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The breed of dogs Samoyed: description, characteristics, photos and price
The ancient Samoyed tribe was always accompanied by strong and hardy animals. They guarded deer herds and helped to hunt bears and walruses. These were the Samoyed Laika, which we will talk about today.
A bit of history
The breed of dogs has been known to man for more than three thousand years. These beautiful and strong animals were indispensable helpers of the northern peoples - Laplandians, Nenets, who lived in the north of Russia and in Siberia.
The breed of Samoyed dogs, the photo of which you see in this article, has lived with a man for a long time. These snow-white handsome men participated in almost all polar expeditions, accompanied in long voyages. Today it is one of the rarest dogs in Russia.
Samoyed - breed specification
Breeders engaged in breeding these animals, they are divided into two subgroups:
- Wolf;
- bearish.
They differ somewhat in structure. Bearish samoyed more powerful and large, with a short body and a wide skull. The Wolf has a more elongated body and a narrow head.
The growth of males is 57 cm, bitches are slightly smaller - 53 cm. The weight can be from 17 to 30 kg.
Small ears are set high, they are densely covered with hair inside. At the tips they are slightly rounded. "Pride" Samoyed - his tail, covered with thick and fluffy hair. During the movement, he, as a rule, lies on his back.
The coat is thick, very dense, shiny. Around the neck is a luxurious collar. Color is usually pure white, but can be pale or cream. The ends of the hairs must be silvery.
An amazing and slightly mysterious breed of Samoyed dogs. Photos of these charming animals often publish various cynological publications. It is a hardy and unpretentious toiler who understands a person perfectly. He is friendly and open, independent and cheerful. It has a great intelligence. The dog is completely devoid of aggression, very daring, suitable for guard and guard duty. Hunting instincts are poorly developed, which is an advantage in case of living under the same roof with other animals.
Specialists in Europe in the late XIX century became known Samoyed. Description of the breed was published by the famous English explorer Robert Scott. He noted the enormous strength and endurance of these dogs. In addition, he stressed that these animals are endowed with an incredible "instinct of danger." They are able to feel the cracks and polynyas under the huge snow cover and find the way in the most desperate situations. Often they saved people in extreme situations.
In the US, the breed of dogs Samoyed recognized as a mood-enhancing person, because American experts recommend people who are prone to depression and neuroses, more often communicate with these charming creatures. It is significant that representatives of this breed themselves are very poorly tolerant of loneliness. They, like a magnet, pulls to the person. It is affectionate and devoted home companion.
He can be stubborn, but aggressive - never! The Samoyed species is considered one of the most peaceful. The dog will never start a fight, but in case of an attack on him, he will be able to stand up for himself. To educate and begin to train this snow-white handsome man is necessary from an early age.
Maintenance and care
These proud and independent animals are used to living in nature. They can not live in a cramped city apartment or a dog's kennel. They need space and long walks, preferably with physical exertion.
Despite the luxurious fur coat, which distinguishes this breed of dogs, Samoyed is not afraid of heat, and has absolutely no specific smell. It is enough only to regularly comb out the animal's hair and wash its paws after walking.
Once a half a year you can bathe the Samoyed, using for this purpose a shampoo for white dogs. This breed is distinguished by a special coat that is self-cleaning.
Despite the fact that the dog is very active, it eats little. With proper and competent care, she lives up to 15 years.
The breed of dogs samoyed - the price
Just want to warn that it's not cheap to get a pet like that. We say this so that you know that the price of 800 - 5000 rubles, which is called the traders in the bird markets, should alert you.
The breed of dogs Samoyed, whose price varies depending on the puppy's class, is conventionally divided into three categories:
- "Pat" class is animals with small deviations from the standard. Breeders often call them "dog for the soul." The price is 10-25 thousand rubles.
- Brid is a class. Such dogs are allowed to breed. The price of puppies can vary from 25 to 35 thousand rubles.
- "Show" is a class. Samoyeds from titled parents, puppies with great exhibition potential. The price of 35 - 60 thousand rubles.
Choosing a puppy
If you decide to purchase this snow-white miracle, then go to the nursery. You should immediately decide how you see your pet. Do you want him to become a champion of the ring, or do you need a companion, a domestic pet? From this will depend on your choice and, of course, the price. In any case, the dog must be thoroughbred - this is a guarantee of her psychological and physical health.
First of all, pay attention to how the adult animals and toddlers are kept. The room should be clean, dry, free of a sharp odor. Having seen the puppy's parents, you can imagine what your pet will become when it grows up.
Important details
Every diligent breeder will present you all the necessary documents for the animal, tell about possible hereditary diseases. It is important to know about all the vaccinations made to the puppy and about what needs to be done in the near future.
Choose the most active and mobile kid, who enthusiastically plays with his brethren.
Focus on his appearance. A healthy samoyed puppy should have a small head, small eyes, almond-shaped, muzzle wide and short.
Puppy training
This is a great breed of dogs - Samoyed. Photos, the price of puppies from the best breeders and other information are often published in the cynological guides and illustrated editions. In the same place you can read that this dog, like all large enough animals, requires education and training from an early age.
It should be based on patience, understanding and, most importantly, on the love of the animal. The Samoyed breed refers to the category from which nothing can be achieved by the use of physical strength. This is a proud animal with a sense of dignity. Once you hit a dog, you insult her, and you can never establish a relationship with her again.
Try in training to use the laws, common in the dog pack. For example, in the flock the first one takes food elder, therefore, you should eat yourself, and then feed your pet. The elder must first enter the dwelling. Do the same. In the beginning you enter the house, and next - the Samoyed. The elder in the pack does not allow young people to get under their feet. If your pet collapses in the middle of the room and stops walking, show him a more suitable place. You can punish the cursed baby as follows: lift it by the scruff, shake it lightly, and press it to the floor. It does not hurt at all, but it's insulting to the animal. So he will understand that he did wrong.
The breed of dogs Samoyed very quickly develops. By four months the puppy is able to perform all the commands. This breed is particularly sensitive to the owner's praise. Striving to achieve a gentle word, the dog is ready to "roll mountains". Monotonous teams, countless repetitions will not give such a result as an interesting game for the puppy.
The Samoyeds differ in magnificent health, and this is because it is an animal belonging to a "primitive" group. In other words, breeding work with them was practically not conducted. Therefore, they managed to preserve the natural properties - working capacity, endurance, activity. The only disease that can threaten samoyedu is joint dysplasia. And, of course, in the absence of proper vaccination, your pet may be trapped by infectious diseases.
If you like active and strong dogs with which you can play and play plenty, if you are looking for an attentive and kind friend who will never show aggression, and besides, it will always look spectacular, then Samoyed or Arctic Spitz, as it is often Called, created for you. Snow-white, sparkling wool in the sun, smart dark eyes, and a characteristic "smile" on the dark lips - he is such a charming dog with a slightly strange name.
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