
Oligomenorrhea - what is it? Symptoms, causes and treatment of oligomenorrhoea

Modern medicine knows thousands of diseases of the female reproductive system. This mechanism is very complicated. Every month in the body of the representative of the weaker sex, some hormones are replaced by others. First comes the estrogen phase, which is also called the follicular phase. During this period, hormones are produced that promote the growth of follicles. Next comes the time of the luteinizing phase, or the period of the yellow body. Then progesterone begins to be released. It acts on the uterus, changing the thickness and structure of the endometrium. If pregnancy does not occur, then approximately 10-14 days after the change of the hormonal background , menstruation begins. Normally, it lasts from three to six days. However, in the first two days of isolation can be quite abundant.

However, not always everything happens as described above. For sure, every woman faced in her life with a violation of the menstrual cycle. One of the types of such pathology is oligomenorrhea. What it is? The answer to this question you can get after reading the article. It is worth mentioning about the causes and symptoms of the disease. Also consider the main ways to treat a disease called oligomenorrhea.

What it is?

If to speak in scientific language, then oligomenorrhea is a sign of hypomanstrual syndrome. In other words, this is a decrease in the volume that is separated during monthly blood. Causes of pathology can be very diverse. It is from them that the actions of doctors always aim at improving the patient's condition.

Oligomenorrhea - what is it? This condition negatively affects the health of the fairer sex. Often, in the absence of treatment for a long period, the problem can become very serious. One of the complications of oligomenorrhea is carcinoma (malignant formation).

Types of pathology

Physicians report that there is a secondary oligomenorea and primary. In the first case we are talking about the innate causes of pathology. To these can be attributed anomalies of the genital organ and appendages.

Primary oligomenorrhea is a disease that was acquired during the life of a woman. There can be many reasons for this. It is worth saying that not always the woman herself is to blame for the development of the disease. Sometimes the pathology may appear due to disruption of the internal organs and systems.

Oligomenorrhœa: symptoms of the disease

The arising problem can be shown by different signs. Among them, there are obvious and hidden. The first woman watches independently and can complain to them. The hidden signs of pathology are determined exclusively by a specialist. Consider the main symptoms of oligomenorrhoea:

  • Short menstruation. This symptom is one of the first, indicating the development of the problem. Normal bleeding in a woman lasts about 4-6 days. With oligomenorrhea, this period is reduced to two days. In some cases, the allocation may end in a few hours.
  • Long cycles. Another manifestation of oligomenorrhoea are long female periods. At the same time, their duration ranges from forty days to six months. This fact can not be ignored.
  • A clear symptom of the pathology is infertility with the characteristics described above. Since there is a violation of the hormonal background, ovulation simply can not occur. Maturation of the egg is retained only in 20 percent of the fairer sex, suffering from oligomenorrhea.
  • Violation of the hormonal background. Secondary oligomenorrhea is almost always accompanied by a violation of the hormonal background. It is almost impossible to determine this attribute on your own. However, if you take a blood test to determine the level of LH, FSH and other substances, then it is possible to put this diagnosis.
  • Change in body weight and skin can be a symptom of pathology. With oligomenorrhea, the female body is rebuilt, as a result of which it becomes more like a male body. In some areas, hair appears, the facial skin acquires a high fat content, and the pores increase. All this is the result of a malfunction in the work of hormones.

Is it necessary to treat this disease? How to choose the correct method of correction?

You became aware of the symptoms that oligomenorea has. What is it is described above. It is worth saying that the problem can not be allowed to run its course. As you already know, in some cases it can lead to the development of cancer. Manifestation of unpleasant symptoms also knocks out of the usual rut any member of the weaker sex.

Oligomenorea treatment can be medicated and surgical. Everything depends on the causes of the disease. That is why it is so important in the development of the situations described above to consult a doctor and undergo a prescribed examination. Based on your complaints and additional data, the doctor will be able to correctly diagnose and correct the correction. Consider the main causes of oligomenorrhoea and how to eliminate them.

Congenital defects and abnormalities formed during the embryonic period

What causes oligomenorea? If you are faced with a manifestation of the pathology immediately, at the first menstruation (menarche), then most likely, the causes of pathology are congenital. In this case, you can not know about them before the onset of the first menstruation, because the symptoms will begin to manifest itself with her arrival.

Dilation of the uterus, infantilism, the formation of the septum - all these are the causes of oligomenorrhoea. It is worth noting that not always described congenital pathologies are accompanied by poor menstruation. Treatment of these problems always has an individual approach. In some cases, doctors are powerless in front of nature. They can not even using modern methods to eliminate a birth defect. However, there are cases that have a happy ending.

Benign and malignant tumor processes

The disease of oligomenorrhea often develops due to the onset of the tumor process. In this pathology can have both a malignant and benign character. The most common tumors are uterine myoma, endometriosis and so on.

The described diseases can be treated by surgical and conservative methods. First, doctors try to cope with the problem with medication. So, for the elimination of uterine fibroids and endometriosis, such drugs as "Zoladex", "Lucrin Depot", "Indinol", "Epigallat" and so on are prescribed. If the condition of a woman does not improve, then one must resort to surgical interventions. This may be a laparoscopy or a laparotomy. For the treatment of fibroids, the method of AMT is often used, when the artery that feeds the tumor is closed.

Polycystic ovaries

Oligomenorrhoea can develop because of polycystosis. It is worth noting that this pathology has other manifestations. With the proctocytosis ovaries, the woman does not have ovulation. Dominant follicles grow, and then turn into cysts. This picture is clearly visible during ultrasound diagnosis.

Treatment of the problem may consist of hormonal correction. Doctors try to work on the body from the outside with the help of synthetic drugs, similar to natural ones. If the effect is not observed, then a laparoscopic operation is performed. During manipulation, the doctor makes so-called incisions on the ovaries so that the follicle can burst.

Hormonal failure in women

The cause of oligomenorrhea is often called hormonal failure. At the same time, the necessary substances can be produced, but not at that time and not in such quantities. Often there is an imbalance between the FSH homon and LH. Often, steroid and male hormones, as well as substances released by the thyroid gland, are affected.

In this case, only medicament preparations can correct a woman's condition. It is worth noting that some representatives of the weaker sex have to regularly hold appropriate supportive therapy. Often doctors prescribe medicines such as "Zhanin", "Novinet", "Triregol" and so on. Recall that these drugs also have a contraceptive effect. If you are planning a pregnancy, then they will not work for you. Pay attention to such compounds as "Dufaston", "Utrozhestan", "Iprozhin" and other medications on the basis of progesterone.

External factors and their effect on the female body

Oligomenorea can sometimes develop due to the negative influence on the body of external factors. These include stressful situations, climate change, bad habits, chronic fatigue, anorexia and so on. Separately, these situations, it would seem, do not cause much harm to the body. However, in the aggregate, they are very dangerous.

Depletion of the body leads to disruption of all systems. As a result, there is a failure in the production of hormones and the functioning of the reproductive system. It is worth noting that these reasons are manifested by oligomenorei unexpectedly. It would seem that a few months ago you had a stable cycle, but now you will have to make a lot of efforts to restore it. And you need to start by eliminating harmful influence.

Summary of the results

You have learned what oligomenorea is. Reviews of women suggest that the pathology can be eliminated in a relatively short time. About full recovery it comes when the symptoms of the disease do not return within one year. Pregnancy and subsequent lactation favorably affect the work of the body. If you have had to deal with the above signs, then it is necessary to visit a doctor as early as possible and begin the examination. Be healthy!

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