Food and drinkRecipes

Chicken pate from the breast. Recipes

Chicken breast pate will help you out in many life situations. For example, you can serve it with toast for breakfast, cook sandwiches during the day, and on a feast serve as an original snack. From this article you will learn how to prepare a pate from a chicken breast with a variety of tastes.

Pate with walnuts

This dish will certainly appreciate your loved ones, so cook it with a margin. How to cook chicken breast pate with nuts:

  • Boil 600 grams of chicken fillet until cooked. With the chicken, put one peeled carrot, one small onion and two cloves of garlic into the pan.
  • Place the prepared chicken, carrots and onions in a bowl of blender. Send the same 200 grams of peeled walnuts and a few spoonfuls of broth.
  • Grind all the ingredients, season with salt and nutmeg.
  • Peel, grind and fry in vegetable oil several bulbs.
  • Mix passevorku with pate and again grind the ingredients blender.

Refrigerate the finished product in the refrigerator for an hour, and then serve it to a table with toast or slices of black bread.

Chicken pate. Recipe of breast with cheese

Here is one more variation on the topic of chicken pâté. The dish is prepared as quickly as it disappears from the table. To prepare the pate from the chicken breast, you will need:

  • Bake until ready in the oven for 800 grams of chicken fillet.
  • Clean, cut and fry in a pan two bulbs.
  • When the products cool, let them through the meat grinder several times. So do with 200 grams of hard cheese.
  • Combine in a bowl pate, 150 grams of butter at room temperature, salt and spices to taste.

If the finished dish seems to you dryish, then add a few spoonfuls of chicken broth to it.

Pate from chicken breast in blender

This original snack will decorate any festive table and attract the attention of guests. Chicken paste made from breast and liver is prepared as follows:

  • Peel, finely chop and fry in butter one onion.
  • Add 500 grams of chicken liver to the pan (pre-prepared and chopped into pieces).
  • Pour 100 ml of red dry wine and wait until it is completely evaporated. At the end, add 50 ml of cognac and set it on fire.
  • Separately fry 500 grams of chicken breast, cut into small pieces. For the aroma, add a few rosemary branches and garlic to taste.
  • Pour into a frying pan 100 ml of dry white wine and simmer the chicken breast in it for several minutes.
  • When the wine has evaporated, grind the meat with a blender, then pour it into 100 ml of whipped cream and 50 ml of martini. Season the ingredients with salt and pepper. You can add fried pistachios.
  • Stir the liver with 50 grams of butter, nutmeg and a little salt. Then grind it with a mixer or blender.
  • On the foil, put first layers of chicken ground, and then chopped liver. Roll the roll with paper, sprinkle with nuts and place in the refrigerator for a day.

Prepare the prepared dish to the table cooled with dried in the microwave white bread.

Pate "Bright" in the microwave oven

The name of the dish was received not only for the original color, but also for the unusual taste. Prepare with us chicken pate from the breast with spices and see for yourself. Recipe:

  • Take 300 grams of chicken fillet, cut it into small pieces, place in a glass microwave vessel and pour boiling water. Cover the meat with a lid and place in the microwave for a quarter of an hour.
  • When the chicken is ready, cool it and disassemble it.
  • Boil and peel two eggs from the shell.
  • One large carrot clean, cut into circles, place in a suitable glassware along with salt, bay leaf, fragrant pepper and rosemary. Cook it in the microwave for three minutes.
  • Put carrots into the blender bowl (do not pour out water), eggs, chicken, garlic clove on a quarter teaspoon of turmeric, hot pepper and ground ginger.

Beat the products until the pasty state, adding, if necessary, "carrot" water (removing from it a bay leaf and peas of sweet pepper). Serve the dish with a loaf of bread or baguette.

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