HealthDiseases and Conditions

Spikes - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of adhesions

In modern life, a person must meet with various diseases, of which many previously did not even know. Perhaps someone will say that it is better not to have an idea of many ailments. But if you are aware of all the events that occur with the body, then the treatment started in time will have a positive effect. In this article we will discuss such phenomena as spikes. What is it, what are the symptoms and how to deal with such ailment?

Adhesive process

To begin with it is necessary to say that this is a disease. And to define the word spike (what is it)? This ailment is characterized by the formation in the human body of the finest fibers or films. They glue together closely located organs. Thus, the work of a particular human system is disrupted.

It is worth noting that the adhesive process most often affects the representatives of the weaker sex. They have such an ailment in the pelvis. Despite this, the disease can appear in the digestive, circulatory, cardiac and other body systems.


It is almost impossible to see spikes. They are so thin and transparent that it is simply beyond the power of human vision. However, the presence of an ailment can be suspected by the abnormal arrangement of the abdominal organs. Often the parts glued together are displaced.

Diagnosis of adhesions can be done by manual examination or during ultrasound diagnosis. Films that are in a small pelvis, a gynecologist may suspect during an examination on the chair. The diagnosis is confirmed after the ultrasound procedure.

Such a disease as spikes, causes is very different. Consider them as detailed as possible.

Inflammatory process

The most common cause of the disease is inflammation. During illness of this or that organ it increases in volume and starts to allocate a liquid. It is this mucus that eventually transforms into the finest filaments, and subsequently becomes a dense film that connects the organ to the peritoneum or other part of this or that body system.

As already mentioned above, most often this disease affects women. They cause the adhesive process in the pelvic region may be metritis (inflammation of the uterus), salpingitis (inflammation of the uterine tube), adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries). It is worth noting that the films are formed precisely in the organ where the inflammatory process was. However, if the disease is seriously neglected, the fluid can get into neighboring organs.

Surgical operations

Almost always after such manipulations a person faces such a phenomenon as spikes. What it is, you already know. Why do these films form after such treatments?

Any operation is accompanied by blood loss. It can be mild or abundant. After the termination of manipulation the doctor always obligatory conducts a toilet of an abdominal cavity, clearing it of the rests of blood and slime. But during the healing of wounds and seams, leakage of the syphilis, drops of blood or mucus can occur. This is what causes the formation of adhesions. It is worth noting that the pathology develops precisely in the organ on which the operation was performed.

For example, if you remove an appendix or surgery on the intestine, adhesions are formed exactly there. At surgical manipulations on heart thin films can appear between chambers. During the operation on the female genital area, the adhesive process affects this system. The more extensive the surgical incision and the longer the operation, the greater the probability of the appearance of the disease.

Internal bleeding

During the discharge of blood inside the abdominal cavity spikes can form. What it is? Consider this process.

Often, when the organ is ruptured or damaged, blood or a liquid similar to it is secreted. It also promotes the formation of filaments, which subsequently become films. It should be noted that every internal bleeding should be treated surgically, but this does not guarantee that the disease will not affect the body.

Female causes of the adhesion process

Spikes on the ovaries, in the fallopian tubes or on the uterus can be formed due to various hormonal diseases. These include endometriosis, endometritis, fibroids and other diseases.

Also, with infections that were obtained during sexual intercourse and were not cured, an adhesion process occurs. Such an outcome can be obtained due to improper use of intrauterine contraceptives or frequent abortions.

Symptoms of the disease

Depending on where the spikes appeared, the symptoms may be different. Most often the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing (with the formation of films on the respiratory system);
  • Impaired digestion and pain in the abdominal cavity (with adhesive process on the stomach, liver or gallbladder);
  • Disorders of stool and pain during defecation (with adhesions on the intestine).

Adhesive disease of the small pelvis is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • Intermenstrual bleeding;
  • Violation of the cycle;
  • The appearance of drawing, aching or acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • The inability to conceive or attach a fetal egg in an unusual place;
  • Fever, nausea, or vomiting.

Correction of the disease

Treatment of adhesions of the pelvis or other organs can be carried out by various methods. At the same time, the age of the patient, the intensity of the symptoms and the cause of the adhesion formation are necessarily taken into account.

There is a conservative, surgical and folk method, how to treat spikes. Let's consider the detailed method of correction.

Conservative way

Spikes on the ovaries, in the fallopian tubes or those that are located in other organs of man, can be cured by medical preparations. It is worth noting that this method of correction is most often chosen when the symptoms of the disease are not too pronounced and do not bring any discomfort to the patient.

Also, this method is chosen when it is necessary to prevent the formation of the finest filaments and films between organs. Such therapy is prescribed together with the treatment of inflammation, as well as after surgical operations.

Most often the patient is prescribed injections of the drug "Lidase" or "Longidase". When treating pelvic small pelvic disease in women, the drug "Longidase" is more effectively used in the form of rectal suppositories.

In addition, the doctor can recommend physiotherapy. During the manipulation, a special beam is sent to the adhesion formation region, which stops the growth of the new tissue and prevents the formation of an adhesive process. Such preventive treatment is always prescribed after correction of inflammatory diseases.

Surgical way of treatment

Spikes, the symptoms and treatment described in this article, can cause quite a lot of discomfort. And in this case, often resort to surgical intervention. Most often this method is chosen when conservative therapy did not bring results.

It should be noted that the removal of adhesions can be carried out in two ways: laparotomic and laparoscopic. Both these methods are a surgical intervention. Laparotomy is a fairly old and popular option. However, if there is a possibility and the medical institution has the necessary equipment and specialists, then the advantage is given precisely to laparoscopy.

Sometimes minor films that are removed with laparotomy are formed in larger quantities after the manipulation. That is why the operation should take into account the complexity of the disease and possible consequences.

The most sparing surgical way to remove adhesions is laparoscopy. During the procedure, the patient is under general anesthesia. That's why you should not be afraid of pain and it's worthwhile to completely trust the doctor. The doctor does several punctures in the abdominal cavity. One of them introduces a video camera, which transmits the image of the internal cavity to the big screen.

In addition, the doctor makes a few more incisions through which manipulators are introduced. The number of these punctures depends on the organ on which the operation is performed. Their number can be from two to four. With the help of these manipulators, the surgeon neatly separates the glued organs and conducts the removal of the adhesion.

After manipulation, the holes are sewn in the peritoneum, and the patient regains consciousness.

Traditional methods of treatment

Many people prefer folk methods of treatment. It is worth noting that such a correction should not cancel the appointment of a doctor. Many experts recommend combining the folk method and method of treatment with medical products.

- St. John's Wort. Treatment like a decoction is quite common. To prepare the medicine you need a dried and shredded plant.

Pour one spoon with boiling water in the amount of one glass. Then boil the medicine for a quarter of an hour. Further, it is necessary to cool the liquid and use it one glass a day. The portion should be divided into four doses.

- Badan for the treatment of illness in women. The use of this tool is not so common, but it is quite effective. You need to take 50 grams of the plant (root) and pour this loose mixture with hot water in the amount of 350 milliliters. This solution should be left for 8 hours in a dark place.

After this, the medicine is considered ready for use. Keep containers with decoction in a refrigerator. Daily divorce a couple of tablespoons of medicine in one liter of boiled water. This means you must douche before bed.

Self-opening adhesions

It should be said that the adhesive disease of the small pelvis can pass on its own after pregnancy. While waiting for the baby, the genital organ expands and grows. This allows the thin strands to separate themselves.

This process is often painful. If necessary, the doctor can appoint a future mother for taking analgesics and sedatives. In some cases, in-patient treatment may be required.

In any case, the treatment of the adhesive process should always be under the supervision of a specialist. Sometimes a gynecologist appoints a woman for additional ultrasound studies in order to determine the state of her organs.

Prevention of adhesions

Everyone knows that the best treatment for a disease is prevention. In order to avoid the appearance of adhesions, you need to carefully monitor your health.

Women are encouraged to visit the district gynecologist on a regular basis and once a year to take tests for possible infections. If an inflammatory process is detected, it is necessary to start its treatment sooner. This will help to avoid discharge of fluid and prevent adhesion. Also an important role is played by the image of life. Give up bad habits and go in for sports.

Also, representatives of the fair sex need to monitor the status of the hormonal background. For this, it is not necessary to take a blood test. Carefully follow the regularity of the menstrual cycle and your well-being. Avoid accidental sexual intercourse without protection. This will help you avoid the various infections that cause adhesion.

If you had to do any operation, you also need to prevent the formation of adhesions. Talk with your doctor and ask him to prescribe the necessary medications. Full compliance with all prescriptions will help you to avoid the appearance of adhesions and its consequences.


Now you know everything about adhesions. If you are at risk, then check and start treatment if necessary, before symptoms appear and various health problems begin.

Consult your doctor and choose the right treatment. Watch your health and always try to be healthy!

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