
Rose hips - the richest source of nutrients

Rosehip is not only a bush of the Rosaceae family, fascinating with the aroma of flowers and appearance, but also a useful medicinal plant. For medicinal purposes, flowers, leaves, fruits and plant roots are used. Today, let's talk about its fruits.

Harvesting of rose hips for medical purposes

The hips grow in August-September. For medical purposes, both fresh and dried berries are used, the latter of which is used for the preparation of broths, syrups, infusions, juices, tea, extracts, etc. Collect fruits until frost, t. Even the slightest freezing will destroy the medicinal properties of the dog rose. Fruits are dried at home in a dryer or oven at 90-100 degrees, while watching so that they are not burnt. Properly dried, they have a brownish-red or yellow color. Keep them in closed bags or cans for 2 years.

The chemical composition of hips

The fruit of the dogrose is a whole storehouse of vitamins and other substances useful to our body. This is a healing herbal remedy with a predominant vitamin C content, which in dog rose is about 20 times larger than in the notorious lemons! Also in it are vitamins of group B, vitamins P, K, A and E, carotene. In addition, flavonol glycosides (quercetin and kaempferol), sugars, pectins, tannins, lycopene, organic acids, essential oil, rubixanthin, many potassium salts, magnesium, iron, molybdenum, manganese, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium , Chromium, phosphorus, cobalt, copper.

Hips: properties and application in folk medicine

Rosehip is a common medicinal plant of alternative medicine. For centuries, its berries have also been used as a restorative means for maintaining health and immunity, for the treatment of various diseases.

The hips have a strong bactericidal, phytoncide, antimicrobial, fortified, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and many other properties.

Hips of dog rose use:

- in the treatment of cough, flu, colds;

- to suppress diarrhea and inflammatory processes;

- to relieve menstrual and headaches;

- to strengthen the nervous system;

- in the treatment of toothache and gum disease;

- as a bile and diuretic;

- for strengthening and raising the tone of the whole organism;

- as an aid in the treatment and prevention of kidney and bladder diseases;

- to lower cholesterol in the blood;

- in the treatment of sclerotic diseases, atherosclerosis, anemia, gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, malaria, scurvy;

- to improve immunity;

- to get rid of problems in digestion and from bleeding;

- in the presence of slowly tightening wounds or poorly coalescing bones;

- for the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, gastrointestinal tract and liver, as well as female organs.

Rose hips from cold and cough

Thanks to the content of vitamin C, wild rose berries are an indispensable curative remedy in winter, when due to vitamin deficiency there is increased fatigue, immunity is weakened.

Freshly brewed tea made from rose hips will help to cope faster with a cough and cold. Especially it is useful in a harsh dry cough, because it is not only able to soothe the mucous throat, irritated with cough, but also to relieve the feeling of perspiration in the throat. Such tea turns a cough into a productive one, i.e. Helps expectorate sputum. In it to strengthen the action, you can add honey, which also softens the throat and helps to suppress a painful cough faster. Regularly using such a drink, you can not only cure a cold, but also prevent such diseases - from angina to the flu, as it will strengthen immunity.

Spine lamb against diseases of the bladder and kidneys

The hips have a diuretic effect. It is for this reason that dogrose is a safe natural diuretic, often recommended as the main means in folk medicine for diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

And especially berries are useful in diseases of the urinary tract (including acute cystitis with severe pain during urination). Contained in fruit useful substances not only strengthen and stimulate the immune system, helping to quickly destroy bacteria that caused infection of the urinary tract, but also help to accelerate the excretion of fluid from the body. That's why tea with rose hips is considered an effective means of preventing infection of the bladder and urinary tract. And to make the unpleasant symptoms of chronic cystitis come back much less often, it's enough to drink a cup of tea with a dog rose a day.

Rose hips against heart disease

Rosehip berries contain substances with anti-inflammatory effect, such as phytosterols, carotenoids, anthocyanins, catechins, which help in the prevention of vascular and heart diseases. In addition, infusions of fruits will help with pressure disorders: with increased blood pressure, infusion of water is recommended, with lowered alcoholic infusion of berries.


Although the hips are considered to be an excellent remedy for the treatment of certain heart diseases, it is from our cardiovascular system that contraindications to their use are the most. First, infusions and teas are not recommended for thrombophlebitis or a high risk of blood clots. Especially careful to take berries is necessary and with some other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, for example, with endocarditis. Do not advise doctors to use rose hips with ulcers or gastritis with high acidity, dermatological diseases, with frequent constipation.

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