
Let's talk about how to care for Kalanchoe at home

Kalanchoe is considered one of the most popular plants grown at home. It is valued not only for its beautiful appearance, but also for medicinal properties. Juice of Kalanchoe pinnate is used as a bactericidal agent in the common cold, sore throat, abrasions and skin inflammation. In nature, this plant is common in areas with tropical climate: in Madagascar and in New Guinea. Some species of it, and in all of them there are about two hundred, grow in Australia, in the subtropical regions of Asia, in South Africa, India and America. In this article, we will tell you how to take care of the Kalachoe at home. This plant is completely unpretentious and needs only occasional participation of the florist. But if you want your Kalanchoe to be strong, healthy and beautiful, you must adhere to the basic rules for its cultivation.

How to take care of indoor flowers: Kalanchoe

For this flower, it is desirable to highlight a bright spot on the west or east window. The plant likes a short light day (no more than 12 hours), therefore it is desirable to shade it in the summer, and in the winter, on the contrary, it should be highlighted. The flower does not suffer bad weather, but still it should be protected from direct sunlight in a particularly hot season. Watering the Kalanchoe varies depending on the season: during the active growth of the plant (spring-summer), it should be moderate. Watering the plant in summer can be quite rare, but abundant, since it has powerful stems and leaves and well stores the necessary amount of moisture in them. In the autumn-winter period, watering is reduced (water is brought once a week or even less often). The plant does not need to be sprayed and safely tolerates the dry air of the living room. How to care for Kalanchoe at home? For the plant, the optimum temperature is 19-26 ° C. In winter, lower values are desirable: from 12 to 15 ° C. Such a cool temperature regime in the cold season is required for the plant to "rest" and prepare for lush flowering after wintering.

Flower Kalanchoe: how to care for and transplant the plant

Transplant the plant should be infrequent - once every two years, provided a rational and regular top dressing, otherwise once every 12 months - in the spring. You can plant a Kalanchoe in a universal substrate by buying the soil in any flower shop. If desired, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take equal parts of humus, turf and leaf land, river stove and peat. At the bottom of the pot should be placed drainage. How to care for Kalanchoe at home? Be sure to make a universal fertilizer or purchase a cactus remedy . Flowering varieties of Kalanchoe can be fed with means for flowering plants. Fertilizers are introduced once a month, beginning in April and ending with October.

How to care for Kalanchoe at home? Pinching and pruning the crown

In order for your plant to have a beautiful shape, you need to periodically pinch it. This is necessary for the growth of several new shoots from old shoots. Flowering occurs on young "loops", so it is necessary to form the crown of the plant. The old ones should be cut off - this procedure will do him good. They produce pruning in early spring. In this case, remove the old shoots by about two-thirds. In addition, the plant is cut off after bloom. If desired, you can use cut material for reproduction (shoots get well rooted). We hope that our article on how to take care of Kalanchoe at home, acquainted you with the main points of growing this wonderful plant!

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