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Point with stones. Transferring a point to the "PV" with the help of the Stone of the Universe

The evolution of the MMORPG in the network is constant - some games are replaced by others, new projects are constantly emerging, which either justify expectations or slide to the bottom, as a result of which they are very quickly forgotten. If we talk about a game like "Perfect World", then it is unlikely to find at least some aspect that would have allowed it to be considered unsuccessful. This project has become one of the most successful fantasy role-playing games for the mass game on the Internet and is still holding the leading positions in the thematic rankings. In this game, absolutely all aspects are worked out, and this is done very qualitatively - even the transfer of the point to the "PV" is thought out to the smallest detail. It is this that should be considered as carefully as possible, and with it the process of the point itself, which in this game is rather interesting.

Basic grinding

Before considering such a highly specialized subject as transferring a point to "PV", it is worth first to pay attention to the very process of sharpening - how it happens, what is required for this. The Stone of the Immortals is the main tool for those who want to sharpen things without much trouble. You only need two such stones, if you need to sharpen a weapon, and for the rest of the items you need only one at all.

The only drawback of this method is the rarity of the Stone of the Immortals in the game world. Most often it is purchased for real currency - from this system has not refused yet no multi-player game. At the same time, the prices here are rather low - you can collect enough stones at a time to then sharpen all the things you want. However, the point in the "PV" 5 years ago, when the game was just gaining momentum, could already not be donated.

Stones of Heavens and Dungeons

In the game, there are two types of objects for sharpening - Heavenly Stone and the Underground Stone. They can not only buy for real money, but also search in the game world, and the chances for a successful point are quite high. Moreover, if you use these devices unsuccessfully, you will only lose one sharpening unit. This is quite profitable, but it is still dangerous, because with several failures you can completely cross out your successful series and even make the subject even weaker than it was in the beginning. However, there is another stone that allows not only to carry out directly the process of improving the characteristics, but also to transfer the point. In the "PV" is a very important aspect, so the Stone of the Universe is very popular here.

Is it worth it to sharpen with the help of the Universe?

This stone, like others, has the ability to improve the characteristics of objects. However, it should be noted that for a strong pumping it is practically useless. The fact is that he has a one hundred percent probability of a point from zero to plus one, but further chances are very much falling, and the possibility of a successful point to plus five is already slightly more than one percent. Therefore, it is worth to think three times before using the Stone of the Universe to give weapons and objects more powerful attributes. But this tool is not useless at all, because it is present in the game to carry out the transfer of the point to the "PV", and not to create it.

"Perfect World" allows you to transfer points

In most similar games, a gamer sharpens his weapon once and for all - if he decides to change it, then the point disappears irrevocably. However, "PV" approaches this aspect of the game a little differently. Here such procedure is quite possible, and for it the Stone of the Universe is used. If you need to transfer the point to Sansara in the "PV", then you can stock up on these stones and carry out your plans. And here it is absolutely unimportant from which and on what subject transfer is carried out. The only thing that plays a role is the number of necessary stones.

There is a special table for transferring the point to the "PI", which details how many Stones of the Universe are required to move a point of a certain level. For example, if your item is sharpened only by plus one, then you will only need one stone, but if you already have a plus two, then you need five stones. The maximum point available in the "PV" is equal to plus twelve, and to transfer it you will need a huge tool reserve - a whole thousand stones. Therefore, before applying a point, you should always think carefully about whether you need to do this. Perhaps, in the near future you will be able to change weapons, and then the transfer of a high-level point will cost you a fortune.

Features when working with the Stone of the Universe

If you decide to tackle the point, you should take into account several useful facts. The first one has already been voiced earlier - you can transfer the point from any subject to any other subject, there are no restrictions. However, if the item is tied, then it is possible to perform the operation only with the same attached thing. But the most important thing is to remember that when you move the original point that was on the subject is completely lost, it is replaced by the point that you carry.

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