Spiritual development, Religion
Prayer for the departed: help in a difficult hour
All of us, sooner or later, will appear before the One Who created us. And we will have to give an answer for every bad idea that we agreed with, not to mention actions. The bad thing is that the person behind the coffin can not do anything, after the last feature, God does not accept repentance. But you can alleviate the fate of the departed. If there are still people on the Earth who loved him, the hope for a better fate remains.
The most important thing that helps the departed is a sincere prayer for the deceased. It is in all prayers, brief and understandable. In it, a man asks eternal life for his dear deceased, asks forgiveness for his neighbor's sins. It is especially good if this prayer is pronounced by a person in the church. There is also a prayer for the deceased, which the priest performs. It can be a simple reading of the notes submitted for the deceased. It does not matter whether the priest read the name of your loved one aloud. A special prayer for the deceased is called a funeral service, it is served on certain days (3, 9, 40) and on parental Saturday, and also during several other days. However, you can order a funeral service on any other day. This is a huge help to the soul behind the coffin.
A hard prayer can work miracles. In one of the monasteries, a young pious girl died. And it so happened that for hidden, unknowing sin, she went to hell. But the prayers of the other nuns were saved, she was released by a black abyss. By the way, about monasteries, if possible, order a commemoration in the monastery. Monks are closer to God, therefore their prayers are more effective. Many monasteries even offer eternal remembrance to the donors and their relatives. Effective prayer for the deceased - the so-called unsleeping psalter. It is also usually ordered in monasteries. In memory of the deceased, the psalter is read without interruption round the clock (monks succeed each other). This is especially important for the soul for the first 40 days.
If there is an opportunity to donate to a nominal brick, do it, including for your deceased loved one. This will be equal to eternal remembrance. Money it is relatively small, and the benefit of the soul of the deceased and yours is very great.
In the first 40 days after death, the fate of the soul remains unresolved, so prayer is especially important for the deceased at this time. After all, the lawyer is preparing for trial, so you can prepare for a hard day for your dear person.
You can give alms in the name of the deceased. God is pleased with the prayer of a beggar and a sick person, so your help will be given to him in a greater degree than a simple prayer for the deceased. You can even ask the gifted to pray for a certain person. And the Lord will not forget this. Because, who helps the poor, Christ himself helps in his person. You can do good deeds in memory of the deceased, and you should not tell others about them.
In the Church there is another custom - to bring "on the eve" of food, this is a special table on which people put food. Usually such food is distributed to the poor people of the parish. And she is sacrificed in memory of the dead. Also, you can bring Cahors for communion and flour for prosphora. Your gift will testify before God about the love of your neighbor, and it is to this love that Christ calls us.
We can not just help a loved one, we have to do it as good Christians. And not only close. In a memorial note, you can often write many names - use it. The more people you remember, the better for you personally. After all, it's worth thinking about your own death. And the Lord values the kindness.
Hell is terrible, because there is no God there, and without the help of loved ones, the convicted person has almost no hope. It is difficult for us to judge whether our relatives will go to hell or paradise. After all, the demands of the Gospel are so high that it is very difficult for an ordinary person to be among the righteous. Or people have become worse ... In any case, only your prayer will help your loved one.
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