Food and drinkRecipes

Delicious and ruddy patty with meat - quick and easy

Each housewife has in the arsenal of a specialty dish, which she treats dear guests and loved ones with special pleasure. It can be an exotic salad or specially cooked pickles, or a patty with meat. The secret of this specialty is jealously guarded from outsiders, and not everyone will find the strength to share their secrets.

Only a completely ignorant person in cooking can think that everyone cooks the same way, that if two housewives use the same cookbook, they also get the dishes as if they were from a conveyor. Compare one patty with meat to another, even if they were baked in the same oven, but only the dough was kneaded by different craftsmen, and you will see for yourself that their taste differs. Therefore, you do not need to look for rare recipes, add exotic ingredients to the dough, and jealously store your culinary findings. Anyway, "one-on-one" will not work, even if strictly follow the recipe. In each dish a good hostess invests a piece of the soul, and the soul is unique even by definition.

Many inexperienced housewives are afraid to take up the dough. It seems to them that baking, and frying of flour products - is so long and complicated process that you can master it only after numerous trainings, and the first time they will not succeed. Products are just a pity to translate, that's why they buy pchevo in the nearest cookery, and that they can not cook pies with meat quickly and delicious independently, they do not believe.

But let's all take the risk.

We will need:

  • flour;
  • Dry yeast - one and a half teaspoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Melted butter (margarine) - 50-60 g;
  • Lean oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

From this we will prepare the dough. It is suitable for pies and for a huge pie, so instead of many small ones you can bake one big patty with meat.

In order to speed up the process, you can use the multivariate. Knead the dough: in a bowl, beat whisk or mixer eggs, salt, sugar, margarine and milk. When the mass becomes uniform, add the yeast and gradually begin to pour the flour. We did not specifically indicate the exact amount of flour that will go to the pies with meat in the multivarquet, because the sorts of flour are different, they have different gluten content, and it is impossible to predict how much you will need flour for mixing a not very steep test. After kneading the dough, send it for 20 minutes to the multivarker, setting the heating mode.

Now you can do the stuffing.

For it you will need:

  • Forcemeat - a pound;
  • Onion - 2 pcs .;
  • Spices - to taste.

Preparing the filling is elementary. Onion finely cut and fried with minced meat until golden. The filling should be salt and pepper.

While you were engaged in stuffing, the dough has already managed to come up. We take it out of the multivark and spread it on the table covered with flour. Roll out on the same size cakes. To pie with meat was not much like a bast on one side, and on the other - did not resemble canapes, the diameter of flat cakes is about five centimeters. For each rolled piece of dough, put the filling, patch the edges and leave the patties alone for 10 minutes to make the dough a little bit.

After this time, we put the semi-finished products in the multivark with a seam down and start the baking mode somewhere for half an hour. Once the pies are browned, put them on a dish, cover with a towel and tell your households that it's time to wash their hands and sit at the table.

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