Home and family, Pets
British breed of cats
The charming kind of kittens of this famous breed will not leave indifferent even the most ardent opponent of cats, and a clever understanding view and powerful becoming of adults can not fail to arouse respect from those who believe that keeping cats at home is just a whim and stupidity.
Many are familiar with the hero of the famous fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland", but very few know that the prototype of the famous Cheshire cat with its unsurpassed smile was the representatives of one of the most popular breeds to date - the British. It is to the British that this incomparable sardonic smirk is inherent, which, however, reminds a Russian person of more Vasnetsovian fattened cat who ate a grandmother's sour cream, rather than an overseas hero. Perhaps, just for this reason, the British breed of cats today in Russia is very common, and its glorious representatives enjoy great success with pet lovers.
Whatever it was, but the British - cats in all respects are very worthy, possessing a mass of positive qualities, from a beautiful exterior and ending with undemanding care and feeding. And this, notice, with such aristocratic origin. However, the true intellectuals always differed in undemanding and well-manneredness.
The main distinguishing feature of British cats is dense and short hair, due to which its representatives are also classified as British short-haired. As for the color of the coat, there are a lot of colors. The most common is today the color is solid: blue, chocolate and black. The most exquisite - silver and golden. In addition, the British breed of cats is characterized by a strong physique, so that both adults and kittens resemble small plush bear cubs.
But the main advantage of this breed is character. Aristocratic, independent, intelligent, calm and calm in absolutely any situation, British cats, nevertheless, are able to perfectly get along with all members of the family, patiently and with dignity to demolish any children's pranks. Moreover, they are able to conduct with their beloved owner a kind of (and quite a long and fascinating) dialogue, responding to replicas with a characteristic meow. What can I say, it is enough to look into the British cat's eyes to understand that there is a very intelligent and perfectly understanding creature in front of you.
Experiencing a great love and affection for the owner, British cats, nevertheless, in his absence, are quite capable of finding employment for themselves. Incarnation of restraint and a true aristocrat, the British shorthair will never show how she was depressed and lonely in the absence of a loved one, leaving in the evening to meet the owner with a graceful, intelligent importance.
The British breed of cats is also good because these animals are not inclined to aggression, they are extremely patient and almost never use claws. The British are ready to play with children for a long time and with obvious pleasure, they perfectly co-exist with other animals living in the house, they can stay in the kitchen with the hostess for a long time, assisting her at least with their presence. The British are true and devoted friends, they will never choose a favorite among the members of the family, regarding all the inhabitants of the house or apartment as a single friendly clan.
As already mentioned, the British breed of cats does not require special care. Short hair is enough to comb once a day with a soft brush, and in the food the British are unpretentious, do not require a special refined menu. The only rule that should be followed is not to give a lot of fish and limit the pet in fatty foods, because the British are prone to obesity, which is fraught with the appearance of many disorders and diseases.
In general, British cats are wonderful pets that bring joy and a sense of stability and tranquility to the family.
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