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Biography of Leonid Kuravlev: filmography, role, personal life

Many dream of recognition, but they do not know at all what price the real glory gets. In order to better understand the whole essence of celebrity life, you need to know the details, plunge into their world, feel and experience the same emotions. Today we will get acquainted with an outstanding comic actor, find out what the biography of Leonid Kuravlyov hides, recall interesting cases from life and entered into the history of the winged phrases of his characters.


It is impossible to add a complete picture of a person without knowing the details of his very first years of life. The actor was born in 1936, on October 8. From the life of little Leni, his father left early. During his lifetime, he was engaged in metalwork and worked at a major aviation plant. The actor was brought up under the supervision of his lonely mother. Valentina Dmitrievna was an ordinary hairdresser, she had an incomplete secondary education. According to the will of fate or the case in the forty-first year, she is accused, the court passes, and the actor's mother is found guilty.

As punishment, she is sent to the Murmansk region. Not immediately, but several years later she has the opportunity to take her son.

Naturally, after a long separation, the meeting with his mother for Leonid was a real gift. A new life in a small village became a bright and memorable period, a time when you could just be happy.

After returning to the capital, everything turned out to be somewhat sadder. Mother Leonid had to work hard to at least somehow survive.

Studying with the guy did not go well, especially unloved were such sciences as mathematics and physics. During his studies for the first time the biography of Leonid Kuravlev, an artist of the Soviet Union and Russia, is associated with performances. In high school, he manages to get a role in the school setting.

Early years at the Institute

When he finished school in 1953, the boy faced the question of where to go. Almost all universities in the list of entrance examinations had subjects related to the exact sciences that the future actor did not like. Once his cousin suggested that his brother try his hand at the All-Union State Institute of Cinema. There was no need for knowledge of complex subjects for Leonid. The only thing that the guy did not take into account is a huge contest.

His aspirations to join such an educational institution were not taken seriously by his relatives, they thought that this was the usual momentary desire that would pass. As often happens, on the first attempt Leonid failed the competition.

But he did not dare to try himself in other roles and, in order not to lose time, got a job. And only after two years he still managed to convince the admissions committee in his abilities.

Now the biography of Leonid Kuravlev was closely linked with acting. The first years in the institute were very difficult. Curated training known Boris Vladimirovich Bibikov, who absolutely did not see in the guy any creative talent.


Miraculously healed for two years, Leonid began to change. He overcame his natural stiffness and began to show strengths of character. The first success of the actor can be called the role in the drama of Ibsen. Then he was first noticed from among dozens of students. Working on his thesis project, Tarkovsky and Gordon (trained for filmmakers) selected young actors. And here Leonid received the first role in the short film "Today will not be dismissed". Next followed the shootings of the graduate Shukshin in the tape "From Lebyazhy inform."

One of the first works of the actor was the role in the historical production of "Panzer Midshipman", which was filmed by Schweitzer.

So, imperceptibly, but resolutely, the actor Leonid Kuravlev, whose biography began rather difficultly, entered the world of Soviet cinema.


The main role played in the film by Vasily Shukshin "Such a guy lives", made Kuravlyov famous. The script for the film was written just for him, but the opinion of the authoritative Soviet director Sergei Gerasimov about Leonid was negative. He did not see him as the main character. Shukshin insisted on his opinion, showed that he believed in a young actor, and thereby created in the heart of Kuravlyov respect and sincere love for his person.

With each new role, Leonid more and more won the recognition of the audience. One of the brightest works of that period can be considered the first Soviet horror film "Wii", then the role in the film adaptation of the Golden Calf.

The biography of Leonid Kuravlev began to replenish with new works, each of which was appreciated.


The student acting department, it would seem, with mediocre abilities could become one of the best. The total number of roles is more than two hundred. Each image that Kuravlev displayed, turned out bright, memorable. He was a simple fitter, an experienced swindler and even a fascist. And each time he proved his skills.

In addition, Kuravlev Leonid Vyacheslavovich, whose biography consists of so many vivid episodes, worked on the scoring of cartoon characters.

It is possible to list all the films in which the actor was shot for a very long time. This and "The meeting place can not be changed", and "Small tragedies". Very popular in its time was the film "Look for a woman", where the professionals of their business really gathered.

Interesting cases

The biography of Leonid Kuravlyov, like any ordinary person, is filled with various moments. Some stories are really funny and interesting.

For example, after working in the film Shukshin "There is such a guy" Kuravlev met with Vasily Makarovich and, naturally, asked how things are with the film. To which he received the following reply: "Nothing. Someone liked it, someone made comments. And one person even said how well I used your lack of stuttering. " Friends laughed, because it was Vasily Shukshin who asked the actor to give the character such a detail.

Life outside the film set

It is safe to say that Leonid Kuravlev was happy in his family life. Biography, wife, actor's family has always been interested in his fans. The wife has lived with him for more than half a century, and this, you will agree, is a long time. They met each other when they were young, when Leonid was only sixteen, on one of the ice rinks.

Subsequently, Nina Vasilievna gave her husband two children. The first daughter was Catherine, who inherited his father's love for theatrical mastery and entered the Shchukin school.

Son Vasily, who, by the way, was named after Shukshin, received a profession in the Moscow road institute. Now Leonid has three grandchildren.

The only thing that darkens the life of an outstanding actor is the loss of his wife, who died in 2012.

Winged Phrases

The roles played by the actor are very expressive, they can not be forgotten. Phrases pronounced by the actor in the movie, still cause smiles and tender memories.

Here are some examples:

  • "Citizens, keep money in the Savings Bank, if, of course, you have them."

  • "A two-meter-long crocodile with a Mona Lisa smile."

  • "You are a goat, not a lady!"

  • "Take away, I say, psychic, and then I'll stop marrying!"

A truly interesting and intriguing character is Leonid Kuravlev. The biography, the personal life of the actor, described above, is an example of struggle, strength and endurance. Perseverance, kindness and decency helped the simple guy to realize his dream and prove his genius to millions.

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