Spiritual developmentMystic

How can a person's energy purification be carried out?

In the modern world, there is a lot of negative and negative energy, so many bioenergetics and magicians claim that the energy cleansing of a person is something that everyone needs to preserve their health and survive in the turmoil of days.


Experts say that energy comes and goes through the fingers. So, the energy cleansing of a person must begin with the work on the fingers. The simplest thing you can do is to start pulling them out, letting the muscles feel at first some tension, and then relaxation. It will be similar to how a ring or thimble is removed from a finger. At the same time, it is necessary to think that with the help of these actions all the negative energy that is in the body goes into non-existence. Next, getting rid of the negative, you need to recharge the heat and good energy. To do this, just expand the palms up, raise them to the level of the neck and begin to imagine how the body absorbs all the positive that is hovering around. So a person will not only get rid of negative energy, but also get a positive charge.


Energy purification of a person can also be carried out with air. To do this, you need to breathe out all the air and immediately hold your breath. If a person can survive without air for less than 12 seconds, then it means that his body is overloaded with negative. If more, then everything is more or less normal. Such training should be conducted as often as possible. It is believed that in this way the connection between the body and negative energy is broken, and it leaves the person.


Energy cleansing of a person can also be done with candles and prayers. This method is good to use daily to cleanse the body of a negative film that can "stick" to a person for a day. To do this, take a lighted candle and wrap it in a piece of paper so it does not drip. Further, by reading Psalm 90 or any other prayer for cleansing, it is necessary to do the following. First, from the forehead to the heels, a man zigzags a candle, then raises it in a straight line and lowers it again at his feet. Further from below, you need to lift the candle in a counterclockwise spiral, while not forgetting to read the prayer. Then around the head of the candle is a circle, and the action ends a peculiar cross from the forehead to the chest and from the right to the left shoulder. During this time, prayer or conspiracy is read at least three times. All actions are performed without haste, slowly and carefully. The candle does not extinguish, it just burns itself out.

Simple rules

Cleaning of human energy channels can be carried out not only with the help of special actions, but also in the performance of ordinary daily affairs. So, after coming from the street you need to wash your hands, so they are cleaned not only from dirt, but also from negative energy. In the evening, it is necessary to wash, cleanse the soul and body, dropping all the negative. It's also good to avoid conflicts, they spoil the aura of a person. If they can not be avoided, then during the clarification of the relationship, it is better to remain silent and not argue, mentally exposing to oneself the defense, which the negative, which is hovering around, simply will not break. With the help of all these methods, a very effective cleaning of human energy channels can be carried out.

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