EducationSecondary education and schools

Mathematics for the preschooler: learning the original knowledge

With some mathematical ideas children get acquainted already at an early age. After all, almost every object or thing that a child encounters has a form, color, size, etc. In order to form the necessary concepts and skills, systematic studies are needed. They are held in the kindergarten, developing centers, but the role of parents is also important. The mathematics for the preschooler is very important. After all, it is with this science that both children and adults face almost daily.

It should be remembered that the leading activity at this age is a game. Therefore, classes for preschoolers need to be designed in such a way as to interest children. The use of didactic games increases the amount of knowledge available to kids, which will be the basis for the subsequent study of science. Knowing the world with its mathematical characteristics, the child performs various actions: compares, generalizes, classifies, etc. As a result, elementary representations are formed.

It should be noted that for preschoolers, classes should be conducted only in a play form. In order to prepare for them, you need to pick up didactic material. Cubes, color pictures, dolls of different sizes and other toys will initially attract the attention of the baby and help to activate his interest. Tasks parents can choose independently or use existing benefits.

The mathematics for the preschooler in the finished textbooks gives systematic and ordered knowledge. In addition, books are written by teachers and take into account the age characteristics of children. Mathematical representations help the child's intellectual development, revealing his creative abilities and cognitive interests. If we talk about programs in pre-school educational institutions, there are now quite a large number of them. The choice of a particular one depends on the teacher's preferences, as well as the level of the group's preparation.

The degree to which mathematics is easily given to a preschooler depends largely on how easy it will be to assimilate it for admission to an educational institution. Programs that are used for young children, mostly rely on personal-oriented activities. They have some characteristic features. For example, the assimilation of mathematical knowledge occurs directly in connection with practical work. Children learn to master such methods of cognition as comparison, transformation, counting, measurement, etc. Training is conducted not only in specially organized classes, but also in other types of interaction with adults (in games, trainings, when reading books, etc.). .

So, we can say that mathematics for a preschooler is the basis of most of the knowledge that he will acquire later. In games and other activities it is recommended to stimulate the independence, initiative, cognitive activity of children, because all these qualities will be useful to them for the subsequent training. The task of adults in the first place is to create the most favorable environment for the development of the child.

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