Arts & Entertainment, TV
Natalia Stetsenko: biography, family
She has been working on domestic television for more than four decades. Today Natalia Stetsenko is the general director of the famous producer center called "Game-TV". Before reaching high heights in a career on television, she had to work as an editor, assistant director, special correspondent at the Youth Editorial Board of the Central Television Station, and the head of the "Experiment" studio, and the producer of entertainment broadcasting. Without exaggeration, we can say that Natalia Stetsenko thoroughly knows all the nuances and subtleties of the process of shooting the program, which the viewers of the "blue screens" should see afterwards. She was the author of many projects of entertaining and intellectual genres, including "Come on, guys!", "Come on, girls!", "Love at first sight", "Brain-ring" and so on. Who is Natalia Stetsenko and what was her creative path? Let's consider this issue in more detail.
Biographical information
Stetsenko Natalia Ivanovna is a native of the Russian capital. She was born on December 5, 1945. Children's years of the future star of the blue screen were not rosy and cloudless: after the war there was a severe devastation - people experienced acute need for clothing and food.
Nevertheless, she managed to finish the secondary school. After receiving the certificate of maturity, Natalia Stetsenko, whose biography contains a lot of interesting and noteworthy, decides to study as a philologist. The girl enters the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin to the corresponding faculty.
New profession
After graduation, Natalia Ivanovna could not find a job in her specialty for a long time. At some point, she learns that on Soviet television courses are organized and those who signed up for them pay a pretty "good" scholarship of $ 100. Natalia Stetsenko, without hesitation, took advantage of such a proposal, and soon she realized that she was fond of learning the new profession . After completing the course, the girl is sent to the Youth Editorial Board of the DH.
Carier start
In 1968 Natalia Stetsenko first saw the corridors of Ostankino. It was in the building of the television center that she was able to work in the most diverse qualities mentioned above.
Here she recruited the most valuable experience, which she needed in creating a popular intellectual show, which is still popular with the Russian audience to this day. Now everyone knows that his co-author is Natalia Stetsenko. "What? Where? When? "Very soon became a massively beloved transmission, but before that a whole series of interesting projects were created, to which the wife of the well-known Voroshilov" had a hand ". In particular, it is about the programs "Sprint for All", "Peace and Youth", "Auction", "Toys", "Cultural Revolution".
Fateful acquaintance
Once, the "Youth Editorial Board" gave Stetsenko an employee "to go to work" to Voroshilov himself. Their acquaintance happened in one of the corridors of Shabolovka. Vladimir Yakovlevich immediately made an "unexpected" complement to a stranger: "So that's what you are! You have the same fullness as mine, Natalia Stetsenko. " Such a beginning of communication, the girl was clearly discouraged, but still she managed to "find a common language" with the famous director, artist, and TV host. At first she could not imagine that she would become the wife of Vladimir Yakovlevich.
"What? Where? When?"
Together with Voroshilov, Stetsenko will establish the "IGRA" TV company.
In the mid-70s, the blue screens will premiere their joint project entitled "What? Where? When? "The rights to it will be determined as follows: 60% went to Vladimir Yakovlevich, and 40% - Natalia Ivanovna. For many years now the rating of this elite casino, "where everyone can earn money with his own mind", remains at the highest level. In 2015, the project celebrated its fortieth anniversary. Here's how Natalia Stetsenko (Voroshilov's wife) comments on him: "This is another opportunity to observe how a person can, thinking, creating. The minute that is given to solve the puzzle is the period of creativity when a solution is born. Nowhere else in other projects of the intellectual genre will you see that a logically verified response is given in such a short period of time. This is also a chance to show others their best qualities in an extreme situation, when only 60 seconds are given for meditation. "
As already emphasized, today Natalia Ivanovna is the permanent head of the TV company "Game-TV".
Recognition of merit
Many know that the projects created by Stetsenko were repeatedly nominated for prizes.
Like what? Where? When? "And the project" Cultural Revolution "was twice awarded the highest award of TEFI. Currently, Natalia does not stop producing new programs on television.
In 1989 the IAC ChKK was founded (the International Association of Clubs "What? Where? When?") - a structure that united about 96 "elite casinos", territorially located in the regions of 20 countries. Now the number of clubs has become even greater. Thus, the game "What? Where? When? "Today they play in the scale of the whole planet.
Outside the profession
Undoubtedly, television for her means a lot. But is Natalia Stetsenko happy outside the profession? The personal life of the general director of "Game-TV" was inextricably linked with Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov. From the first days of acquaintance with him, she tried to help and support him in every possible way in creative endeavors.
But over time, the novel of Natalia Ivanovna and Voroshilov came down to no. In the last years of his life, the presenter of "What? Where? When? "He lived with another woman, Natalia Klimova, who gave birth to his daughter Natalia. However, the director did not start a divorce case with Statsenko. The news of the death of Vladimir Yakovlevich was a real shock to the whole Ostankino team, and Natalia Ivanovna also deeply experienced the death of her husband. But soon after that, Stetsenko was in the center of a major scandal, which the media covered in detail. The apple of discord was the legacy of Voroshilov, the claim to which was not only the general director of "Game-TV", but also the mother of Vladimir Yakovlevich, as well as Natalia Klimova. In support of her legitimate claims, Natalia presented a gift in court, which legitimized her right to the whole inheritance as a whole. In fairness, the court partially satisfied her claim, because it was necessary to comply with the interests of the minor child. As a result, the six millionth state in the dollar equivalent was divided as follows: 2/3 of the part was awarded to Stetsenko, and 1/3 part was divided equally between Klimova and Voroshilov's mother.
From the first marriage Natalia Ivanovna has a son Boris Kryuk, who is not the last figure on domestic television. He is an experienced host: many viewers still remember the romantic transmission of the 90's "Love at first sight."
Currently, he is the first person to transfer "What? Where? When? ", And some experts say that he performs his professional duties even more harshly than his stepfather.
Of course, the fact that Natalia Stetsenko took place in a number of professions on television is only her merit. Her popular projects brought her nationwide fame and recognition. Paradoxically, the programs created by it in the communist era are loved and not forgotten by the modern spectator.
They, as before, are watched by a wide audience of all ages, and some nuances and elements are even adopted by today's authors of entertaining, intellectual and sports shows. And for Natalia Stetsenko - this is an indicator of success, although as far as she herself is talented - to judge does not take, because this should determine the audience. But Natalia Ivanovna is sure that if you are passionate about the profession and do your work with maximum efficiency, success will not take long.
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