Homeliness, Do it yourself
How to make a doll out of paper: a few ideas
The idea of converting thin sheet or cardboard material into a kind of living images allows creating a lot of useful crafts. In this article, several options are suggested, how to make a doll, a fairy-tale character or an animal from paper.
Different uses of the idea
Consider how and for what purposes paper dolls can most often be used. Here are a few options:
- The use of paper dolls girls 3-8 years. Children replace them with ordinary toys. In addition, a doll of paper with clothes is much more affordable, and there is the possibility of a significant expansion of the wardrobe favorite by making it yourself. Babies are happy to do creativity (draw, cut, color). They create not only dolls, clothes for them, but also paper houses, furniture, etc. Such game lessons are very useful for the development of fine motor skills of children's hands.
- Crafts for decorating the interior during the holidays. The easiest option - New Year's toys. It should be borne in mind that paper dolls should not decorate a real Christmas tree (for fire safety purposes). But for artificial beauties such homemade creations are quite suitable.
- Creation of a home puppet theater. In addition to making flat and voluminous paper models of heroes, finger technique is very popular and widespread. To do this, crafts are made small in size, taking into account the future fastening of them on the upper phalanges of the fingers. Such voluminous dolls made of paper make it possible to organize unusual and useful lessons for your baby at home.
Making a paper doll with clothes
Surely, this work will be performed with great pleasure by the child himself or with you, receiving the necessary and useful advice. There are many different ready-made templates available for sale. It is necessary only to cut out, and sometimes even decorate, paper toys. And is it possible and how to make a doll out of paper with your own hands? To do this, prepare a tight white cardboard for the character, and for clothes - a thinner material of different colors. Draw a contour of the future doll, decorate the face, hair, "dress" it in your underwear, and then cut it out. To create different wardrobe items, you first need to circle the borders of the paper toy, and then adjust, for example, the width of the sleeve and the length of the dress, etc., depending on the desired clothing model. Do not forget in several places (subject to exact coincidence of contour lines) to provide valves for future fixation on the doll. Usually they are made in the shoulder region and in the waist region.
How to make a doll out of paper to decorate a Christmas tree?
Such crafts can be made by hand very simply and quickly. Let's analyze one of the simplest variants. Particularly beautiful dolls are obtained from corrugated material.
- Start from the top, namely from the head. To do this, use a small round billet from the handy material. You can also easily make it yourself. Inflate the air balloon to a small size and cover with very small pieces of white paper, giving it, if necessary, the desired shape. After drying, you can draw a face or skip this stage to create an appearance. Immediately you can fix hair made from long thin strips.
- The body can be completely different. For example, simply fold the paper line into several layers, improvising and creating a semblance of a dress. When decorating the bottom in the form of a curved plane, the need for making feet is automatically eliminated.
- Hands can be replaced by wide sleeves such as "Bat".
How to make finger puppets from paper for a home puppet theater: a variant of a flat picture
Characters can be performed in several ways. The easiest way to use ready-made images of heroes, cut out, for example, from a juice package. Fairy-tale characters from children's magazines will also be colorful. If the resulting workpiece is very thin, glue it onto the cardboard. Another option is to search for the desired patterns of pictures on the Internet. Will only print and colorize. And, of course, lovers of drawing can make their ideas come true. Having a rich imagination and creative abilities, you can easily make not only paper dolls for your home theater, but also a variety of scenery. The last stage of the work is the design of holes for fastening on the hand. It is most convenient to do them two - for the index and middle fingers. So a flat image easily turns into a three-dimensional image.
The second option of making fabulous images
How to make a doll out of paper so that it looks bulky on all sides? To help come the art of folding origami figures. Using this technique, you can easily create a whole collection of characters. At the same time, choose such schemes, so that the finished article is obtained with a hole at the bottom for the fingers. In the case of the complexity of mastering the art of origami, you can make paper dolls in patterns, fantasizing and supplementing with new details. In this case, one of the possible options for fastening on the arm is the manufacturing of the legs of the heroes in the form of hollow cylinders.
As you can see, there is no limit to imagination and mastery. Try, dare - and you will succeed!
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