Spiritual developmentAstrology

August 23 - the sign of the zodiac Leo. Compatibility born on August 23

Astrological knowledge, correctly applied in practice, is a universal tool that helps us to thoroughly understand ourselves, to understand talents and opportunities, weaknesses, and what can go unnoticed and adversely affect our destinies. Moreover, we will be much better able to understand and in people with whom we live side by side or face each day at work, in a friendly company. And it's much easier to build a personal relationship, if you know well what your partner "breathes", who he is on the horoscope and what character he has.

General information

Suppose you or your friend were born on August 23rd. Sign of the zodiac - Leo. What is inherent in him? First, it is always nature difficult and contradictory - to get along with such is not easy. They are proud and proud, like all fire signs, emotional and impulsive. And if Aries - only sparks and Sagittarius - already burning coals, then Lions - a flame that glows at full strength. This applies to those whose birthday falls on August 23rd. The sign of the zodiac, with all the characteristic features, is quite bright. Secondly, and this is already a positive moment, Lviv strongly developed a sense of home. If painful vulnerability and touchiness, the habit of becoming "in a pose" often does not allow them to acquire a second half, then after marriage, they are, as a rule, not divorced. And, by the way, family men are very good, husbands - gentle and affectionate, fathers - strict, but caring. And open another secret: the women who appeared on August 23 (the sign of the zodiac - Leo) - strong personalities, but also wonderful wives: queens in the bedroom, skilled workers in the kitchen, exemplary mothers and really secular lionesses in the living rooms. Thirdly, representatives of this sign are attached to their sexual partners and will not run from you "to the side". Trifle, as they say, but nice!

Lions and Aries

Let's talk in more detail about the people with whom people, born on August 23, can get along. The sign of the zodiac compatibility is not with everyone, there is from whom and what to choose and what to think about. The zodiac cycle Aries begins. This tandem is very good for friendship, because the partners understand each other well and are always ready to support. If this develops into stronger feelings, then they will flash brightly, like a fire, but will go out quickly. And then the most unpleasant will begin: quarrels, scandals, mutual reproaches, unforgiving grievances. People break up, and not in the best way. True, it is women born on August 23, can be a rare exception and among the male Aries find themselves a worthy companion. And yet it's better not to risk and remain them friends or partners.

Lions and Taurus

If we talk about the family, it will resemble a barge, in which two harlocks were harnessed - Taurus and Leo. The union will last a long time, but not at the expense of a high quality mark, but because the partners profess the principle of constancy and patience. Each of them has their own life. If Taurus is a woman, she changes lovers, strictly observes her interests and does not fail to "roar" her husband. True, there is something cementing their relationship "tightly" - sex. Do not forget which sign August 23! Lions in this regard fit women-Taurus in full. And those flashes of passion that arise in the pair regularly, are so bright and satisfying that they tie the partners to each other, despite the same regular scandals. But if the wife is Lioness, then the Taurus husband is not her version, there is nothing even to try!

Lions and Gemini

Here the stars speak briefly, but unequivocally: the union is good in all respects. And especially for those who were born on August 23 (zodiac sign - Leo). Compatibility is beautiful both in terms of sexual and spiritual. What's interesting: each of the spouses has a lot of their own interests, their own personal space. But they do not lose contact and understanding among themselves!

Lions and Crayfish

And in this version, the stars are laconic, only in terms of denial. Lions born on August 23 (zodiac sign of fire!), And on other days, should not contact Cancers: the union will be very difficult and it is for the Lions. So do not take any chances, the candle will not cost!

Leo plus Leo

Yes, and only yes! Everything will be here: loud "showdowns" and passionate reconciliation, hot hugs and romantic meetings with each other after "thirty" years of devoted marriage. Union is more than reliable, thorough, correct, harmonious. The only "but": if Leo is not very satisfied with his Lioness, she will without regret replace it with another. There's nothing to be done, healthy competition!

Leo and the Virgin

Speaking of this family tandem, one can not help recalling the classics. The famous Pushkin's "but happiness was so possible, so close ..." is very suitable. Do not forget, August 23 - which sign of the zodiac? Fiery Lion. And the Virgin - it is earthly, to the tips of the nails. At first, while relationships are tied up, they are formed, everything is fine between them, almost idyll. And then it turns out that Virgo is inclined to play people and feelings, like figures on a chessboard. And the Lion ceases to understand it, starts to get angry ... Q: really it is necessary to him? True, in bed they are well together, here you can not argue ...

Leo and Libra

Dear Lions, you will get on the life path of Vesikh - grab it under the white handles - and in the Zags! And the Lionesses at the men of this sign are more than comfortable. Here there are also sexual components, and spiritual. Because - advice and love!

Lions and Scorpios

What can I say ... If a couple craves for sex, like a damn sword, and sweet as May honey, piquant as bitter chocolate - nothing prevents them from giving each other unforgettable moments of intimacy. If both are set up for a short-term connection, they give up illusions and are satisfied with pleasant dates, then everything will end well, and in the old age, both partners will have pleasant memories. Otherwise, they are doomed at first to a painful marriage, then - to the same divorce.

Leo and Sagittarius

You can try and it is necessary, the compatibility of signs is not bad, especially in sexual terms. A more viable option is when Strelchikha is a partner. She will guide her husband, encourage her to work for the sake of the family and other feats. By the way, friends, both signs can also be - gentle and bosom, despite the diversity!

Lions and Capricorns

A single "no"! Together, people will not get along with any combinations, only torment each other and generally beat the desire to organize a personal life.

Lions and Aquarius

Compatibility is very high, despite the ideological and spiritual differences. The union of this pair in any situation is interesting, friendly, strong and lasting, in life it is very common. Partners can argue to hoarseness, but they always have something to talk about, they sincerely love and respect each other. So the stars say: "Yes!"

Lions and Pisces

Compatibility "so-so", the union is rare, does not bring joy. Better not try! Although negative experience is also an experience!

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