
Ribbon hair extension. Reviews

From time immemorial, long hair was considered a woman's dignity and wealth. Unfortunately, not all female representatives happened to be born with a smart mane, and it is not so easy to grow it. To date, there are many ways to visually increase the volume of your head of hair, the leading of which is the tape hair extension, reviews about it in grateful clients are exceptionally positive.

Technology Hair talk (as otherwise called tape build-up) appeared on the Russian market only recently, but it quickly acquired the palm of superiority among themselves. If we talk about the procedure itself, it lasts about an hour. The technology is quite simple: the master attaches to the customer's hair a ribbon about four centimeters wide in the direction of growth. The number of strands depends solely on the wishes of the client. As a rule, correction is required after 2-2.5 months after the first procedure, the manufacturer's warranty is valid for six months. If you want to remove hair before, you will need an expert and a few minutes. It is quite difficult to implement this independently.

Similar to the Hair talk, the procedure Express hair is carried out on a different principle, here the ribbons are less noticeable, but correction is needed a little more often. The build-up does not require any additional thermal and chemical influences during and after the procedure.

Tape hair extension, reviews of which you probably read, is popular with show business stars, as well as with urban fashionists. Divas of the Moscow beau monde use this technology in order to achieve a change in their appearance in the shortest possible time and attract the attention of the public.

Ribbon hair extension. Reviews and tips

Of course, this type of expansion, like any other, has its positive and negative sides. All hairdressers and specialists say that this is the safest hair extension. You can quickly and painlessly lengthen the bangs or curls at the roots, without damaging the bulb itself. Are satisfied with the method and those ladies whose hair is not thick, and the capsular method does not suit them. Also the advantage of Hair talk is that the procedure is relatively inexpensive, so it is available to many.

Tape hair extensions, reviews of which can be found and negative, unfortunately, imperfect. For example, with this build-up you can not wear many of the hairstyles. Another disadvantage is that hair care is quite expensive and requires considerable effort. You will not be able to save money, in this case you will get rid of the build-up in a few months.

Would you like to have hair extensions? The testimonials of customers who have already tried different types of building are very twofold. Some say that after the procedure their hair is no longer restored, while others say that this is really a terrific way to change the appearance. Whom to believe is up to you. The main thing, remember that the procedure itself and its correction must be carried out by a highly qualified master, otherwise you risk losing several tens of thousands of rubles or, worse, to remain bald.

If you perform a correction, know that it should be done by the same master who conducted the first procedure. His task: "transplant" the hairs closer to their native roots. If you are unhappy with the work of your hairdresser, for correction, contact another specialist.

It is recommended to take care of the revitalized hair with the help of simple folk remedies, and with the help of special masks, shampoos and balms, which you will be offered in the salon. Use a comb with sparse teeth. Do not comb the hair sharply from the roots to prevent confusion. Do not go to sleep with wet hair. Shampoos should be exclusively with neutral PH. Use moisturizing masks and balms in large quantities. Take care of your new hairstyle, then you can brag about it for more than a month.

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