Health, Diseases and Conditions
Burning in the chest
Burning in the chest is an extremely unpleasant sensation that creates severe discomfort. Usually, the causes of this pathological condition are diseases of the digestive system, heart and lungs, as well as the nervous system. If there is burning in the chest, you should immediately contact a specialist to determine the causes that caused it and eliminate the pathology.
One of the most common causes of a feeling of heat, in which there is a burning sensation behind the sternum, is heartburn. This condition can last for an hour and be accompanied by a belch that has a sour taste. This pathology is the reason that there is a burning sensation in the esophagus, which reaches the throat itself. In order to get rid of this uncomfortable condition, you must take a glass of water with a teaspoon of soda dissolved in it. You can eat sunflower seeds or some raw potatoes. With frequent repetition of heartburn attacks, it is necessary to apply for a diagnosis to the gastroenterologist. It is important to identify and heal the disease that causes this unpleasant phenomenon.
Burning In the chest can also be a sign of inflammatory processes in the esophagus. In this disease, the gastric juice that enters it acts as an irritant and corrodes the mucosa and the walls of this organ. As a result of this process, the esophagus becomes inflamed and a burning sensation is felt in the lower part of the breast.
In order to stop the development of the disease, it is necessary to implement a number of recommendations:
-save the horizontal position for two hours after eating;
- wear loose clothing that does not tighten the waist;
- Do not eat fatty foods;
-See the examination with a doctor.
Burning in the chest can also indicate heart disease. There are a number of other symptoms. It is pain in the chest and squeezing it. These signs clearly indicate a pathology in the circulatory system and a violation in the functioning of the heart. One of the main diseases, which can indicate these symptoms, is angina. With this pathology, the heart muscle is not adequately supplied with blood, and with it necessary nutrients and oxygen. The cause of this disease lies in the cholesterol plaques. They clog the blood vessels and inhibit the process of blood supply. This condition manifests itself with increasing physical exertion, when there is a need for increased nutrition of the heart muscle. If these symptoms occur, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist, since angina pectoris is the first sign of the onset of ischemic disease and can cause myocardial infarction.
Burning in the chest, accompanied by fever and coughing attacks, may indicate inflammatory diseases in the lungs. With this pathology, uncomfortable conditions of various nature are possible. Burning sensations can be located both in the center of the chest, and in the right, left part of it, as well as throughout its area, depending on the location of the focus of the disease. They can also be permanent or occur only after coughing attacks. Similar symptoms are observed with influenza and angina, but they are also accompanied by pain in the throat when swallowing.
Burning in the chest can be not only a symptom of the disease of various organs. The cause of his appearance are mental disorders. In a large number of people burning in the chest can cause stressful situations, deep emotional experiences and emotional upheavals. With this pathology, the sensations of discomfort are of a deep and permanent nature. However, they do not depend on the food taken and the position of the body. Such a condition can lead a person to apathy and loss of appetite. At the same time, the concentration of attention is lost . A person becomes intractable and unsociable. To solve this problem it is necessary to consult a psychologist who will help to get out of this state.
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