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Which dog is better to have in the apartment? Medium-sized dogs for an apartment

In the life of virtually every person - or family - sooner or later, there comes a time when (and actively discusses the idea) about the appearance of someone in the house of a furry and four-headed. In the first place in popularity at all times is the dog. And because the animal for many years becomes a member of the family and a friend of the rest of the inhabitants of the house, usually the future owners carefully choose it and lead long disputes about which dog it is better to have in the apartment. Our article is for such conscientious people. It is designed to help them determine the main parameters for selecting a pet.

Which breeds should I avoid?

Since the population now lives predominantly in the cities, before deciding on which dog is better to start in the apartment, we will stop at those who should not be led into it. And not because animals are not good at something: they are simply the least able to live in such conditions. First of all, these are greyhounds. We must remember that, firstly, they are schooly. That is, in proud solitude they feel not very comfortable: the owners in very small degree can replace them with their kindreds. Secondly, they need not just a move-in running. For the day the greyhound should run at least 10 kilometers - and you will hardly be able to provide it to her. There are cases when owners of greyhounds tied the dogs to the door of the car and drove around in a circle to walk them. The lack of movement makes the dogs nervous and prone to run away: given that they develop speeds of up to 80-100 kilometers (albeit for a short time), you have no chance to catch up with the pet.

It is not necessary also to start in a city apartment too large dogs like Irish wolfhounds and commodores. They will simply be too crowded there. In addition, the former are also quite mobile - your housing will be routinely destroyed as a result of their activity.

Parameter of choice: purpose

And this is the most important factor! Before thinking about which dog is better to start in the apartment, decide what you need it for. If you need a watchman, it's worth looking at such breeds as Rottweiler, Doberman, Staff-Terrier, Shepherds (except Scottish). A black terrier and a risen schnauzer are also suitable. If you just need a companion and a friend - the choice is much broader. As it can act and hunting, and decorative rocks, and ordinary mongrels - that is, you go to the following parameters, which must be taken into account when buying a dog.

Selection parameter: size of apartment

Many people think that small dogs are more suitable for keeping in small apartments. This is not quite true. Too large will really be a bit crowded in one-room "Khrushcheb", but there are not so many such breeds. Other animals adapt well in a limited space, if it is not too overloaded with furniture. Do not forget that the main events with the dog take place on the street. In an apartment, an adult animal is mostly asleep. So if you are not too lazy to walk with your pet, the size of the apartment should not influence the choice of the breed. The only thing that limits you in the size of a dog is the size of the kitchen. The room of four square meters is not suitable for feeding, say, St. Bernard. So the decision which dog is better to start in the apartment, if it is small, depends mainly on the size of the food place.

Selection parameter: dog size

The preferred growth and weight of the animal itself is determined mainly by the sympathies of future hosts. However, we note that the best fit is a small dog for an apartment located in a high-rise building - it can be taken up by going down in the elevator. Few of the neighbors will agree to go into the elevator, which is a hefty dog. The same considerations apply when traveling in public transport, especially in the metro: if you have, say, Newfoundland, you will have to develop ground routes for trips around the city. Purely from a pragmatic point, small dogs are also convenient for shopping. Even in large supermarkets they often do not pay attention to the muzzle of a pincher, a chihuahua or a Chinese crib, sticking out of a bag or in a lapel of a jacket. The same Pekingese, Spaniel or Bulldog will have to be tied up on the street.

Selection parameter: care

It is equally important to consider the contents of the dog in the apartment. If you are not ready to tinker with the animal's hair - combing, trimming, cutting - choose short-haired breeds: pug, French or English bulldog, shar pei, dachshund, dwarf pinscher or basset hound. If you are not afraid of this kind of care and you like hunting breeds, out of medium-sized the best breed of dogs for an apartment is a cocker spaniel (or other varieties of spaniels). However, one must remember here that hanging ears often have a habit of catching cold and sweating. It is difficult to treat them, so many owners of hunting dogs in winter wear hats with sleeves for their ears. Bee-eyed dogs - bulldogs, pugs, Pekingese - often have problems with the eyes. When choosing such breeds, be ready to purchase eye drops and persuade the animal to suffer.

Parameter of choice: character

It's almost impossible to guess which character the puppy bought by you is - it will depend, in part, on the atmosphere that reigns in your family. However, each breed has some common features that can help you navigate. So, dwarf pinschers are rather nervous dogs, they are frightened even by sharp sounds and bark a lot. The same claims can be made to the toy-terrier. If you do not agree to put up with the bustle and constant sounds in the apartment, it is better to get a quieter dog. From small breeds are quite balanced Shih Tzu, Scotch Terriers and Yagd Terriers - all need care for the hair and long walks, but cheerful and temperamental sanguine. In general, the smaller the size of a dog, the more frugal it is. Therefore, in regard to saving the nerves of medium-sized dogs for an apartment are much more suitable - they only bark on business. However, there may be other shortcomings. For example, a bulldog snores, and if he falls asleep in your bedroom, you will have to get used to night roulades. For many, the best breed of dogs for an apartment is a retriever, a labrador, and a golden one. They are calm, patient, beautiful and affectionate. It's not for nothing that the guide dogs are of such origin.

Selection parameter: walks

Without them, of course, nowhere. And if you really decided to start a dog, then you are morally ready to take her out twice a day to the street. However, they walk different breeds in their own way. For those who do not like active movements and physical exercises, decorative dogs, which will semen alongside on a leash, or phlegmatic like an English bulldog or chow-chow, are most suitable. Completely lazy can get a Chinese crested - it can be easily accustomed to the cat's tray, although it is not worth while neglecting walks. All hunting breeds, which include York (in particular, because of its attractive appearance and size, many often forget that he is also a hunter), require long walks and games during them. The same goes for the Schnauzers - and the Riesen, and the Mittels, and the little ones during the walks are very mobile and insist on your participation in their entertainment.

Parameter of choice: upbringing

In this article, we do not consider the features of security rocks, we are interested in what kind of dog is better to start in an apartment. So it's not about training. But any dog lives, so to speak, in society and must comply with certain rules of the hostel. To cleanliness dogs are accustomed quickly, and they themselves come to her idea, they just need to explain that it is required to wait for the exit on the street. However, even puppies who have not learned to endure do not shit all over the apartment, but try to "do things" in one place, usually next to the front door.

However, the dog must follow other rules set by you. And then her burrows begin to manifest. Even small dogs can be quite harmful. For example, if a dachshund dislikes someone from family members, she can gnaw his sneakers, completely without showing interest in other people's shoes. Pinschers are very difficult to learn to be silent; Walking them should only be on a leash, because teams, even the simplest, they do not listen. Some hunting dogs - bassets, spaniels and dachshunds - also ignore the team on the street, because they are fond of smells. In this case, setters, who are also hunters, can be trained in very disciplined behavior - even a street with a dense movement pass without a leash. Easily trained shar pei, terriers and chow-chow. The most understandable and obedient are retrievers and collies - but they are hardly likely to be taken to small dogs.

Selection parameter: child

Remains the most important factor, which must be taken into account, choosing which dog is better to start in the apartment. Especially if the baby is still small. It's clear, responsible parents will not start any animal if their offspring is not a year old, but if he is already three years old, then a dog is chosen for an apartment and a child. Choose a very large animal is not necessary - except for St. Bernard, Newfoundland and the Shepherd, they are very good-natured and friendly to children. However, they have a lot of wool, which is fraught with allergy in the baby, and the first two breeds are also slobbery, which is not very hygienic. Quite small, too, are not very suitable - a fool can simply accidentally cripple the animal, just sitting on it. In addition, we recall that the "trifle" is loose and will violate the regime of the child. It is better to stop on such breeds as shar pei, zwerg, pug, Scotch terrier, dachshund. Terriers for young children will probably be ideal, as they will willingly take part in their fuss.

If the child asks for a dog

A dog is differently chosen for an apartment and a child if your son (daughter) wants to have a "proper" animal. First, to trust a beast to a child under six years of age means to provide oneself with additional cares. Your descendant is simply not yet able to deal with it. It is better to wait until eight years: if the desire does not pass, then the intentions of the little person are the most serious. Since the strength and character he has a little more, it will be necessary to choose from small breeds, in the extreme case, medium dogs will do. For an apartment, for a child and for you it will be better if the dog is also short-haired, so that your offspring can take care of him. Suitable dachshunds, the same shariei, bulldogs, pugs or a nice charming pooch.

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