Food and drinkRecipes

To the mistress of the note: mushrooms fried

Opyat can be called universal fungi. As they just do not cook: and cook, and dry, and freeze, and the most favorite, because it tastes best, - fried mushrooms. They can be cooked for lunch, and you can keep them fried for the winter.

Frying fresh mushrooms

Let's start with how to cook the collected mushrooms to immediately eat them. Fried firearms are usually cooked with potatoes, but if there are many mushrooms, they can simply be poured with sour cream, seasoned with garlic.

You will need honey agarics, vegetable oil, salt and black pepper to taste, garlic, dill, sour cream. Depending on where you collected the mushrooms, and in what condition they are, some pre-treatment is needed. Mushrooms are sorted, cleaned of dirt, washed. The legs will have to be removed, since they are too stiff for frying. If it's a pity, cook broth with mushroom legs.

Very clean mushrooms can not be washed. When the honey mushrooms preserved the smell of the earth and the trees on which they grew, the dish turns out to be especially delicious. But decide at your own risk. So you can only do with young, unbroken mushrooms, collected in an ecologically clean area.

Will you pre-boil agaric honey? Fried without boiling mushrooms tastes better, but you have to cook old mushrooms. Cook about 20 minutes in water with an average salt content (salt to taste you can during the frying).

And how much to fry mushrooms? This can take from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on whether you have boiled the mushrooms in advance, as well as the amount of the product and the amount of moisture. When a lot of mushrooms get into the pan and contain a lot of liquid, the cooking time is greatly increased. Mushrooms will not be fried, but stewed in their own juice. We do not need this. Therefore put the honey agarics first on a heated dry pan and, mixing, so that they do not burn out, evaporate moisture out of them.

Now you can add butter and fry until cooked. If you are going to add seasonings (black pepper, garlic, fragrant herbs), do this a couple of minutes before removing the frying pan from the fire. To reveal the taste and aroma, seasonings should heat up, but prolonged heat treatment destroys them.

If you make honey mushrooms, fried with potatoes, it is better to cook everything separately and mix it already on a plate.

Harvest for the winter

For the winter in banks you can store honey fried in roasted butter. They are prepared on the same principle as homemade stew: the fat does not allow the mushrooms to deteriorate in the can, prevents the entry of pathogens.

In a deep frying pan you need to pour oil, heat it, salt add at the rate of 1 tsp to 1 kg of butter. Sliced in medium-sized pieces, the mushrooms are poured into butter and fried until white steam stops and then another 10 minutes.

With the help of noise, the mushrooms are moved to sterilized liter cans. It is necessary to watch, that inside there were no air bubbles. From above fried firearms are poured with the remains of oil and wait until the mushrooms in the jar are cooled. Since the oil after cooling will decrease in volume, it must be added to the jar.

When all is finally cooled, the workpiece is covered with plastic covers and stored in the refrigerator.

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