Self improvementPsychology

Feminine guy: character, appearance, figure, behavior

When it comes to a real man, as a rule, they mean a confident person who is ready to take everything he wants from life, even if sometimes he has to go over the rivals' heads. However, there is also such a type as a feminine guy. He is characterized by softness of character and lack of aggression. Why?

Formation of effeminate character

Women's character traits are manifested in people raised solely by grandmothers, mothers, aunts and sisters. There was no one to give them an example of male behavior. Mothers often do not allow children to fight, climb trees, get involved in fun rework. If the boy is taught to sit quietly aside, because the world is full of danger, chances are that he will not get out of his cozy nest in 20, 30 or 40 years.

It is sometimes useful for children to beat their knees against the asphalt, tear their sneakers, playing football. This is really a small payment for the acquired life experience. When mother talks about everything, she acquires the status of authority, and then it is extremely difficult to get rid of hyper-care, start doing something yourself, get out from under her wing, and even less take responsibility for your own family.

Parents sometimes protect us from everything except their own care. Building a protective wall around the child, the mother sometimes does not notice how the barricade turns into a cage.

As a result, the young man forms a womanlike character. Instead of dealing with difficult situations, coping with them, he avoids them, prefers to agree to worse conditions of life, rather than risk and achieve the desired heights. Such people often do not even make plans, because they do not believe in their implementation into reality. For them, improvements are always hovering somewhere in the field of fantasy, an unrealizable dream, too good to be true.

How to recognize a passive-feminine type of a man

The female guy moves smoothly, he has elegant features and a calm voice. Although there are also people who talk with excessive pathos and mannered, over-manifest emotions, extol the importance of their own mood. Something they remind scandalous ladies. But if a woman's slight harm sometimes colors, speaks of her passion and temperament, then the representatives of the stronger sex immediately lose their masculinity in the eyes of others.

Well, when it's only a mask, and a man jokes in this way, but can switch at any moment to a serious tone and solve the problem that has appeared on his way. For some people, femininity is really just an image. Much depends on what the person took from the character traits of the opposite sex.


There are a lot of stereotypes in society. Sometimes it is believed that the effeminate man is the one who does not watch football with a bottle of beer in his hand and will rather go to the theater than to go fishing. There was an opinion that the standard is James Bond in a chic suit with a gun or, at least, a bad guy with a stubble and on a motorcycle in a smoky leather jacket.

Subconsciously and instinctively, girls pay attention to self-assured and at times even brazen men, and the "feminine guy" stamp is hung on every quiet person, to whom the pleasure of muscling and fighting for territory seems dubious.

Responsive and understanding people

Someone is being led to excessive puffiness. But the girls like effeminate guys who do not just get it and enjoy their own achievement, like another conquered top, but are capable of empathy, empathy, a simple spiritual conversation. In school years, they rarely shine female attention, but when the mind overcomes hormones, ladies understand that, in addition to a sexual partner, it would be nice to find a friend in one bottle.

People who cultivate their masculinity are often self-confident, treat a woman as a beautiful thing, whose main task is to decorate and please them. All light and attention should be directed to it, and the companion is just a beautiful background element, a serving staff or a toy.

Lack of real life

However, it is not necessary to say categorically that a effeminate man is a more exalted form of life than an ordinary guy who likes picking himself up under the hood of a car in his garage and drinking beer with friends. There are overly narcissistic and not very capable of loving anyone but themselves, exalting their own beauty and imaginary superiority over the surrounding people.

Such a person thinks that he is too beautiful for gray, dirt-stained city streets and downtrodden urban transport, that his sublime soul organization allows him to look down on the people around him, parasitize on them.

It is usually difficult for such people to explain that in order to eat and pay for utilities, it is necessary to work. And sometimes it can even be work on a construction site or a cashier in a supermarket. And they periodically come to this, because at a time when ordinary people are busy and making plans for the future, the nice guy thinks that his external data, charm, sense of humor and uniqueness surely will not let him find himself on the street.

But then the harsh realities of life come out of the mist of illusions. Guys with a woman's appearance at such moments turn into pathos cynics and fatalists, disappointed in life, not recognized by the society of geniuses, ideal against the backdrop of a cruel world. Instead of changing something, they prefer to blame others for what happened.

Family life with a womanly man

Too handsome man is capricious, and the trouble with him is even greater than with a child. His gallantry and courtesy are enough for a candy-bouquet period. After the couple gathers, such a person literally sits down on the woman's neck. She prepares food, erases, removes, and at the same time works, while he "rewards" her with the opportunity to contemplate his beautiful face every day and be nearby, an opportunity that ordinary mortals can not afford. Doubtful gift of fate.

He is unlikely to take responsibility for the economy, will resist when instructing him to do something, talk about his fatigue and problems, and catching cold, will certainly write a will.

Many women like to take care of someone and even more - to suffer, to bear a cross and a noble burden, so they willingly take responsibility for the lover. When he talks about how bad he is, the representative of the fair sex blames herself, painfully searches for mistakes in her actions. Perhaps she lacked tenderness, and in the depths of his soul a bright and sincere light hides, concealed by protective barricades.

Women are able for years to believe naively that in reality their chosen one is just a fallen angel, who has painfully struck a cruel reality, undeservedly convicted, who has been through severe trials. And only she will be able to revive his faith in himself and awaken masculinity.

For selfish nature, such partners are energy donors and a means of self-assertion. In their direction from time to time, they throw caustic remarks and hints that they will be able to cope well without them.

Why they are not abandoned?

The woman only clings to her "jewel" more. After all, he is so special, unique, unusual. Such few. Moreover, all of us have already got married, so we need to rejoice in such a thing. A little more effort - and he will definitely trust her, will become sincere. Moreover, in society he is known as a polite, courteous and gallant person, the dream of every woman. How can you resist the temptation to show off to your friends? Misunderstandings happen when a child appears in the family.

If the guy is very feminine, at times he is able to love only himself and does not find much pleasure in giving something to someone, wasting his precious time and energy for at least 18 years of growth of the heir. He has little time left to run around him, which makes the passive-feminine type feel depressed and unnecessary, despite the fact that he really needs a family. Only it is about help and care in the real world, and not praise for his subtle spiritual organization.

Hidden ambitions

Representatives of the stronger sex want to feel the masters of the situation, and if they do not get it in the business and public spheres, it is possible to use the most ridiculous ways to establish their own significance. However, from the outside it's like barking a little dog that never really bites.

Behind external submission can be hidden concealed aggression. It's not for nothing that they say that silent insects are much more dangerous than violent ones, because at first glance they can not be recognized. A person must give the will to the senses.

The feminine character often develops because of the underconscious fears of being defeated. It is better not to try to do anything at all, than to scare everyone in the face. Masculinity is first and foremost the ability to go to its goal and reach it at all costs. If the absence of these traits gives a person discomfort, closes the door to him for a promising achievement, stops before making steps to dreams, works with a psychotherapist who helps get rid of complexes and open up his male "I", to believe in himself.

How a man correctly uses femininity in his character

In behavior passive-feminine character is manifested by compliance, gentleness and politeness. In the modern world, these qualities are useful. Gone are the days when, to achieve success in society, it was enough to have big muscles and fists to win for the family the largest piece of meat. Today, money is earned through the ability to communicate with people, courtesy, observation and insight.

So a feminine guy can be an excellent breadwinner and a wonderful family man, especially if he is supplemented by a self-confident and practical spouse. Decisive ladies with a man's character, too, a lot, so for each product - its buyer. Difficulties appear when a person is not able to defend his point of view, position and beliefs, crouches under the circumstances.

In the feminine traits, there is nothing wrong. Another thing - how to use them. Unrealized plans, lost opportunities turn a shy person into a domestic tyrant. Such men can be courteous and fearful in dealing with more senior officials, but to recoup their loved ones. To at least somehow self-affirm, they show their "masculinity" or its remains where no one will give change and will not be able to trample their self-esteem even deeper into the mud.

How to inspire confidence in yourself

Not always effeminacy is limited only by character traits. The guy with the feminine figure has wide hips compared to the waist. It does not fit with the classic athletic triangle of shoulders and torso. Such people are strongly complex, but they are helped by sports, building muscle in the shoulder girdle.

Going to the gym has a positive effect both psychologically and like any sports club. Physical stress relieves stress, increases self-confidence. So, in addition to unwanted deposits on the hips, a person gets rid of fears and bad thoughts. To improve the mood and increase courage, sometimes it's enough to just run around in the evening or beat a pear.

It's quite another thing - a nice guy who uses charm and the ability to analyze the emotional background of others to achieve favor with friends, family and superiors. Polite treatment, courtesy open many doors in society, new steps of the career ladder. Such people are like water, which flows around stones, and does not bump into their foreheads.

The appearance of a guy is no less important than a girl's, although it is believed that for a man the main thing is a good sense of humor and a tightly stuffed wallet. But who will say that beauty is bad? A well-groomed and stylish appearance is a plus for any person, whatever his gender. It is incorrect to identify with masculinity the top-toed socks of a sandals and a drop of ketchup on a vest.

Many guys pull out eyebrows, dye their hair, use a foundation, nail polish. Reasonable and moderate use of cosmetic products is not at all a crime. No one talks about extremes, but why not improve what can be improved? From a simple principle? And remember in Pushkin: "You can be a sensible person and think about the beauty of nails ..."? In moderation, all this will make the appearance only more attractive.

It is necessary to understand that the feminine face of a guy is not a sign of his depravity and unprincipledness or, on the contrary, of holiness and high moral ideals. Behind the exterior there are many hidden details that you can not see at first sight.

Femininity in a man manifests itself in different ways - in a positive or negative manner, as well as a woman can be self-confident and sexual or simply untrodden and have doubts about one's own strengths. The habit of monitoring one's appearance, the ability to peacefully negotiate with people without pressure and pressure are qualities in which there is nothing shameful. They serve the person only for good.

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