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Malamute and Husky: differences. Description of breeds, photo

Alaskan Malamute and Huskies are two breeds of dogs that have proven themselves as excellent assistants and friends of a human being. These wonderful animals are very attached to people, playful and affectionate. For a long history of existence, they completely disappeared aggression towards the person. Any manifestation of it is a marriage.

Laika, husky, malamute - dogs are very similar in appearance. A man who knows little about rocks, to distinguish them is quite difficult. However, the difference between malamute and Husky is pretty well seen, especially when representatives of these breeds stand side by side. Today we will tell you about these differences.

For a man who has communicated with malamute and husky, it will not be very difficult to distinguish these animals. They differ not only in appearance, but also in character, behavior and movement.

Often unscrupulous breeders give out a cross between these dogs for thoroughbred animals. The most important sign of such confusion is the malamute with blue eyes. In the representatives of this breed, the eyes should be only brown, and therefore any other color is a sign that this animal is a non-pureblood malamute. At the same time, these dogs are very good-natured and clever, but they are forbidden to breed.


Malamute was taken out like a dog that can carry heavy loads. She does it not too quickly, but without traces of fatigue she overcomes very long distances. The main advantage of the husky is speed, but this dog is not adapted to carrying heavy weights.

Malamute and Husky: differences external

Husky very fast and hardy dogs. They are not too high. Their growth does not exceed 60 cm. A distinctive feature of the representatives of this breed is almond - shaped eyes of blue color. Much less often there are individuals with brown and even multi-colored eyes. These exceptions are not a defect. The nose of the Husky is black or brown, sometimes there is a so-called "snow nose", which has pink veins. The tail looks very much like a fox - fluffy and down. The wool is dense, with black-white, gray-brown or pure white color.

Malamute, as a rule, is much larger than the husky. His height exceeds 60 cm. This dog has a powerful, slightly square body and a wide head. The main feature of the malamute is the eyes. They have a spectacular black stroke. In addition, black should be a nose and lips. Malamute has a black "mask" on the face. The tail is usually raised upwards, but not too twisted. The eyes of this powerful dog are brown. The wool of the animal is painted in gray-black tones.

Characteristics of character

Malamute and Husky differ not only in appearance. They have different characters. Husky is very affectionate and friendly, while not deprived of self-esteem. If you have a hyperactive child, then you should get a husky. Be sure that your child makes friends with a new member of the family. The best partner for active games than husky, do not find.

This dog never exhibits unmotivated aggression towards humans and other animals. Many owners note the excessive independence of these animals, which often hinders the training.

Malamutov Alaskan often called "intellectuals." Looking at your pet, the owner by the expression "person" is able to determine his mood. This powerful handsome man will always find a common language with children. It is unlikely that he can become a caring nanny, but he will definitely be a faithful friend. Malamute is a great mule - he barks very rarely. This dog makes sounds that look very much like grumbling.

Care and maintenance

There are also differences in the content of representatives of such breeds as malamute and husky. Differences are mainly in nutrition. Husks in food are not choosy at all. Adult animals are only two meals a day. The animal feels more comfortable in a private house, but it is also possible to keep it in a city apartment if the dog receives sufficient physical exertion. In addition, this dog is very clean, and its hair is completely odorless.

The malamute has a special relationship with food. This giant loves "tasty" so much that it sometimes makes him cunning and even deceive. But do not forget that it's a sled dog, so you need to watch it carefully for the ration. Otherwise, she may face a stomach turn. Special efforts beyond the appearance of malamute is not required. It is necessary to comb out the hair once a week and cut the nails. Like the husky, malamute is better kept in a private house.

Training and training

The level of intelligence is different malamute and husky. Differences do not lie in which of the dogs is more savvy, but in choosing the methods of training. It is not at all right that those who believe that the husky are badly trained dogs. They need to start training from early childhood, and the main principle in this work should be the interest of the dog in training. Circus training of this breed is contraindicated.

Raise malamute must start from the moment the puppy appears in the house. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the two main features of your pet's character : the desire for leadership and stubbornness. There is one more feature of the malamute, which you should pay attention to when raising a puppy - this handsome man has a passion for digging the earth. If you care about the order in your garden, teach the malamute to dig in one particular place.

We presented to you two similar breeds of dogs - malamute and husky. The differences between them, as you can see, are quite obvious. We hope that now you will be able to independently distinguish a purebred puppy from a cross between.

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