
Dry hole after tooth extraction: symptoms and treatment

Most people believe that getting rid of a sick tooth, they removed all the problems. But it was not there. In certain cases, the difficulties are just beginning. And one of them is a dry hole after tooth extraction.

What is it

The cavity, which remains due to the extension of the bone formation, is called a well. In it, after the intervention of the dental surgeon, a blood clot appears, which protects the bone and nerve endings. Formed dense formation is an intermediate link in the healing process. Thanks to him, the wound quickly tightens. Syndrome dry hole after tooth extraction is formed if the clot did not form, dissolved after a few days or fell out.

Most often this problem occurs:

  • After removing the eight (wisdom tooth);
  • In smokers;
  • In people who do not comply with oral hygiene.

If you do not go to the dentist in time, then this ailment can lead to a more serious - the alveolitis (the appearance of a purulent plaque). In this case, one compresses can not be dispensed with, it is necessary to use special disinfecting solutions.

Normal healing of the cavity always occurs without pain.

Forms of pathology of the cavity

Dry hole after tooth extraction can be in different forms.

  • Inflammatory process of acute form, which is serous. In this case, the cavity is open. In it are visible blood clots and the remains of food. A person will be accompanied by constant pain. Treatment of this type of disease is conservative.
  • Chronic inflammatory process with purulent discharge. Throughout the hole, granules form. The gums swell, a little pus appears.
  • Purulent-necrotic form of inflammation. Now we will find out what a dry hole looks like after a tooth extraction in this case. This form is considered the most dangerous. The gums are edematous and inflamed, the hole is covered with a dirty gray coating, it can be found dead tissue. The pain extends to the temporal region and gives into the ear. An unpleasant smell comes from his mouth. The temperature rises, the person feels weakness and malaise. Without surgical treatment can not do.

Causes of the disease

By all rules, after the intervention of the dental surgeon, a blood clot should appear in the notch. But not always it turns out. Why does a dry hole appear after tooth extraction? There are several reasons.

  • The doctor made a mistake. In the wound were pieces of the root.
  • During the operation, the gum was severely injured, and this increases the risk of complications.
  • Improper hygiene of the oral cavity before and after the intervention of the dental surgeon.
  • Immediately after removal, while the blood clot was not completely formed, the patient consumed hot, hard, rough food.
  • Washing out of the clot. After surgical intervention, the patient rinsed the oral cavity.
  • In humans, low immunity.
  • Nicotine addiction and love of alcohol.
  • The use of contraceptive pills. These drugs affect blood coagulability.
  • Difficulties during the operation. Most often there is a dry hole after the removal of the wisdom tooth.

Symptoms of the disease

At a visual inspection at the site of bone extraction, you can see a well with a yellowish or greenish coating. Sometimes inside is a rotting blood clot. In a separate case, the doctor can see the bare bone tissue.

From the mouth of the patient there is an unpleasant smell due to the inflammatory process taking place in the hole.

Disease or inflammation always leads to intoxication of the whole organism. That's why the symptoms of the disease include:

  • General fatigue and weakness;
  • bad feeling;
  • Elevated temperature;
  • The appearance of purulent discharge from the gums;
  • Enlargement of the lymph nodes on the neck and under the jaw.

In addition, the dry hole after tooth extraction is accompanied by a lesion of the gum, a swelling of the cheek. After two days, there is pain, giving away in the ear and throughout the face.

When removing the molars of the lower jaw and the appearance of pathology, difficulties may arise with opening the mouth and eating food.

Principles of treatment

Before you start treatment, you must do radiography. Thanks to it you can see all the fragments that remained in the notch. After manipulation with the eights often there is an inflammatory process and a dry hole is formed. After the removal of the wisdom tooth, treatment is usually started with anesthesia. The homeopathic preparation "Traumeel" is used. If this drug does not help, make a blockade, use drugs with lincomycin.

In the future, the treatment is divided into several stages.

  • Purification of the wells from debris and food debris is carried out. The wound is washed with an antiseptic solution. A solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, "Furacilin" is used.
  • The curettage procedure is performed (scraping the inner walls of the cavity).
  • After a thorough examination, the well is re-treated using antiseptic solutions.
  • The next step is to dehydrate the pit and put anestezin into it.
  • When inflammation of serous nature on the wound, an iodoform bandage is applied. If there is pus in the dry hole after tooth extraction, the treatment consists in applying dressings impregnated with a solution of camphorophenol, propolis. Pain blockade is carried out. Used "Lidocaine", "Novocaine", "Trimekain."

A few more recommendations

In the case of purulent inflammation, dressings should be changed every day until the patient's condition improves.

In serous form, the dressing is done for the first time every other day after surgery. In the future, once in three days until the pain disappears.

During the procedure, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic solution.

In order for damaged tissues to heal faster, physiotherapy, analgesics and vitamin-mineral complex are prescribed.

When purulent inflammation prescribed antibiotics.

When getting rid of the disease will not be started on time, drug treatment will not save the situation. All leads to the fact that alvelitis can go to limited osteomyelitis. In this case, only surgical intervention will help.

If all appointments of the doctor are performed correctly, the patient's condition will improve after a few days. An excellent result can be obtained using ultrashort wave or ultrahigh-frequency therapy.

Treatment in severe form and recovery of the hole

As already mentioned above, if you do not go to the doctor in time, complications can arise. In this case the treatment consists of the following stages:

  • The fossa is treated, a tampon moistened with antibiotics is injected into it. Still it is possible to add to this agent the preparations removing inflammatory process.
  • Antistatic blockade is carried out.
  • Proteolytic preparations are used to clean the upper part of the wound from dead tissue.
  • With the help of "Lidocaine" the nerve is blocked.
  • A warm rinse with potassium permanganate is carried out.

In addition to all of the above, the measures used for the usual form of the disease are added.

The healing process takes about a week, if we are talking about the wisdom tooth, then this period may slightly increase. A completely inflammatory process takes place in two weeks. Dry hole after removal of the tooth, photo evidence, begins to recover, forming a granulation tissue on the inner walls of the fossa. Painful sensations become less, the edema subsides, the gum acquires a pink color and returns to its original state. The wound is filled with a granulation tissue. The first layer of epithelium begins to appear.


On the day after surgery, it is advisable to abandon any physical activities.

Do not touch a fresh wound, even with tongue. Try to survive for at least six hours.

Day do not eat solid food, give preference only to liquid dishes. It is forbidden to eat hot, spicy, salty.

If pain can not be tolerated, you can take painkillers.

Do not smoke and drink alcohol for two days.

It is advisable not to clean teeth first day. On the second day, this procedure is permissible, but only with the use of a soft brush.

Bath, sauna on the day of operation is also prohibited.

If the day begins to strongly disturb the hole, be sure to contact your doctor to prevent complications.

It is not recommended to do a couple of days to rinse the oral cavity, especially aggressive solutions.

To ensure that the usual tooth extraction does not lead to complications, follow these recommendations.


As you can see, there is such a problem as a dry hole after tooth extraction. What to do after the appearance of this disease, you already know. Try not to engage in self-medication. But if the pain has appeared at home, then try rinsing the mouth with a solution using anti-inflammatory drugs. Remember, the sore spot can not be heated and rinsed with hot liquids. You can use painkillers. After calming the pain a little, go straight to the dentist. Only the doctor correctly diagnoses and prescribes treatment. Once again we want to sharpen your attention: no self-treatment! Strictly fulfill the doctor's prescription.

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