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Acting skills for beginners: basics, secrets and lessons. Exercise exercises

Actor's skill is actively used not only directly by actors. If you like, you can see that many people play in their lives. And we ourselves often have to play - at work, when communicating with friends, at home. Many participate in creative amateur collectives or competitions, speak on corporate parties.

In order to cause their play not condescending smirks, but admiring glances, it is worth paying attention to the basics of acting.

Basic concepts

As a star theater and movie star, so an amateur needs to understand what is required of him in acting lessons, what qualities should be actively developed in himself, and which ones should be hidden in a distant box and remembered as rarely as possible.

Self-love and self-love

To love yourself is the natural state of every person. But it is necessary to distinguish between a positive feeling - a healthy self-love and a negatively colored self-love.

Self-love forces us to improve day by day, to be better than yesterday, not to let down our weaknesses, not to give up, even when it's hard. And the lessons of acting, especially at first, is a difficult task.

Selfishness is, in other words, narcissism. When a person only thinks about how beautiful he looks now, revels in the thought that he is on the stage, then, as a rule, he forgets about his immediate task - to live on the stage in the image of a hero, and rolls up to banal narcissism.

Healthy pride pushes us to new heights and accomplishments, to constant work on ourselves. Selfishness kills any creative principle, extinguishes the impulse, empties the soul.


In any field of activity, a person with scattered attention is unlikely to succeed. Acting skills for beginners include many exercises aimed specifically at developing voluntary attention. On this in acting, very much is tied, beginning with the fact that in the classroom, attention is first of all turned on, so that not one word of the teacher is missed, and ending with that on the stage the actor must act precisely along the line of the role, without being distracted by extraneous Noise, but at the same time keep control of the partner and his actions, so as not to become a mechanical artist.

To improve attention, acting for beginners exercises offers fairly simple.

Maintaining a creative diary

The development of attention does not begin even on the lessons themselves, but in everyday life. The novice is invited to observe people and situations wherever he is, pay special attention to interesting personalities, their behavior, because in the future they can be used as prototypes for roles.

Attention to the surrounding objects is added to this exercise. Every day you need to record what changes have occurred, what was not noticed before, what exactly has changed.

We listen to silence

The exercise is to learn to direct your attention to a certain circle of outer space. Gradually this circle expands.

  • Listen to ourselves.
  • Listen to what is happening in the classroom.
  • We listen to what is happening in the building.
  • We listen to what is happening on the street.

Display of observations

After the creative diary of the beginner is filled, the lessons of acting are transferred to the stage. The student must, on the basis of his observations, accurately and interestingly convey the image of the observed on the stage: his gait, gestures, behavior, facial expressions. In this case, the teacher can put this hero in non-standard situations that did not happen in reality. It will be seen how carefully the beginning actor watched, how much he understood this man and imbued with his image - this will determine its organicness in the given circumstances.


When the course "Acting skills" is completed, the training begins with a review of the basic concepts. So without such a thing as action, there can not be a performance. In the definition of the action, the main meaning of any role is laid. The main thing from this is that action is a volitional act. The actor on the stage is not a thoughtless mechanism that makes movements and actions, because he was so ordered, and not an ape who, without realizing, simply repeats a set of actions and words. The actor first of all thinks, and every action on the stage must be comprehended and logically justified.

Acting skills for beginners is based on the fact that there is no action for the sake of the action itself. Each action must have a goal, for the sake of which it is accomplished. Therefore, it turns out that everything that an actor does in the image of a hero, he does consciously and of his own free will, and not just for beauty.

Any exercise in acting involves a conscious act of who is on the stage.

Work in the proposed circumstances

In this exercise, the students are offered a place of action: forest, old castle, prison, hospital, etc. Beginning actors need to find an excuse for who they are, how they got here, you need to see in your imagination this place to the smallest detail. Then the teacher produces sounds, to which the actors respond depending on the proposed circumstances. Even with the help of music, an atmosphere is created - it can be a dark fairy forest or a light birch grove. And here the acting for beginners pursues three goals. Firstly, it is a check on attentiveness (how quickly an actor reacts to a change in music or sounds), secondly, it teaches the beginning actors to act in the given circumstances, which need to be adapted for themselves, and thirdly, it teaches to keep the atmosphere, Do not jump from sadness to fun and back.


According to the discipline "Acting skills", training always goes on in a complex way, the basic concepts are intertwined in one exercise, they require the constant concentration of forces from the actor.

It is interesting to exercise with the shadow. The first person makes some movements, justifying them with a goal (this may be some kind of non-objective action), and the second person is his "shadow" - completely repeats every action. Of course, the first one should work slowly, so that the second man has time to repeat. But the task of the second participant is to closely monitor the leader and try to foresee his actions. In addition, he also needs to understand what kind of action is being taken and justify it, because the goal of the person and the shadow always coincides.

Such exercises, with the help of which the acting skills for beginners are sharpened, develop a sense of the shoulder - it always reminds the actor that he does not work alone, but depends on everyone, and all the same depend on him.

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