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You have a kitten. What to feed?

Friends, not consulting with you, gave a small kitten for the birthday? Or on the way home you stumbled in the entrance to the little mewing lump of wool that was unnecessary to anyone? And now in your home has become another family member more, because now you have a kitten! What to feed ?! It is very difficult to care for a very small pet. After all, the kitten is born completely blind. There is a risk that he will not survive, especially if he was found on the street. If you deliberately decided to purchase an animal, then do not make a mistake, do not take too small animals, then do not puzzle over what to feed the kitten 1 month (the first is the most important).

If you are lucky, and you have a newly born cat in the neighborhood, then negotiate with the neighbors. A fluffy nurse rarely denies the litter of another litter. Therefore, the problem is how to feed the kitten of the Sphinx, Siamese or any other breed will be decided by itself. The cat will treat other kittens as if they were relatives. Otherwise, you have a hard way to go. Be patient and attract household members, because it will take a lot of time and effort.

So, you have a kitten, what to feed the baby and, above all, from what? You can try a pharmacy dropper. This is quite difficult. Maybe it will be easier for you to adapt yourself to using a syringe or a baby bottle with a pacifier. Stock up with a lot of napkins, hold the baby tightly in your hands, otherwise everything will be in the milk mixture.

It so happened that you have a kitten in your arms. Than to feed, it is necessary to solve to you. If you could solve the problem with the cat - consider that lucky. If not, you will have to resort to a cat milk substitute. You can buy it in a veterinary pharmacy. It is necessary in the first 1.5 months of fattening. Cow milk does not have the right amount of fats and proteins, as a result of which kittens are weakened by immunity, rickets and digestive problems develop. Check t milk, it should slightly exceed t rooms, and feeding should take place with an interval of 2 hours. At week 3, the interval is increased by an hour, from the 4th to 2 hours. On the 5th week you will be able to sleep at night.

From the same time we introduce a more solid consistency into the baby's diet. The 6th week leads to a gradual reduction of milk, and from the 8th we can completely refuse milk. Boiled fish, beef or chicken liver, heart and boiled meat are an integral part of your kitten's diet. And you will determine the amount of food yourself, the appetite of a young animal will tell you. What to feed the kitten 1 month and beyond, we know. Be sure to always have fresh water. From 2 months you can give dry food. There are special varieties for kittens.

He has already become almost a member of the family, your cute kitten. How to feed it as you grow up, you already know, but in addition to proper nutrition, babies need other conditions. For example, a warm place without drafts, where they could safely sleep and digest food. This can be a box or a ready-made incubator. In winter, it should be kept near the battery.

Our baby should be helped with "bath procedures." Ideally, the cat licks the young, massaging their body. It stimulates blood flow and digestion. You will have to replace their mother here. With a wet swab, wipe the muzzle, massage the abdomen and around the back of the trunk. This way you will help the kitten to emptied. To teach kittens to the toilet begin with the 8th week.

Many people ask how to feed the kitten of the Sphinx. Because of the increased energy exchange, the sphinxes have a good appetite. In food, they are unprincipled. You should know what was in the kitten's diet until he got to your house. On a new diet, go gradually. At the age of up to 4 months of feeding should be 4.

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