LawState and Law

Mixed electoral system

There are different types of electoral system. The main ones are: proportional and majority. There is also a mixed electoral system. It provides for the combination of the components of a proportional and majority system in different versions. In one country or another, the appropriate government option is used.

Elections and electoral systems of some countries

Legislation of Germany provides for a special procedure for voting. Thus, the mixed electoral system in this country is a proportional system using the element of majority. So, according to the law, half of the parliamentary deputies are elected in the districts by proposals, and the rest - on the lists that are put forward in the lands. Thus, the mixed electoral system of the Federal Republic of Germany provides for each citizen to have two votes each. The first is given to deputies in a single-seat constituency, and the second - to vote for a party list.

It is believed that a deputy is elected if he has scored the largest number of votes. If the number is equal, then a draw is made.

Experts believe that the mixed electoral system of the FRG with the majority component is beneficial in the country, mainly to large parties. Thus, these parties have the opportunity to duplicate the most important candidates, nominating them for both districts and party lists.

A mixed electoral system is also used in Russia. The proportions of the proportional and majority components are equal in this case.

In Egypt, an electoral system of a mixed type provides for a combination of individual balloting and elections on party lists. With an individual nomination, the districts are voted on. At the same time one deputy is elected, who nominated his candidacy himself. Other mandates are allocated to candidates included in party lists. In this case, one person can not be registered in the party list and individually. Otherwise it is considered that it is put forward independently. An individual candidate becomes elected if more votes are cast for him in his constituency than for others. At the same time, more than twenty percent of all votes must be submitted for it. If these conditions are not met, then between the two candidates, for which the largest number of votes are given, the ballot is post-ballot. If one candidate is nominated in the district, he is considered elected without a vote.

The remaining mandates are distributed according to the party lists in accordance with the proportional system.

It is quite interesting to distribute mandates in France. Voting is strictly in accordance with party lists. The distribution of the same mandates takes place consistently, in accordance with the proportional and majority system.

The municipality is one multi-member district. Lists of candidates are provided by political parties. Each list includes as many people as the number of deputies is elected to the municipal council.

Distribution of half of the mandates is carried out in accordance with the majority principle. Thus, half of the seats are received by the party whose list is given the majority of votes.

The distribution of the remaining mandates is carried out between all the participating parties in proportion to the number of votes they have received from voters. At the same time, the party that has already won half of the seats takes part in the secondary distribution of mandates.

Thus, an electoral system of a mixed type can have completely different variants of a combination of a proportional and a majority component, differing at the same time with one or another degree of democratism, as well as being adaptable to certain conditions of each state.

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