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Voskresensky and Baptist Temples in Sokolniki: an overview

Moscow is rich in temples and Orthodox churches. Not for nothing about this ancient legend. In this article we will touch on two parishes located in the capital. Specifically, we will discuss the following temples in Sokolniki: St. Voskresensky and St. John the Baptist.

History of the Resurrection Church

We will begin our small survey from the parish in honor of Christ's Resurrection. The Church of the Resurrection in Sokolniki was built in the beginning of the XX century, to be exact - in 1913, by the efforts of the well-known priest John Kedrov. It was thanks to his works that the capital was enriched by this majestic building in the style of Russian Art Nouveau.

A special glory was given to this temple thanks to the choir of the blind who acted under him, as well as the fact that, contrary to the traditional orientation of the altar to the east, this church looks face to the south - towards Jerusalem.

The construction of the temple is associated with legends about miraculous phenomena of the saints. In the beginning, the Mother of God appeared to Father John, who also ordered to build a spacious beautiful temple instead of a small hospital church, which could not accommodate all comers. The priest hesitated with the execution of the order, since he did not have sufficient means, and then the Virgin appeared to him for the second time, having made a severe reprimand. Then Father John began construction, although he did not know what would pay off. When the calculation period with the builders was already close, a merchant saw in a dream the apostles Peter and Paul, who showed him the way to Sokolniki, saying that the new church there needs his donation. So the father of John had money, a similar miracle was also associated with St. Nicholas, who in the image of a pilgrim visited the church and left in it a significant amount of money.

Resurrection Church has, in addition to the main, two additional side-chapels - in honor of the First-Ever Apostles Peter and Paul, and also in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow".

When the revolution happened, many churches were closed. The same fate befell the temples in Sokolniki, but the Resurrection Church continued to function and even flourish due to the fact that the deprived Orthodox after their own parishes were flocking to this one.

For about ten years the temple was run by the renovation church, but during the Great Patriotic War the authorities transferred it to the Moscow Patriarchate. However, the clergy of the church remained the same - they joined the church with the church.

The Resurrection Church is now

Today, this church continues to function as a cult building within the framework of the Russian Orthodox Church. His rector is Archpriest Alexander Dasayev, who, being a dean, coordinates other temples in Sokolniki. Together with him, the ministry in the parish is about ten priests.

History of the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Sokolniki

Temples in Sokolniki also have in their circle a famous church in honor of the Nativity of the Prophet and Baptist of Christ, John. His story begins in the XVII century, when he was part of the complex of the Preobrazhensky Palace. It was laid by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. But time and technological progress have radically changed the terrain landscape. Therefore, the modern church of St. John in Sokolniki is the second church.

The sponsor of the new building was the widow of a wealthy entrepreneur Olga Titova. A hundred thousand rubles were donated to her. It was she who initiated that the new church be consecrated in honor of John the Baptist, as he was the heavenly patron of her deceased spouse. She also put forward the condition that the additional chapel will be dedicated to the apostle Matthias - in memory of her son, who also died. The temple was laid in 1915, and in 1917 the consecration of both chapels was held.

Unfortunately, because of the changes in the state, the temple was attempted to close already in 1919. Local residents defended the church, but not for long. Three years later, the decision to close the parish was still made. From the church building the bells and domes were removed, the painting on the facade was destroyed and all the valuables were taken out. Later, the room was used as one of the shops of the electromechanical plant.

The Church of John the Baptist is currently

At the disposal of the faithful, the government transferred the church only in 1998. Since then, he has been granted the status of Patriarchal Compound within the framework of the Moscow Patriarchate. For a long time he was in the territory of a private enterprise, which complicated his restoration. Gradually, it still finds its historical appearance.

Voskresensky parish and the Baptist church in Sokolniki: schedule of services

In both churches, evening worship is held at 17:00. In the Resurrection Church - every day. In Predtechensky - on the eve of holidays and Sundays.

Liturgy in the Resurrection Church is served daily at 08:00. On holidays and Sundays, an additional liturgy is at 06:45.

Liturgy in the Baptist church is served daily at 08:00 am. On holidays and Sundays - at 09:00.

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