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What is dangerous for a child's heat? Why is the temperature above 40 dangerous for life?

Most parents simply panic if a child has a fever. The reasons for this state can be many, but it is necessary to understand: the heat signals that the body is trying to cope with some kind of infection. If the indices rise slightly, then do not worry, but with a sharp jump up it is worth knowing what is dangerous for a child's heat and what to do in such cases.

Mechanism of increasing body temperature

When foreign organisms or viruses penetrate into the body of a child, and also an adult, a response is observed in the form of stimulation of the release of leukocytes, which immediately begin to destroy the pathogens of the disease. At the same time, interleukin is produced. It penetrates into the blood, reaches the center of the thermoregulation in the brain, which is responsible for the increase in temperature.

Hypothalamus perceives such information as a signal that the child is cold, and begins to eliminate this problem. To do this, narrow the blood vessels so that the heat does not come out, so the body temperature rises. This can explain why at a high temperature cold hands and feet in a child.

Under the influence of high temperatures, viruses and bacteria die, and the fever passes to the next stage - the baby begins to sweat profusely. Gradually, with the death of pathogenic microorganisms, the amount of interleukin is reduced and the effect on the thermoregulatory center is stopped. The temperature drops to its normal values. The body thus copes with the infection, but how dangerous is the child's heat? What consequences can it lead to?

Temperature above the norm in children

In early childhood, the heat of the body is transferred worse, so the parents during the illness constantly have to watch the baby, mark his condition, monitor his behavior, periodically measure the temperature. All doctors recommend during this period to provide the child peace, both physical and mental.

Moms must know why the heat is dangerous, what help you need to give your child. But it must be noted that at different ages there are specific features of increased body temperature:

  • In infants, the thermoregulatory processes in the body have not yet been fully formed, so it can be the norm for them when the temperature rises when overheating, crying. But mothers need to know what is dangerous high fever in a babe, since in some cases it can signal the development of inflammation or an infectious disease.
  • In babies who are not yet a year old, the heat transfer system is poorly developed.
  • Until the age of three, heat transfer exceeds heat generation in the body, so exposure to low temperatures can lead to the development of the disease.

Provocators of temperature increase

Before panicking and looking for an answer to the question of how dangerous a high body temperature is, it is necessary to find out why it can rise:

  • If the viruses penetrate the body, then there is nothing for him to do, how to deal with them with the help of high temperature. Under such conditions, all metabolic processes are accelerated and the necessary proteins are synthesized faster. Is the child's high temperature dangerous in this case? Rather no, since it leads to the death of microorganisms, which provoked the development of infection. It remains only to identify the provocateur of the disease and proceed to treatment. This should only deal with a doctor.
  • Bacterial infection also provokes fever.
  • In infants, teeth can erupt with increasing temperature. Often, there are other symptoms in the form of a common cold, for example, then you can say that there is a decrease in immunity, which led to the development of acute respiratory viral infection with an increase in temperature.
  • Allergy is often accompanied by a jump in the indicators on the thermometer. Allergens that enter the body can cause an anaphylactic shock, so you need to monitor the condition of the skin, temperature, in order to seek medical help in a timely manner.
  • Overheat. In children, the thermoregulation system has not yet been fully formed, so prolonged exposure in a stuffy room, in the sun, can lead to an increase in temperature, so the body tries to regulate the constancy of the internal environment.
  • Stress and nervous overexertion can be accompanied by an increase in temperature without other symptoms, so if the cause is clear, then you can give the child a sedative and antipyretic.
  • An organism can increase its temperature by responding to vaccination. The doctor must always warn parents about the possibility of such a reaction and recommend means to reduce.

Correctly measure the temperature

Quite often moms try to measure the body temperature, putting her lips or her hand to the forehead of the baby. But the tactile sensations do not always give an accurate idea of the state of the child, so it is better to use a special device, that is, a thermometer.

They now come in various modifications and varieties. Most are accustomed to using a mercury device, but now more and more popular electronic. They are, of course, safer, but they may not always accurately show the values.

The accuracy of the measurements depends on the place where the body temperature is measured, as well as the correctness of the process. Most often in a child and an adult, the temperature is measured in the armpit, but it can be done in the mouth or in the inguinal fold, for example, in infants.

Keep the thermometer needed for at least 8-10 minutes to get accurate readings. It should be borne in mind that physiologically, even in a healthy person, the temperature in the morning is slightly lower than in the evening.

It is not recommended to measure the temperature when the child eats, is in a restless state, plays active games.

Dangerous temperature for the baby

To answer the question, how dangerous is the high temperature in children, it is necessary to find out which indicators can be considered as such. Quite often it is possible to see when parents try to give the child an antipyretic remedy immediately after the testimony was passed for a little over 37. But this is completely unjustified, because with viral infections this is the only way for an organism to overcome the disease, since antibacterial drugs will not give Result.

But with some indicators it is still worthwhile to help the baby, parents should know what is dangerous for the child's temperature, if it is not knocked down for a long time. Let's find out what is the danger and when it is necessary to use medicines to lower the temperature.

It all depends on the age of the child. For example, in infants thermoregulation is imperfect, therefore for them the indices in the range 36.6-37.2 are considered the norm, if there are no other signs of the disease. In case of overheating, the temperature may rise up to 38 degrees, but if it does not fall off more than 4 days, it is worth to see the doctor. This may be evidence of low immunity or the presence of latent infection in the body.

In children with vegetovascular dystonia a slight increase in temperature can be noted and against a background of complete absence of any signs.

If there is a viral or bacterial infection, then the indices 38-39 degrees - this is the temperature at which the active kill of pathogens occurs. Is the temperature of the child dangerous in this situation? The doctor most often responds negatively, but my mother will recommend more closely monitor the condition.

But if the indicators are rapidly creeping up, then it is urgent to call an ambulance. The more dangerous the temperature rise is above 40, we will analyze further.

Danger of high temperature

If the indicator reached 40 degrees on the thermometer, it is necessary for the baby to provide urgent help, only it is advisable to consult a doctor, because some drugs may be contraindicated in such cases. Let's examine why the temperature above 40 is dangerous for life:

  1. At a long-term high temperature, the child begins delirium.
  2. There are convulsions, causing the baby a lot of pain, from which he can lose consciousness.
  3. The natural process of blood circulation is disturbed.
  4. Lowering blood pressure.
  5. Blood viscosity increases sharply.
  6. The more dangerous the child's temperature is, this is also an intoxication of the body and dehydration, so it is very important at this time to drink a lot. For a baby and a premature baby it can be deadly.
  7. Against the background of high temperature, complications can arise in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Temperature 40-41 degrees can lead to irreversible changes in the brain, which is fraught with a sad outcome.

This is how dangerous the temperature is above 40 degrees. Of course, the testimony to knocking down the temperature can be individual in each case - sometimes even 38 degrees may require the use of medicines.

For whom is the highest temperature the greatest danger?

Each organism has its own individual characteristics, some carry infectious diseases against a background of almost insignificant increase in temperature, while in other children even teething is accompanied by a jump to 40 degrees. But there are, according to experts, the category of children for whom a strong fever is especially dangerous:

  • If a serious cardiovascular disease is diagnosed.
  • There are pathologies of the pulmonary system.
  • In children up to the age of five, since there is a great danger of developing febrile seizures. Especially if they have already been observed during the temperature.
  • There are disturbances in the work of the nervous system.
  • Presence of diabetes mellitus or other diseases associated with disruption of the endocrine system.

If a child often suffers from a high fever, the parents should consult with the doctor in advance about helping him in this situation.

We help the child at high temperature

Why is the temperature above 40 dangerous, understandable, but how to provide first aid to the child before the arrival of a doctor? Here are some recommendations:

  1. The first thing to do with a child is to take off your clothes and wipe it with water at room temperature, you can not bathe.
  2. Put a cold compress on the forehead.
  3. If the heat leads to cooling of the limbs, you should wear warm socks, put a hot water bottle at your feet. Since such a symptom is most often provoked by spasm, it is possible to give "No-shpu".
  4. Use medicines to bring down the temperature. Children are recommended to give "Paracetamol" or "Ibuprofen".

Use only drugs approved for children to knock down the temperature. Dosage and duration of admission should be discussed with the doctor.

Komarovsky about the first actions of parents at a high temperature in a child

We have already analyzed what is dangerous for a child. Komarovsky believes that at this time the most important thing is to ensure the conditions under which the body will lose excess heat. Considering the fact that the loss of heat is carried out in two ways - when the air in the lungs warms up or during sweating, the popular doctor recommends the following actions in case of heat in children:

  1. Create a cool temperature in the room where the child is. The optimum is + 16-18 degrees. But the clothes on the child should not be too light, so that the vessels of the skin do not spasmodic.
  2. To provide the baby with a copious drink. This will increase sweating and prevent blood clots.

As a drink you can use not only ordinary water, but also fruit drinks, compote from dried fruits.

When to help a child

If the child has reached the age of five, you can not bring down the temperature to 39 degrees, if there is no indication for emergency care. With babies, things are a little different. If there is already 38 on the thermometer, then you will have to resort to the help of a nursing baby, when:

  • He has cold hands and feet.
  • The skin became pale.
  • The child is too naughty.
  • Mom noticed apathy or inadequate behavior.
  • Refuses from the breast or bottle.

What to do is not recommended at high temperature

It's clear that moms are ready to do anything to help her baby, but some things simply can not be done if the child has a high fever:

  1. Contraindicated to rub the child with alcohol solution, since such a procedure only expands more vessels, which in this condition and so expanded. In addition, there is poisoning of the baby with alcohol.
  2. If the temperature does not get out, then it is better to call a doctor, but giving "Aspirin" is absolutely impossible. It can provoke kidney damage and internal bleeding.
  3. It is not recommended to wrap the baby in wet and cold sheets, apply cold heaters, as this only reduces the temperature of the skin, but inside it remains high, and this is dangerous.
  4. Do not use a fan to lower body temperature.

It turns out that not all means are good when it comes to high temperature in a child. Some may even be dangerous!

When to take medication

Indications for taking antipyretics are the following situations:

  • The child is very poorly tolerated by fever.
  • The baby has a high risk of developing seizures.
  • The indicators on the thermometer exceed the 39-degree mark.

Parents should know that in children's practice it is recommended to use only "Ibuprofen" or "Parcetamol". Prohibited in the treatment of children "Analgin", it can provoke anaphylactic shock, liver and kidney damage.

The use of such drugs as "Fenacetin" and "Amidoprin", is fraught with toxic reactions. The dosage of even permitted medicines should be selected taking into account the weight and age of the child.


In conclusion, I want to say that before all the forces are thrown at the fight against high temperatures, it is necessary to find out its cause. After all, heat is just a protective reaction of the body, not a disease. Sometimes it is easier to provide the body itself to cope with the infection than pepper the baby with pills. But you must always be ready to help if the indicators on the thermometer creep up.

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