Computers, Computer games
How to get gold in the World of Tanks and not become a victim of scammers?
Online games have always been very popular, and if they also have a unique gameplay, it turns out a real masterpiece. For several years, at the height of popularity, the game "The World of Tanks", which fell in love with gamers around the world for its ease of learning and realism, is held. Despite this, not everyone knows how to get gold in the World of Tanks, to translate the experience or make a purchase in a gift shop. Let's consider in more detail ways of buying game currency, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the dangers that lie in wait for an inattentive player.
The easiest way is to replenish the account by sending SMS to a short number, which can be found on the official website of the World of Tanks. To receive gold in this way is very simple and you do not have to go anywhere, however, its value in this case is quite high and will suit only for small payments, because of which you do not want to leave the house. For example, painting a tank or buying a place in a hangar will cost less than a hundred rubles, even with payment via SMS.
For a significant investment in the game, the best choice is the transfer of funds from the ATM or from the electronic wallet (detailed instructions, again, are available on the portal of the game). This option is much cheaper, but gold will have to wait a couple of hours, or even more. The money transfer window is extremely simple and contains contextual clues, so it will be easy to purchase gold. This way is worth using when buying a large amount of gold or expensive premium tanks of level 8 - you will get a significant cost savings.
In pursuit of the opportunity to get game gold in their World of Tanks account, gamers often forget the basic rules of computer security and begin to believe that gold can be obtained for free by simply downloading a program. In fact, you can not cheat the game with the server part (the player's profile is stored on the game server, and not on the user's computer). Any offer of buying gold at a low price and supposedly working programs for hacking games is nothing more than an attempt to take possession of a user's personal data and get a profit.
Game gold does not give special advantages in combat, but it significantly speeds up the progress of the research branch. You can play without investment, but without gold, you can not buy premium tanks that have higher yields than conventional technology, or permanent camouflage for tanks. It's enough to understand how to get gold in World of Tanks, and you can make it easier for yourself, for example, if you can not spend a lot of time on it.
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