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Didactic games

Didactic games are one of the main means of the educational process. After all, the baby is developing, mainly during classes. And the more diverse they are, the more diverse the children's development.

There are didactic games that provide labor education, develop sensorics. This block should include those in which the baby is offered something to glue, sew, string beads, fashion or model.

Of course, it can not be said that such didactic games affect only one particular aspect of the educational process. Of course, during the lesson the child learns to understand the speech of the adult, who first reads or tells the kid the task, develops the skill of planning his actions. Not the last place here is familiarity with the basic qualities of various materials.

It is very commendable when an adult is not limited to manual labor only by the process itself, but talks to the child at ease, asking him about where one can find one or another material, how else it can be used.

For example, during sewing it is useful to introduce the child to the process of making fabrics, to tell how cotton and flax are grown, how to harvest raw materials, make threads, and then weave cloth.

Particular attention should be paid to such a moment as the involvement of children themselves in the production of didactic games. Let the child himself come up with the plot and conditions for future entertainment, pick up the necessary material for production, draw or cut pictures.

A separate block is games based on the knowledge of the surrounding world or developing the behavioral factor of the hostel. These are didactic games like "Traffic light", "Who to be", "Shop", "Zoo", "Animals", "What's inside". Engaging in them, the child acquires knowledge that will be useful to him in later life. His attitude to social life, to natural phenomena, to the surrounding world is formed.

Didactic games on the development of speech can be conditionally divided into desktop-printed and verbal. The first, in turn, can be divided into varieties of lotto, dominoes, card and "running", in which the playing field, chips and a cube are used.

When playing with a child, do not just limit yourself to the terms of the game that its creator offers. With a creative approach, adults are quite capable of diversifying the process with their own conditions.

For example, a game with cards can be called once "Pick up a pair", and the second time - "Which picture was hidden?". Next time an adult can find a puzzle for each card. Let the kid, in response to the riddle, silently post the picture, which, in his opinion, can serve as an answer.

Didactic games with words are more complex. For the youngest, you can offer the game "Which letter begins the word" or "How many syllables in the word". It is also appropriate to use cards with pictures.

More "tempted" kids can pick up pairs of cards, which are words-homonyms. This is a very fascinating activity that develops speech, replenishes the vocabulary and develops in the emerging personality love and interest in the Russian language.

And there are a lot of homonyms! For example, the word "key" (which opens the lock) and "key" - a spring; "Bench" in the meaning of "bench" and "bench" - a small shop; "Spout" teapot and "nose" on the face of the baby.

The first attempts at solving puzzles are also extremely useful and fascinating. Yes, and children's crossword puzzles in pictures wonder how good!

Children and musical and didactic games love children. Sets of plot images "Guess the song" will make the children not only remember a certain song, but also sing it. You can complicate the conditions of this game, exposing just a picture and offering to sing a song about what is depicted. For example, looking at the picture with a spruce, the kids will remember "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "A small Christmas tree is cold in winter" and many others. Seeing the same picture with a fox, someone will sing "Once in a frosty winter", and someone will recall a song of a fox from the cartoon "Burenka from Maslenkin."

The more difficult are the games where children must guess the song by the melody. In this case, the adult himself plays it on a musical instrument, or includes a "minus one", downloaded from the Internet, or sings in a voice.

In the case of melody melody, the condition of the game can be complicated by the fact that, with the correct answer, the "move" passes to the child. Let the kid try himself to sing his favorite song without words!

Today, there are a lot of electronic musical instruments on sale. The first steps in teaching music literacy are very interesting to do with their help.

Any game can be turned into a didactic one if you correctly set the tasks and, on the basis of this, come up with or slightly change the conditions. After all, even the oldest "classics" can be called a didactic game that develops children's physical culture.

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