
The drug 'Tiogamma'. Instructions

The medicine "Tiogamma" helps to regulate the process of metabolism. The active component - thioctic acid (a-lipoic) - helps to reduce the blood glucose and increase the level of glycogen in the liver. The pharmacological properties of the active substance are similar to those of B vitamins.

The medicine "Tiogamma". Instructions. Indication.

The drug is prescribed for diabetic polyneuropathy.

Medication "Tiogamma" - tablets prescribe inside a day for 600 mg (1 tablet). The drug should not be chewed. Tablets are swallowed whole, washed down with liquid (water) in a small amount.

The drug is also available in the form of a solution for injection. The recommended dosage is 600 mg / day. The introduction is carried out intravenously.

The beginning of therapy with "Tiogamma" is recommended for intravenous injections for two to four weeks. At the end of this period, you should switch to oral (oral) use.

Means of "Tiogamma". Instructions. Contraindications.

The drug is not prescribed for pregnancy, individual intolerance, lactation. There are no cases of the use of medication for children, therefore, the appointment in childhood is not recommended.

If it is necessary to carry out lactation therapy, breastfeeding should be abolished.

The use of medication (intravenously) can provoke diplopia, convulsions. Increased intracranial pressure can occur with rapid administration of the drug. Probable also are the following manifestations: thrombophlebitis, hemorrhagic rash, pinpoint hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes.

In some cases, the use of the drug causes hives, systemic reactions (including anaphylactic shock).

Taking the drug orally (tablets inside) can provoke vomiting, heartburn, nausea.

To other manifestations when using the medicine "Tiogamma" the instruction refers to the development (in connection with the increase in the assimilation of glucose) of hypoglycemia. After intravenous administration (fast), difficulty in breathing is possible, which is eliminated on its own.

During the therapeutic course it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol.

During the treatment it is necessary to control the concentration of glucose in the blood. In some cases, you may need to adjust the dosage of hypoglycemic medications.

Overdose manifests as vomiting, headache, nausea. Symptomatic therapy is performed in this state.

Combined use of the drug "Tiogamma" (injection solution) with cisplatin lowers the effectiveness of the latter.

The active ingredient (thioctic acid) is able to enhance the simultaneous use of the action of hypoglycemic drugs for oral administration and insulin.

When the ethanol is taken together with the medicine "Tiogamma", the therapeutic effectiveness of the active substance of the latter decreases.

Thioctic acid is able to react with metal ions (complex) within (with cisplatin, for example). In addition, the component forms complex compounds (moderately soluble) with sugar molecules. Thus, the injection solution is not combined with Ringer's solution, glucose and other, capable of reacting with disulfide bridges or SH-groups.

The drug "Tiogamma" in tableted form is stored in a place inaccessible to light and children at fifteen to twenty-five degrees. Shelf life of the drug is three years. After the specified time, the application is prohibited.

Due to the a-lipoic acid included in the preparation, the medicine "Tiogamma" is used by some women in cosmetology. It is known that this ingredient is a very useful vitamin for the skin. Thus, the infusion solution is applied to the face.

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