Self improvement, Psychology
How to let go of the situation: working on yourself
Often people believe that if a person keeps emotions in himself, then this is a sign of great power. However, there are situations that require much more effort to understand, say and release everything. Do not keep in yourself, but change yourself - that's where the real power is. Defeating ourselves, our fears, resentments, everything that prevents us from being truly free, and therefore happy, is a real strength. Changing, a person changes the world around him. When events from the past dominate us and do not allow us to breathe freely, we need to understand why we need to let go of the situation, and like a ship, go to a new voyage for new emotions and adventures ...
Time of change
Usually a person changes with age. These are natural changes that are inevitable. They pass slowly and as if imperceptibly. But it happens that from the past we have the grudges of grievances, complexes and other unpleasant emotions ... And even age can not influence, the soul as if in networks - is bursting outside, but it can not escape. Then the person asks himself questions: how to let go of the situation, what to do for it, to become happy and to take a breath of fresh air to the exhausted soul? First of all, you need to understand for yourself who you are and what you want to receive from life. Only then can you understand what adjustments are needed to change what is happening inside.
The old way of life does not fit. Perhaps, some people from the past must leave ... This also applies to the principles with which it is necessary to leave, and the memories that constantly tinker the soul. It's time to calm down, let go of the situation and move on. On the path of change there may be feelings of awkwardness, uncomfortability - this is natural and normal. Such feelings can be tested more than once. But this is not a reason to stop - you need to move on.
How and for what it is necessary to release the current situation and move on?
If you do not understand the reasons for your negative state, then it's hard to force yourself to be free from problems. Here are the main reasons for releasing oneself from the knots of painful situations:
- The negativity of strangers has an influence on the personality of a person. His surroundings form his worldview, and if the environment will consist of cynical, negatively-minded people, then imperceptibly a person risks becoming like that.
- A person feels that the environment has outgrown, which develops in the opposite direction or professes other values. It's sad, but you need to find the strength to leave everything, because in time the wall of misunderstanding will only grow.
- The soul experiences a feeling of complete discontent with the current circumstances. It is important to understand: it is better to fight for what you love than to hold on to what you despise.
- The person has changed goals and needs. It is difficult to make your own changes, but it is necessary to do this in order to open up to a new one.
Fears hold you back. Let go of the situation - yours will come to you when past frustrations go away, fettering and not allowing you to move on.
- The old discontent is painful. Holding in itself anger, hatred, resentment, a person burns himself from the inside. Instead of going ahead and leaving the negative further and further away from himself until he completely escapes from his life, a person stands still and, as it were, gradually diminishes, dries, eventually rolls back.
- There is no flow of new knowledge. Life is a constant learning, the final result of which is expressed in positive changes. Without training, a person slowly degrades.
Some tips on how to let go of the situation and go further
Keeping, we live in the past, and letting go, we open the way to a bright or, conversely, quiet future. Let's consider several ways to find a new state in the future:
- Recognize the truth and become grateful to her. It is necessary to thank life for the experience gained. It is priceless with all tears and smiles, emotions and joys.
- Look at the situation from the other side. Sometimes you need to take a step back to assess the situation objectively. It is better to take a short break and switch attention to another lesson. This will help reassess.
- Your attention should be focused only on what is really important to change. Do not waste your energy on something that is beyond your control. Live and study life, cut off unnecessary, change your attitude to problems. Understand: life is short, it is worth living, and not digging in the negative, which leads to self-destruction.
Control your life yourself. It is you who need to do this, and not someone else. Do not blame others for your failure (parents, government, neighbors, teachers, system, etc.) - focus on yourself. You are a part of this world. Start with yourself: consider how to let go of the situation, change your state inside, and then help others. It's time to focus on yourself: to understand who you are and what values you profess, and therefore what goals you pursue. Such a self-assessment will allow you to correct your life in a positive way and start moving forward.
Change the environment
Some people come to our life, give us invaluable experience, but do not have to stay with us forever. If there is a feeling of discomfort when communicating, it means that the time for change has come. It's time to learn to let go of the situation. People, whose problems affect not only them, but also your life, stagnated negativity. If you really can not help, change something, but feel how negatively they affect you and your life, then you need to look for yourself a new circle of communication. Do not think, it's not about throwing friends in trouble and turning away from their problems. It's about the fact that someone has a dissent that affects negatively his life and yours. And he, this person (or the whole environment), does not want, does not consider it necessary to change something, brews in his own negative and does not want to go forward. You also need to cleanse and live in a qualitatively new light of inner sensations. This does not mean that people should be thrown out of life like garbage. No - it is only necessary to go forward, to learn new things. It is necessary that the past does not pull you to the bottom, like an anchor, did not keep you dense in one place. Show respect to the past, pray for them, ask God for them useful and good, but do not force yourself to be uncomfortable. You can leave culturally, quietly, as they say, in English, or, conversely, talk and dot the "and".
Risk is a noble cause
Sometimes, in order to understand how to let go of the situation and live on, you need to take a chance. Yes, it is to stop being afraid of risk. Problems in the way of a person is a test, the purpose of which is to check or bring up courage, readiness for change ... The situation must be changed, and one should not be afraid to take steps forward. All vibrations must be cut off. After all, if you do not make up your mind, everything will remain in place, and perhaps even worse. Life should go only in one direction - forward. You can not keep it in one position or try to close it like a bird in a cage. Often you just have to take the risk to understand how to learn to let go of the situation and live on. We need to make a decision. Start today, do not delay for tomorrow! Live today and now! Go ahead - take risks, and do not go wrong! Let go of the old, the past is no longer domineering over you. Determine the next step - even small, still uncertain, complicated, but so vital to you. The main thing is to go forward every day. Life consists of continuous learning and moving forward.
"I was wrong)..."
There is nothing good in nagging yourself for the past, for your own mistakes and mistakes. They have everyone. There is no ideal man, and there is no man without sin. This experience is vital for our improvement. Of course, there are irreparable mistakes, they need repentance. It is necessary to confess, realize, understand, release the situation and forgive yourself, then ask for forgiveness from God and people. Yes, asking for forgiveness and forgiving yourself is necessary. It breaks pride, but it is she who will not let you live on and breathe in a new way. In general, pride and pride are the negativity of the soul. They prevent you from becoming happy to you and others. Break them in the bud, do not be afraid to be gentle and humble. This is the way to save the soul from death, from painful pain. Learn to be not proud, but worthy. These are different things. It is necessary to avoid self-love for self-purification, dignity and humanity, for selflessness and forgiveness. This is the path of perfection. In order to be kind and forgiving, you need to have real strength. Such a state has nothing to do with cowardice and cowardice, do not confuse concepts or, as they say, "the righteous with the wicked." The absence of pride will make you truly free and happy.
Do I need a psychologist?
What if the memories, images from the past again and again worry, pop up in the mind? Where do you get strength every time and how to let go of the situation? Cons. Psychologist in this case will be very handy. The mentality of the people of our country has not yet greatly changed to seek help from such specialists. And in vain ... After all, these people are professionals who study problem situations and ways out of them. A good psychologist will give real advice for a specific case, help to understand the true reasons, not to escape, but radically change the circumstances and attitude towards them.
If for any reason a trip to a psychologist is impossible, what can be done in this situation? We say to ourselves the statement on a clear understanding that the past is far behind and it does not affect us, but lives so far only in our imagination. Therefore, there is no point in worrying about things that do not correspond to reality. With this effort of will, we switch consciousness to a neutral event, best of all to a positive event.
We rewrite the past
- An excellent method is to mentally rewrite the situation, passing it step by step. Observations show that if everything is done correctly, it will become easier and there is a high probability that relations with people who took part in the conflict situation will improve. Rewrite the script until the situation is released.
- Pour out all that is disturbing, on a sheet of paper, write as you feel, not picking up words, - the paper will stand it all. Let it even take more than one day ... Do it! And then burn the written, mentally saying: "As I burn this leaf, so the negative past leaves my life and the lives of people close to me." Amen. " You are free for a brighter future!
How to release a person who has gone to another world
The most painful are memories, when a person has already gone to another world, and you again and again reproach yourself for words or deeds. Rewrite this situation in your mind, release people. Situations when we did not say something, did not have time to help, say good-bye and ask for forgiveness, quarreled before going out, and he (she) left and did not return, very often in human life. Do not despair - mentally refer to the departed, ask for forgiveness and replay the actions ... The world is different - the spiritual world, all thoughts are heard in heaven. Be sure: you will be heard and forgiven! Go to church, pray, order a service for commemoration, talk to clergymen. Say everything you did not say, thank the person for everything he did for you. You will certainly feel relief and forgiveness. You will understand: you are loved, even in another life, another dimension. You have been forgiven and do not hold any grievances. Be happy - this is what you will please someone who is already on a different path. And just pray for him, because he who prays for a man truly loves him.
What if negative emotions are associated with problem skin?
Very often the beauty industry imposes on us its vision of appearance, which modern man must have. And can we always afford it or even realize it? What in the end? And in the end - depression, mental disorders, negative emotions in relation to yourself, rejection of yourself, etc., this does not have a good effect on the quality of a person's life. You need to understand for yourself that the main thing is to be a neat, well-groomed person, to have a neat appearance, so as not to alienate others. The rest is mine, I such and accept myself as I am, I love myself and the world around me.
Harder, when on the face, and even on all body acne go or there are other problems with a skin. In this case, you can not neglect the help of doctors or cosmetologists. When a person has problem skin, letting go of the situation is difficult, and sometimes impossible. Therefore, the only correct solution will be competent treatment and elimination of this problem at the root. Self-medication often leads to worse results or does not have any effect. Do not force the problem into a deaf corner, solve it, not postponing: go to cosmetologists, most importantly, to real professionals, not charlatans. To do this, ask, conduct an analysis of similar situations in other people, find out where they have been treated, how they solved the problem. There is the Internet, there are blades ... Just do not sit with your hands folded, your future depends on it, which can change now. And this is in your hands!
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