try to sit under the air conditioner and at the computer less, wear sunglasses on the street and watch your diet.


The disease, which inflames the edge of the eyelids, there is redness, dry "scales", sores and itching in the eyes.

The doctor brings the reasons, treatment and further observation to the card so that the history of the disease is preserved and could be used for relapse. This is a very serious disease of the organs of vision, which can occur due to avitaminosis, anemia, digestive diseases, allergies, and endocrine system disorders.

It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication with such a disease. Blepharitis is treated long and complex. The doctor, depending on the type of blepharitis, appoints the lumbar eyelash toilet, treatment with antiseptics and ointment, eyelid massage, zelenok, antibiotic and other medications, depending on the patient's condition.


One of the most common eye diseases. Everyone at least once in his life "flaunted" with barley on his eye. With this disease, the sebaceous gland and the hair sac on the edge of the eyelid become inflamed. Very often this disease does not cause serious harm to health and does not require a visit to the doctor, but it can occur several times a year. In this case, it is worth considering the reasons for its occurrence.

Barley is always an unpleasant phenomenon, except for aesthetic discomfort, it is accompanied by discomfort and itching in the eyes.

Causes, treatment with folk remedies of ophthalmic barley

There are many reasons for the appearance of barley:

  • Dusty rooms or windy weather;

  • Hypothermia, fatigue and stress;

  • Metabolic disorders, decreased immunity and infectious disease;

  • Non-observance of hygiene rules, make-up;

  • More serious diseases.

It should be remembered that if the appearance of barley is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, it is necessary to see the doctor. Another important rule is not to pierce or squeeze out the abscess!

In the common people they say: "The jumped barley needs to twist the figs." This is perhaps one of the most common and questionable methods of treating barley. And here are some tips of traditional medicine that really help:

  • Prizhech med.spirtom, solution zelenki or iodine. It is better to begin treatment as early as possible.

  • Make compresses from herbal infusions or strong tea. Brewed marigold, chamomile or tea, and a warm compress is applied to the sick eyelid. The procedure should be repeated 4 times a day for 5 minutes;

  • Using cotton buds, apply erythromycin (1%), tetracycline, hydrocartisone or other ointment with antibacterial effect.

  • Use gentamycin, ciprolet or albucid (30%) - drops from barley.

Within a few days the barley should ripen, and after a couple of days stop worrying. Although it happens that the tumor does not develop, and the pustule does not form, everything stops at the stage of "origin".

Demodectic eyelids

This disease is caused by cilia mites and their products of vital activity. Many people live with these parasites on eyelashes and do not know about their existence.

Symptoms: loss of cilia, rapid fatigue and dry eyes, the formation of crusts or, conversely, purulent mucus along the line of growth of cilia, redness and severe itching in the eyes.

Causes, treatment

To begin with it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease:

  • Serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract;

  • Age or pregnancy;

  • Weakening of immunity, metabolic disorders;

  • Stress, relocation and climate change;

  • Medicines containing corticosteroid.

It is worth noting that the treatment is very long and requires, in addition to taking medications, strict adherence to personal hygiene standards. The patient should have a separate towel, dishes, pillow. Things of the infected should be washed as often as possible with hypoallergenic agents.

It is important to remember that demodicosis is easily transmitted to a healthy person. Therefore, you must be extremely careful not to infect others.

It is better at the first signs to see a doctor - he will prescribe medications and procedures. It is usually prescribed twice a day rubbing eyelids and eyelashes with an alcohol-containing solution and applying ointments such as "Demalan", "Demazol", "Blepharogel". You may also need antibiotics "Tsipromed" or "Tobrex".

Red eyes and itching: causes and treatment

Red eyes can be the result of harmless changes in the body and a signal of serious diseases.

Redness of the eye proteins is most likely caused by allergies, sleepless nights, stress, or a long pastime at the computer. Accordingly, to eliminate the ailment, you need to get rid of allergies, get enough sleep, drink soothing and take breaks in the robot at the computer. But the redness of proteins can also be a consequence of diabetes, vitamin deficiency or anemia. In this case, one can not do without consulting a specialist.

If only one eye is red, and it's not a mote, it's better to show the doctor. Perhaps this is a sign of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, glaucoma or sores on the cornea of the eye.

Red squirrels and itching in the eyes of the cause, the treatment have the following. If the whites of the eyes are red and the itching and burning sensation is constantly felt, it is most likely an allergic conjunctivitis. It is better not to experiment and not to diagnose yourself. The fact is that even a conjunctivitis there are several varieties. But on the basis of examination and analysis, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor will choose the optimal treatment option.

This will include compresses, drops, ointments, eyelid treatment, antibiotics and necessarily preparations to improve the immune system.

Prevention of eye disease in children

It's very unpleasant when you're ill, but it's just unbearable when your baby is sick. Any eye disease will not only bring the child a lot of pain, discomfort and whims, but also can cause more serious problems. Carry out all the necessary procedures for the child is difficult, so often the process of recovery is delayed.

It is better to try to prevent dangerous illnesses in advance:

  • To monitor the cleanliness of the hands and to teach the baby to the rules of personal hygiene;

  • For a walk take with them wet wipes, and if the kid gets something into the glazik, do not let him "get into" himself with dirty fingers;

  • Wash the child's clothes with hypoallergenic detergents and make sure that there is no allergy to food, animals, flavor in the car;

  • Watch out for the humidity in the room and do not let the baby out on a sunny day without a cap;

  • Control his menu.

An interesting fact: we "forget" about those organs that do not hurt and do not bother us. It is only something to fall ill, so you remember about it, you regret the time when you were healthy, and constantly "stumble" on the diseased organ. Everyone is aware of the benefits of prevention, but very few people use it at least until one day they are ill.

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