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The best breed of dogs: advice on choosing a breed

If you are planning to have a pet in the house and are wondering which is the best breed of dog, then our article will help you decide on the choice.

How to make the right choice?

What kind of animal to prefer, should be decided only by the future owner. In no case should you make your choice on the basis of someone's advice. That is why in this article we want to tell you about the points that should be paid attention to not to be mistaken with the choice of a four-footed friend.

What is the best breed of dog? This is, rather, a rhetorical question. Everyone has different tastes and preferences, and therefore one should choose an animal for himself, not prestige. Remember that it is you who are the ones who will bring up and care for your friend, so you need to really assess your capabilities and strengths.

Selection of breed

Of course, each of us likes certain breeds of animals, so you need to choose among them. But you must always take into account your financial situation. It is worth to calculate in advance what amount of the budget you can allocate to your pet, and how much time you can and are ready to spend on it. Any, even the most unpretentious dog needs feeding, walks, training, vaccinations, veterinary services. And this is not a complete list of what the pet needs. Therefore, knowledgeable breeders say that it is not difficult to choose an animal, it is much more difficult to provide him with decent care and maintenance. And for this you need to adequately assess your capabilities.

For what purpose do you start a dog?

Before you decide on a specific form, you should think about the purpose for which you want to take a dog to the house. Then the list of pets will narrow a little, and it will be easier to decide the choice. It is extremely important to understand what you expect from the animal: whether he will become your friend, guard, helper. The best breed of dogs should have the characteristics you need.

Sentry dogs are excellent defenders of the man and his house, but on hunting they are no use. But hunting breeds can not stand up for their master, if the situation demands it. Do not take a dog and try to teach her what she does not like. This is unnatural and will not lead to anything good. Each breed has its own characteristics, and this must be understood. You will not make a hunter out of a sentinel.

If you choose an animal, sorting out the best breeds of guard dogs, but at the same time there are often guests in your house, then think about the fact that your pet will not like strangers. The dog will always be suspicious of outsiders. To preserve its security features, you have to lock the animal in those moments when friends come. Certainly, it is possible to accustom a dog to react calmly to strangers, but then it will lose its watchdog properties.

Similarly, do not take a hunting dog, if you are far from hunting. Then, rather, you will be approached by decorative animals, which are now in vogue. Each owner of a four-legged friend will say that he has the best breed of dog.


When choosing an animal, you should consider your living conditions. If you live in an apartment, the dog will need regular long walks. Without loads, the dog will not know what to do, and will begin to play shoddy.

Living in a private house, too, it is not necessary to consider that it is enough for a dog to run in the yard. The animal needs regular training and walks. So think about whether you can pay attention to it every day.

If you choose a dog as a pet, then it's worth choosing a miniature breed. But it is first necessary to find out the nuances of the character of the future pet, because each breed has its own.

Features of the breed

Even the best breed of dogs in the world needs care and care. But nevertheless, some animals will require more attention from you, while others - a little less. For example, a lot of trouble causes longhaired breeds. Their long and beautiful fur is dirty, tangled and lying around the apartment. The owner of such a pet will have to comb it daily. If you do not want to do this, then it makes sense to choose a short-haired breed.

No less important is the size of the dog. Experts, for example, are advised to start a large animal only physically healthy and strong people, since such a pet must be trained.

Beginners should not take themselves bull terriers and staffordov. These are very problematic breeds, the maintenance of which requires a lot of experience. To train animals should be treated very responsibly, because in inept hands, even the most harmless dog can turn into an aggressive creature.

Very often a pet is introduced for toddlers, so parents consider the best breeds of dogs for children. However, it should be remembered that it is not enough to buy an animal, they need to deal with and necessarily control its communication with children. It is better to choose more calm and seasoned pets, as young masters like to play with them, dragging their ears and tail, doing hairstyles. Not every dog is ready to endure such "tenderness".

Ten of the best breeds

I want to bring 10 of the best breeds of dogs, although this list is very conditional. Each owner has a pet not only the most beautiful, but also the smartest. To identify the best breeds, an analysis was made of the external characteristics and character traits of the most popular species. In addition, the possibility of interaction between animals and humans was taken into account. Based on a lot of data and surveys of cynologists and simple breeders, this rating was created.

The best breeds of dogs for the house:

Tenth place boldly takes gordon - the Scottish Setter. This breed was bred in the early nineteenth century from old English dogs. The kennel at that time belonged to the Dukes of Gordons, which subsequently gave the breed its name. Such dogs are distinguished by their stamina and ingenuity. They have a massive physique and can be carried at a gallop. Representatives of the breed are devoted to the owners, obedient and remarkably trained, in addition, they have excellent hunting characteristics.

The ninth place is given to Bullmastiff. The breed comes from Great Britain. It was bred in the nineteenth century in order to obtain strong dogs for the protection of large estates. Bullmastiff occurred by crossing mastiff and bulldog, which inherited from them large size and speed. The breed was officially recognized in 1924. Currently, it is incredibly popular. For two centuries these animals are in the service of a man. Bullmastiff is not considered a very intelligent animal, but he has developed a flair and hunting instincts. He is very devoted to the owners, he loves playing with the kids.

The eighth place was settled by the Dalmatian. According to some experts, the breed was bred in the Mediterranean region and was actively used during the Balkan War. Perhaps the ancestors of these animals were Bengali pointers. Such dogs are characterized by calm character, lack of aggression and love for children.

Beagle is in seventh place. This breed is also known as a small English hound. The mention of these dogs dates back to the third century of our era. Animals were appreciated in many royal courts. Beagle is the best breed of dogs in many respects, since it is universal enough. It is appreciated for its small size, calm temperament, speed and versatility. In addition, she has excellent hunting talents and a strong physique. A cheerful animal is very affectionate and loves nature.

Huskies finished sixth. This is a very old breed, bred by the nomadic peoples of Siberia. These dogs were harnessed to a sled and used as guards. Huskies are hardy and love to work. For many years they lived only in the north. And only at the beginning of the twentieth century the traders brought the breed to North America. Since then, dogs have become famous in racing and have gained universal love and popularity. Huskies are hardy, unpretentious and friendly. They get along famously with the kids and are not at all aggressive, but at the same time loyal to the master, they are reliable and smart.

Samoyed chose the fifth place. The breed appeared long ago, more than three millennia ago. Samoyed devotees wandered with tribes. They were used as guards, as mounts, for hunting bears and walruses. After all over the world learned about the unusual abilities of dogs of this breed, they spread even in the most remote corners of the earth. Although the Samoyed comes from the North, it adapts miraculously to apartments and warm countries. He can be a good nanny for little ones, an affectionate friend and a devoted companion. Huge diligence and remarkable character have provided the breed with universal love and immense popularity.

In the fourth place is the Doberman. The breed was bred in Germany in the nineteenth century as a service dog. In the Second World War, the Dobermanns were used as guardians. The owners of such dogs celebrate their insight and spiritual qualities. However, such an animal is suitable only for people with a firm and just nature. Such a person will be trusted by the dog and will become the most loyal friend. At present, Dobermans are considered good watchmen, they are non-conflicts, uncomplicated.

In third place is Cane Corso (Italian guard). The first mention of the breed dates back to the sixteenth century. In those distant times it was used for hunting, later it became a watchdog. Animals have a warlike nature, but they are friendly. Such a dog is an excellent bodyguard, who is always ready to protect.

In second place is the German Shepherd. Ancient breed is known since the twelfth century. But it was only at the end of the nineteenth century that it acquired a modern look. Throughout its long history, dogs served as faith and truth to people. Sheepdogs are very courageous and devoted beings who have a high intellect and ingenuity, they are good for kids. This is the best breed of dogs for house security.

The leader of our rating is the border collie. Ancestors of the breed are shepherd dogs, which once guarded the herd of deer. According to researchers, these are the smartest animals. They are energetic and tireless. For athletes simply do not find a best friend. Dogs are good for hunting and protection, they are wonderful with children, there is absolutely no aggression in them.

The best breeds for apartments

If you live in an apartment, then you can choose a pet of medium size. The best breeds of dogs for an apartment :

  1. The Yorkshire Terrier is a smart dog, but it is not easy to train it, because it is too independent.
  2. Chihuahua is a very small dog not more than 22 centimeters tall and weighing about 2.5 kilograms. The breed is distinguished by loud barking and jealous temperament.
  3. Toy Terrier is ideal for keeping in an apartment. With an increase to 26 centimeters, the doggie weighs 2.6 kilograms. Dogs of this breed are very smart, but are wayward, so they need to be educated from early childhood.
  4. Pomeranian Spitz can become a good companion, but in a family with children such a dog is better not to take, it can become very evil.
  5. Jess-Russel Terrier is a very active breed, it is good for an apartment, but it is not suitable for elderly people.
  6. Pug is a medium-sized dog that possesses ingenuity, sociability and good character. She needs constant communication.
  7. French Bulldog - affectionate and playful animals, they are good pets, but they are not recommended to take in families with very young children.
  8. Dachshund is an energetic and friendly breed. Such animals love nature walks.
  9. Maltese (Maltese lapdog) is an ideal and devoted companion, intelligent and trained. However, the animal is not recommended for families with young children.
  10. Pekingese is a proud and independent breed that quickly becomes attached to the owners and is ready to fight for their attention and love.

The best breed for children

Which breed of dogs is the best for children? It all depends on the age of the baby. In any case, you can start an animal when the child turns six or seven years old. At this age, miniature breeds that do not require serious education are more suitable. In eleven or twelve years, you can take a bigger breed if the young master seriously takes care of his wards.

The best breeds for children:

  1. Yorkshire Terrier - a small dog, conquered the whole world with an active character and extraordinary charm. It is not difficult to educate such a dog, but the fur will need careful care.
  2. French Bulldog - not very active dogs, but rather stubborn. For their education you need perseverance and patience.
  3. Poodle is a wonderful breed, which, according to experts, claims to be the most intelligent dog. Such animals differ cheerful and cheerful disposition, they charge with energy of all associates. In addition, the dogs are incredibly friendly.
  4. Cocker Spaniel - this is the best breed of dogs for kids. No other creature is capable of loving as much as this sweet creature.
  5. Dachshund is distinguished by its excellent character and mobility. No family member gets bored with her.

The Best Protective Breeds

It is difficult to determine which is the best breed of dogs for house security. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Here are just a few of them:

  1. In the ratings the German Shepherd is in the lead. This breed is ideal for protecting a house, apartment or person. The best defender simply can not be found.
  2. Caucasian Shepherd Dog - the best breed for protecting the territory of a private house.
  3. The Moscow watchdog is a relatively young breed, beloved by many for good physical data and unpretentiousness in nursing.
  4. Rottweiler is an alert and attentive watchman with a stubborn character.
  5. Black Terrier can be not only a good guard, but also a family pet.

This list is certainly incomplete. Breeds with good security characteristics are very many. The only question is how to choose the one that you like and approaches.

Instead of an afterword

In the article we have resulted only some good breeds of dogs worthy of your attention. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to choose a friend among these animals. The choice must be made on the basis of your wishes and opportunities, because you must love your pet with all your heart, he will certainly answer you the same.

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