Health, Diseases and Conditions
Pain in the coccyx after birth or during pregnancy
Before a healthy and beautiful baby appears, a pregnant woman has to overcome a large number of obstacles on her way. After delivery, the figure deforms, stretch marks appear, and the likelihood of injuries and ruptures increases several times. And this is all, in addition to the psychological state in which she resides, just a continuous stress. But happiness very quickly darkens the pain, which appears almost immediately after childbirth. This is due to the fact that the birth of a woman begins to ache coccyx.
Such a symptom is called cocciage. Pain in the coccyx or in the anus is usually paroxysmal or permanent. It happens that its occurrence is not limited to one place, and it becomes so strong that it can not be tolerated. Very often, the pain in the coccyx increases with rising, the same happens with sitting and defecating, and the area of its damage increases, moving to the inner part of the thighs, the buttocks and genitals.
Common causes
The reasons for this pain are huge. This may even be due to a trauma that you have long forgotten. Also the pain in the coccyx Can cause difficult births, diseases associated with the rectum or genitourinary system, inflammation of the joints and organs of the abdominal cavity, and the deposition of salts. An unbearable pain occurs for a number of other reasons, such as: rectal disease, anal fissures, hemorrhoids and proctitis. If after an operation in the anus, your perineum falls and the anus is deformed, this also affects the condition of your tailbone.
Causes of pain after pregnancy
So what causes pain in the coccyx after giving birth? Most likely, this is because the skeleton is being formed, especially changes occur in the pelvic region, in which the bones are able to move from their places to promote the child's safe exit.
There is another version that the pinched nerve that exits the coccyx also causes severe pain.
Another reason that doctors are called is the threat of termination of pregnancy. In this case, the pain in the coccyx is associated with the inflammatory processes that have arisen, including inflammation of the appendage of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
How to fight ?
I do not want, of course, to upset the expectant mothers, but such pain is the usual condition of the woman who gave birth. According to some medical forecasts, it should come to naught after a while. If this does not happen, then going to the doctor for an appointment is inevitable. Most often, the doctor diagnoses a jammed nerve, which is the reason for further treatment. If, however, the doctors could not find anything wrong, but you are still in pain, you should try to remove it in some of the ways described below.
In order to reduce pain in the coccyx when sitting, you can make a set of exercises that are recommended for pregnant women. It would be especially good to do exercises with a big ball. Very well removes the aching pain attached to the coccyx for a few minutes boiled egg or a bag of salt - all this must be necessarily hot.
For those who prefer folk medicine, there are also several recommendations. The best way to relieve pain for them is acupuncture. Also, do not, in case you have pain in the coccyx, pick up heavy things and carry them. But in this case, the weight is usually called even a handbag, so let your husband wear it for you for a while. Even if it is very hard and painful for you to sit on a hard, soft seat, it is not recommended. It is very important to reduce pain more often than to sit. And do not use a bandage for pregnant women - this will only exacerbate the situation.
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