
The meaning of the word "dude" today and yesterday

The meaning of the word "dude" to someone seems clear and understandable, and the other stalks. It is used today regularly, both by young people and by representatives of that generation, whose youth fell on the 70s of the last century. Let's look at it in more detail.

What does it mean?

The meaning of the word "dude" is comparable to the more literate: "man", "guy", "man." That is, they call a male person, mostly you are not familiar. Although much depends on the context, for example, in the phrase "Come on, dude, do not worry!" This word is interpreted as "friend" or "brother." That is, like most slang expressions, it has several meanings. In the environment of the vocabulary of today's students and other youth, especially in large cities, it has lost its popularity and is used quite rarely. When this expression appeared in our language, where did it come from, and was the meaning of the word "dude" always the same as now?


According to one version, the word "dude" came to us from stiligas - representatives of the fashionable and at the same time condemned and punishable informal youth movement in the USSR. Its representatives tried to imitate people living in America, duplicating their manner of dressing and combing their hair, listening to foreign music, etc. This is especially strange if the way of life was blamed in the time of the Soviet Union, and America itself and even more or less Reliable information about the life of its citizens for anyone who was not "visiting" or close to him (that is, for 95% of the population) was a secret under a bunch of castles. From the phrase "A person who respects American Culture" an abbreviation was formed, which became popular and behind a narrow circle. At this time, the meaning of the word "dude" could correspond to "guy", "whine", "dandy", and be synonymous with his person - someone who does not give up the style. In the female version, it sounds like a "chuviha" or "chuva".

By the hairdresser

But the people of Asia are called a young castrated ram or goat. In the jargon version, they repulse just from this variant of word formation, because historically it has happened that the overwhelming majority of the vocabulary of thieves and villains have a vivid sexual coloring or stem from words implicated in the intima. Perhaps this is somehow related to the years spent behind bars in the absence of women? Dude they call a young man with certain problems in the field of sexual relations.

What do specialists say

If we turn to serious books composed by masters of spoken and written speech, and we want to find out, for example, the meaning of the word "dude" by Dal, we simply will not find it in the dictionary. In the jargon - there are, in the slang - there is, but Vladimir Ivanovich does not. Do not find it in the "Modern Dictionary of Values" from 2003. From which we can conclude that the word "dude" was not included in the ranks of a full-fledged, literary language, remaining in certain circles, and losing its popularity every year. It already points to belonging to the past century, and replaced by more modern slang words.

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