Health, Medicine
The norm of protein in children in the urine. General urine analysis
Today we will tell you what is the norm of protein in children in urine. Methods for determining the readings in urine will also be described.
Urinalysis refers to one of the simplest methods of diagnosing any abnormalities in the human body. It is taken from children from an early age in order to identify or refute diseases.
Indication for this study
There are several points when the doctor prescribes to pass a urinalysis in children for laboratory testing:
- Before routine vaccination to identify the condition of the body. The fact that the baby before the vaccination should be completely healthy.
- In the case of a child suffering from a disease. The doctor determines by results whether the treatment is right or if something needs to be changed.
- In prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to take urine test once a year. So it is possible at an early stage to identify this or that disease.
Norms of protein for different age categories. Decoding of urinalysis in children. Table of indicators
It should be noted that the child's kidneys, on average, process about 50 liters of urine. For comparison: the kidneys of an adult person are processed around 180. And only 2 liters per day are excreted from the body. The amount of urine that leaves the child's body depends on its age, the state of the organism. Is the protein present in the urine of a child in the year and older?
It is known that if the body is normal, then it will not be found in urine. Or it will be in such a small amount that it can not be distinguished by laboratory research. And what is the protein norm in children in urine? Now we'll figure it out. If the concentration of protein in the child's urine is less than 0.036 g / l, then everything is in order, this is the norm. Therefore, there is no cause for concern.
The indices of about 1 g / l indicate a moderate increase. And if a laboratory test shows 3 g / L protein in the urine, then this indicates a high content. The rates at which the protein norm in children in the urine is exceeded is called proteinuria. Next, the pediatrician appoints to pass an analysis to identify the number of it. This is done to detect kidney disease or track the treatment process.
Methods for determining
A little later we told you what is the norm of protein in children in urine. But how to identify this indicator in general? What are the ways to determine?
- Lowry's method.
- Geller's trial.
- A sample by means of sulfosalicylic acid or pyrogallol.
- Express diagnostics are carried out using special indicator strips. This method can be used both in a hospital and at home. The main advantage of conducting an analysis in this way is the instantaneous result. For this, the strips descend into the urine. Then, after a couple of seconds, you can determine whether the protein is present in the urine or not. If the strip becomes color, then it is present.
Through the indicators of urine, you can determine the presence in the body of any deviations. Therefore, it is recommended to take urine analysis in children. This is especially true for toddlers who have kidney and urinary tract diseases.
Features of the child's body. The causes of higher protein norms
Features of a newborn organism are such that it adapts to new life conditions. Therefore, almost ninety percent of children have an elevated level of protein in the urine. After a certain period of time, the process of kidney function is normalized. Then the urine test comes back to normal.
In addition, the protein content may increase for the following reasons:
- Subcooling of the child's body.
- Any nervous overstrain, stress.
- Increased temperature.
- Allergic reactions.
- Lack of fluid in the body.
- Defeat of the skin by burns.
- Taking medication for a long time.
- The reaction of the body to the sun.
- Fright of the child.
It should be known that if the protein in the urine is elevated in the child is insignificant and there are small deviations from the norm, as a rule, this means that there are no pathologies in the child's body. After a certain time, this indicator comes back to normal.
As for newborn babies, the fact that the protein in the urine is elevated in a child is considered a normal reaction. After three weeks, he should be back to normal. In the body there are traces of protein in the urine of the child.
Causes of pathology development
If this indicator remains at the same level, then an additional examination of the baby is required in order to reveal the cause. Perhaps the child has a disease associated with the kidney or ureter.
You should know that the diseases are not uncommon in infants. There are several reasons why these ailments may be present:
- Heredity.
- Disturbances in fetal development.
- Infection, which was present at the mother.
- Trauma caused by childbirth.
- Hypoxia.
- Infection with any infection in the hospital after delivery.
- Infection in the home environment with a fungus.
As a rule, kidney disease passes without symptoms in babies at this age. Even if they have abdominal pain, parents can write it off to normal colic.
Therefore, it is recommended to pay special attention to the examination of the child's organism for the presence in it of any diseases related to the kidneys. You should know that violations in the work of the kidneys and urinary tract can be inherited. Therefore, if close relatives have diagnosed diseases of this kind, it is necessary to pass a urinalysis for prophylactic purposes. It is better to repeat it after a while.
Parents need to pay attention to whether the child has swelling on the legs, whether there are bags under the eyes. Perhaps there are traces of clothing on the skin of the baby. Also, with kidney disease, the skin has a pale color and the temperature rises. Another sign of the presence of a pathology associated with urination is discomfort or pain in this process.
What does elevated protein indicate?
What is the protein in the urine of a child above the norm? There are a number of diseases in which a similar pattern is observed. These include:
- Various kidney diseases, such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and others.
- Any trauma to the kidneys.
- Diabetes.
- Myeloma ailment of the body.
- Hemoblastosis.
- Insufficient amount of fluid in the body.
- High pressure.
- Epilepsy.
- Infection.
If the urine protein level is higher than normal, it means that its content in the blood is reduced. Outwardly it becomes apparent that there is not enough of it in the child's blood. Symptoms:
- Breast babies quickly get tired of sucking mother's breast.
- The child constantly sleeps or wants to sleep.
- He eats poorly.
- The temperature rises.
- The child is sick and vomits.
- The color of urine changes, it becomes with a red or brown tinge.
If the baby has the above symptoms, you should make an appointment with a pediatrician. He should give directions to urine and blood tests.
Parents whose children are prone to kidney disease, it is recommended to constantly check the level of protein in their urine. The easiest way to identify this indicator at home is to do the test with the help of special strips. But you should know that there are diseases in which this method will be ineffective. In this case, you need to take a daily urine test to identify the pathological process in the child's body.
Parents with the first suspicions that the child has some kind of pathology in the body should not be delayed with a visit to the pediatrician, since timely diagnosis of the disease significantly facilitates the healing process.
A small conclusion
We wrote what is the analysis of urine. Also, a detailed analysis of urinalysis in children is given. The table for clarity is presented in the article. We hope that the information was helpful to you.
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