Food and drinkRecipes

Stuffed zucchini with different fillings

Stuffed zucchini - a very tasty dish, which looks great on the festive table.

For cooking you need: 2 zucchini, a glass of rice, 300 g minced meat, carrots, onions, and 100 grams of cheese.

Zucchini is peeled and cut into rings 3-4 cm high. From each spoon, remove the core, leaving a centimeter from the bottom. The rings are boiled in hot water for 5-7 minutes until half cooked and laid on a baking sheet, sprinkled with vegetable oil. Boil rice, carrots are cleaned and tinder on a fine grater, the onion is ground and everything is mixed with salted rice. You can add chopped parsley. Rings fill with stuffing and sprinkle with grated cheese. Put in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve with sour cream.

You can cook stuffed zucchini with mushrooms

It will be required: 2-3 squash, parsley, 2/3 cups of rice, 2 onions and a pound of champignons. Rice is boiled and washed, bulbs and champignons finely cut, and then fried together with rice in vegetable oil, pepper and salt. Zucchini is peeled and divided into parts 5-6 cm high, from each take out the middle, leaving a thin bottom. Fill them with rice with mushrooms and put in the oven at 200-220 degrees. Readiness is checked with a knife - when zucchini becomes soft, they can be removed, sprinkled with parsley and poured with sour cream.

While the season of fresh vegetables has not come, in the store you can find only small young zucchini. From them you can cook a delicious dish - stuffed zucchini-boats.

You will need: 200 grams of salami and 200 grams of hard cheese, 5-6 small zucchini, half-cups of mayonnaise, onions and spices. Marrows are divided into halves along and spoon removed by the core. Onion and salami finely cut and fried, add grated cheese, mix everything and hold the frying pan on the fire until the cheese melts. Spread the stuffing on the boats, the oven is heated to 180 degrees, put them on a baking tray, put in the oven for 30 minutes.

You can cook zucchini stuffed with minced meat

It will take: 3 small zucchini, onion, tomato, half a kilo of minced meat, garlic, spices, greens and 100 grams of cheese. Zucchini, as in the previous recipe, is divided into 2 parts along and remove the core from them. Tomato and carrots rub on grater, onion finely cut and fry everything in a pan for about five minutes. Add minced meat, chopped garlic, chopped greens, egg, spices to taste and salt. All the well mixed and spread on prepared zucchini. Lubricate the pan and spread the boats on it, sprinkle with grated cheese and send it to the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Zucchini does not have to be stuffed with meat stuffing. No less delicious are dietary stuffed with vegetable marrows.

For cooking, you need: a couple of large zucchini, 300 grams of fresh cabbage, onions, carrots, three large spoons of tomato paste, green onions, ground pepper, parsley. Cabbage is shredded in small cubes and fried together with a grated carrot and finely chopped onion. Add the tomato paste, salt, finely chopped green onions and peppers. Zucchini is cut with rings 4-5 cm wide and boiled until half cooked. Remove the core, leaving a small bottom, and fill with prepared minced meat. The pan is lubricated with oil, spread on it rings and sent to the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Stuffed zucchini with tomatoes

Ingredients: 2 small zucchini, tomato, bell pepper, carrot and onion, egg, a tablespoon of mayonnaise and 100 grams of cheese. Zucchini is peeled, divided into two parts, the core is removed from them and boiled until half cooked. Onions, tomatoes and peppers are cut into small cubes, carrots are ground on a grater. All vegetables are mixed, add to them egg and mayonnaise, and fill this with zucchini filling. Sprinkle them with grated cheese and put in a preheated oven. The cooking temperature is 220 degrees, the baking time is 25-30 minutes.

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