
Where to go and what to do if the thermometer broke with mercury?

The toxic effect of mercury compounds has been known for a long time. Getting into the human digestive tract, liquid mercury, as a rule, does not pose a particular danger. Mercury poisoning occurs at the time of its evaporation, especially at room temperature. Poisonous vapors penetrate through the lungs, and in high concentrations - through the mucous membranes and exposed areas of skin. Of light mercury vapor it is easy to enter the blood, which rapidly spreads the poison throughout the body. What if the thermometer broke with mercury, and what could be the consequences of this?

Mercury vaporases affect the human nervous system, disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract. If a thermometer is broken at home, how dangerous is poisoning? The first symptoms of mercury poisoning are headaches, metallic taste in the mouth, decreased appetite, general weakness and malaise. At strong intoxication bleeding of gums, drooling, soreness with swallowing, cramping pains in the abdominal region, diarrhea and vomiting can be observed. In especially severe cases, pneumonia may develop with a fatal outcome.

In order to avoid such consequences, it is necessary to find out what to do if the thermometer broke with mercury. For a competent consultation, you can call a special service, where you will be explained in detail by your further actions.

If the thermometer is broken, and it is not possible to consult with specialists, do not panic. It is better to proceed immediately to a careful collection of mercury. First of all it is necessary to arm yourself with rubber gloves to avoid skin contact with dangerous substance. The fragments of the thermometer should be collected in a glass container filled with cold water to prevent the evaporation of mercury, after which the container is tightly closed with a lid. Smaller particles are recommended to be collected with a syringe, wet paper, rubber pear, adhesive tape, adhesive tape or adhesive plaster. The container with the parts of the broken thermometer should be transferred to the service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

After thorough cleaning, open the windows and ventilate the room well. The place where mercury was found should be treated with a soap-soda or chlorine solution. Prior to the arrival of specialists, a bank with mercury is recommended to put on a balcony in order to reduce the release of toxic substances.

What to do if the thermometer broke with mercury, we found out. Now consider what to do in this situation is strictly prohibited. So, with a leak of mercury it is forbidden:

- to throw away parts of the broken thermometer in the garbage chute;

- collect mercury balls with a broom or a vacuum cleaner;

- do not allow the room to air until mercury is completely eliminated;

- drain mercury into the sewage system;

- Wash clothes in a washing machine that came into contact with a toxic substance.

With a view to prevention, it is recommended that a large number of diuretics be used to exclude possible mercury formations from the body. Do not store the thermometer in an accessible place for children, because such games can be very lamentable. In order to avoid many serious health problems, it is necessary to know what to do if the thermometer with mercury has crashed and be able to competently eliminate the possible danger.

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