Food and drinkRecipes

Duck liver: cooking recipes. Homemade duck liver "foie gras"

Not so often on our table there is a duck liver. Recipes that we use are more focused on pork, beef, maximum - chicken liver. However, on the eve of the holidays, you can pamper yourself with something new and unexplored. At least in order to compare how unfamiliar the product differs from the long-tried.

Duck liver in sour cream

In most cases, it does not matter what exactly is in your refrigerator: chicken or duck liver, - recipes can be applied to both varieties. In sour cream, both are equally good. Cooking this dish is as follows. A kilo of duck liver is cleaned of unnecessary layers - films, grease, etc., washed, strained and punctured with a toothpick (to prevent "shooting"). Cut it is not necessary: this results in meat juice, and the size of the product is not so great. The liver falls off in flour and is roasted in roasted oil until it blushes, and then puts it into the kazanok. In the juice left from it, it is made fried from two onions; Is transferred to the liver. In a cup of sour cream (3 tablespoons) a little diluted with water, combines with salt and a spoonful of flour and whipped until smooth. The resulting mixture is poured into the cauldron, filled with water to the level of the liver, and after boiling, the contents of half an hour languish on a small fire. At the end, selected spices, greens and salt are poured (if not enough).

Gourmet duck liver with tomatoes

It is prepared very quickly, it turns out to be extremely fragrant, but for successful experiments you need a wok or at least a thick-walled and thick-bottomed dish - the duck liver will be cooked in it. Recipes for the most part imply it is not cut, but for this it is worth chopping the liver large (at least in half). The byproduct is fried quickly and almost at maximum heat. If there are many, several calls will be required. For each lot, no more than 3 minutes are allowed. In the remaining fat from the liver fat is made from a quarter of onion rings (three minutes, again, enough). It is added chopped garlic, zira and coriander - for half a minute. Then enter small cubes of tomatoes and 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar (800 grams of liver, the rest of the seasonings - at the discretion). After 3 minutes, the liver is again put into a container for five minutes, peppered and salted. Do not forget to stir!

Duck liver pâté

One of the best and most unique dishes! It will require quite a few additional components, but it's worth the hassle. If you want to get a truly delicious dish, do not neglect any of the ingredients.

Finely cut onions and garlic cloves. In butter, they are allowed no more than four minutes. Prepared liver - about three hundred grams - fried three minutes with fresh herbs - rosemary, parsley and thyme. When it cools down, everything from which the pate from the duck liver consists, through the blender breaks through to the pasta along with 100 grams of butter. The mass is mixed with two tablespoons of brandy, laid out in a bowl or container and poured with melted butter. This ends cooking. You can eat pate from the duck liver as soon as it cools. A sandwich with it can be decorated with greens, olives or olives, capers and pickled cucumbers.

"Foie gras"

All of the above is far from a complete list of what the duck liver can do. Recipes offer pies with her, casseroles, options for roasting and quenching. However, nothing compares to the famous French dish! For its preparation you will have to spend considerably, because the duck liver "foie gras" is made only from the poultry fed on special rations. The first liver, if not exactly duck, will not work. And there is such a "harvesting" in two or three times more expensive than usual.

To prepare it, the home recipe advises first to marinate the liver for half an hour in a pile of good port wine, mixed with white pepper and salt (marinade is enough for half a kilogram). Then the by-product is wrapped in foil punctured several times, and put in the oven. Baking time is usually indicated on the package with the liver; On the average - about half an hour. The main thing in this matter is not to overexpose!

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