Health, Alternative Medicine
What are the beneficial properties of tea fungus and contraindications?
Many people remember the pleasant refreshing drink they were given by their grandmothers. It differs not only in its sour taste, but also in the unusual nature of its preparation - it was made in a three-liter jar made of a flat jellyfish. This infusion
This drink is used even in official medicine for the treatment of liver diseases, digestive disorders and intestinal disorders. He is also able to accelerate recovery in many infectious diseases. This is due to the fact that the tea mushroom creates a special solution based on tea brewing and sugar. It is rich in various vitamins, minerals and contains useful enzymes and proteins. It also contains ascorbic acid, lipids and special bacteria. They can easily replace antibiotics, but they do not have any side effects.
Useful properties of the tea fungus and contraindications to its use are known now well, because this infusion is very popular in Western countries, where it came from Japan more than 300 years ago. It is used not only as a refreshing drink. He is capable
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Reviews of people who drink this drink for a long time, only positive. It easily cures fungal diseases, it helps with obesity. Compresses and masks with infusion of the fungus relieve many skin diseases and have rejuvenating properties. Skin after the application of masks on its basis is cleared and becomes smooth and tender.
Due to the content of hyaluronic acid in the drink, it can even help in the treatment of cancer. It alleviates the condition of patients with ulcers and improves the functioning of the heart. The tea fungus also copes effectively with many infectious diseases, acting better than antibiotics, because it does not suppress immunity, but, on the contrary, stimulates it. For example, when treating dysentery, it is even more effective than drugs. Successfully, the infusion is used for chronic rhinitis and tonsillitis, for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis and gingivitis.
But in general, in relation to all without exception and regardless of age, the tea mushroom has beneficial properties. Children can also give it. It calms, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and normalizes digestion. In addition, the infusion has a pleasant taste and is an excellent substitute for foreign carbonated beverages.
From all that has been said, you can see that, knowing the useful properties of the tea fungus and contraindications, you can use this drink not only as a medicine, but also instead of compotes, purchased juices and lemonades. He can not cure you of severe chronic illnesses, but to increase resistance to infections and normalize digestion and metabolism is capable.
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