
Ointment from boils

Furuncle, or as we used to call it "boil", is an acute purulent inflammation of the integument in the hair area of the skin. He can appear on the face or head, on the back of the neck and arms, on the legs and lower back, on the buttocks and in the groin. At first glance, the boil appears harmless. However, improper self-treatment of this external manifestation of staphylococcal infection can cause serious complications. This disease can leave a scar behind, and in the most severe cases become a cause of blood infection, which can lead to the death of the patient. Of particular concern are furuncles, formed in the nasal cavity and nasolabial triangle. They can cause infection in the brain. However, if the purulent inflammation is small and is not located in the face, then you can get rid of it at home.

Traditional medicine advises to apply to the boil warmed slices of tomato, the top leaves of cabbage or tea bags. Doctors recommend to treat the surface of the abscess with antiseptic means, and then apply ointment from boils. Modern pharmacological industry for these purposes produced Levomekol, Oflokain, Dioxizol, etc.

Ointment from furuncles is superimposed on a napkin, which is covered with the surface of the abscess. The bandage is fixed with adhesive plaster. The ripe furuncle Levomecol releases from the pus and kills germs in the inflammatory focus. This ointment has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerative effect. It includes two active substances - levomitsetin and methyluracil, which have the main curative effect. The mechanism of antibacterial action of ointment is based on the process of destruction of protein synthesis in pathogenic bacteria, which leads to their death. Regenerating properties Levomekol manifests by stimulating intracellular metabolic processes, which allows to reduce the healing time of wounds, restore tissues and reduce the inflammatory process.

One of the additional actions of this drug is the additional production of leukocytes, which protect the body from harmful bacteria. This strengthens the local immune defense. Helps Levomekol and the production of interferon, which has immunostimulating and antiviral effects.

Ophthalmic ointment from furuncles Oflokain possesses anti-edematous, analgesic and antimicrobial effects. The composition of this drug includes two active components - lidocaine and ofloxacin. These substances can inhibit the process of copying DNA data by microorganisms, which leads to their death, and also block pain impulses in nerve tissues.

Will help to remove the boil antibiotics. They are appointed if there is a risk of further spread of infections. The drugs used can take the form of tablets, and can also be used as intramuscular droppers or injections. Appointed Dikloksatsillin, Metronidazole and other drugs. In severe cases, Levofloxacin and Vancomycin are used.

Ointment from boils can be prepared from natural ingredients. A remarkable folk remedy is the root of elecampane mixed with vaseline or lard. This mass is applied to the boil on a napkin. It is able to get rid of the infection and a remedy made from tansy flowers mixed with butter, pork interior fat or petroleum jelly. Help with the disease and ointment from flowers of marigold, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Speedy disposal of a boil will be facilitated by the intake of any tincture made from medicinal herbs. Vegetative components can be nettle and turn, yarrow and calendula, St. John's wort and chamomile. The pulp of garlic, aloe and calanchoe juice can prevent various complications of the disease course. During treatment it is necessary to adhere to the low-carbohydrate diet, to refuse alcohol, sweets and spicy food.

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