ComputersComputer games

FPS in the game - what is it? How to raise it?

Do you often notice when playing that the picture is slowing down, as if the monitor hangs for 1-2 seconds? If not, then you probably have a very powerful computer performance. If yes, then the situation can be estimated to the exact opposite. All the "brakes" in games are associated with the amount of FPS (Frames Per Second), that is, the number of frames per second that the video card displays on the monitor screen. For movies, the optimal number of FPS is always 23-25 frames, and in games - 50-60 (in some projects, especially ported from consoles or completely in console exclusives, the usual FPS number is 30 frames).

The number of FPS in the game depends on the power of your computer. First of all, this concerns the processing power of the video card and processor, as well as RAM (operational memory). Naturally, the higher the FPS in the game, the more consistent gameplay is provided in the hands of a gamer. In addition to these factors, the frame rate also depends on your monitor. If you have 60 Hz screen refresh rate in the system settings, the maximum number of frames will be 60, if 75 is 75 and so on. Now the developers of video games are striving for the perfection of the graphic component of their projects, and therefore with each game the system requirements to your computer become more and more. Many players simply are not able to upgrade their PC every year, and therefore they have to settle for medium and low settings, the lack of anti-aliasing, tessellation and other graphic delights of video games.

What can I do if there is no money for a qualitative upgrade of my personal computer? The answer is simple and trivial - buying a console. The fact is that the existing Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 at the price are identified with top-end video cards. Proceeding from this, it is simpler to buy a prefix once and enjoy a pastime in the virtual world without any difficulties, rather than throwing a considerable amount of money on powerful computers. Of course, for high-end gamers, the best choice will still be the top-end PC, because it is able to reproduce all the beauty of graphics using the DirectX 11 settings in small things, which unfortunately you will not see on the consoles of the present generation. Also, the scales in the direction of choice of the prefix inclines a large number of console exclusives (Red Dead Redemption, Heavy Rain, Halo and others), which, probably, will never visit the PC. Well, finally, a small statistics: in the US, Japan and some countries in Western Europe, the number of consoles is close to 90%, which can not be said about Russia.

If you are a dedicated fan of PCs, but you can not update it slightly, you can raise FPS in games in several ways. We describe the most effective of them.

So, the first one. It consists in detailed adjustment of your video card under game mode. Your task is simple: go to the control panel of the video card (ATI or Nvidia) and set the maximum performance in games. The second way is to update the drivers of your video card and DirectX libraries. Usually, it helps to raise FPS in the game by 5-10 frames. If the above actions did not help, then it's worth intervening in the system itself: clean the registry, turn off all unnecessary services for Windows operation and other trivial things that "clog up" the RAM of your PC. If you use an antivirus, then stop it before entering the game, as it absorbs a large number of PC resources. It's all. Nothing helped? So, you have only one way out - the modernization of obsolete parts. By the way, in order to see FPS in the game, you need to download the corresponding program. Examples of such can be GameBooster, FPSTools, Fraps and others like them, which on the Internet are now countless.

Finally, we will tell about one more thing. Do not mix the FPS concept described in our article with the genre of video games. FPS-games are first-person shooters, which, by the way, are one of the most popular genres in the game world. Such an abbreviation stands for First Person Shooter. Do not confuse these concepts!

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