
How to get rid of papillomas and warts on different parts of the body

Until now, some believe that warts appear if you take a frog in hand. But in the emergence of this disease are not guilty amphibians, and viruses are papillomas, which to date are known for about a hundred species. There are among them very dangerous, causing severe diseases of the internal organs, including cancer. That's why it's so important to know where the warts come from.

The virus is transmitted by papillomas in different ways, but always from a sick person to a healthy one. Most often fall ill with those who have weakened immunity, increased sweating, there are mental disorders or sores, cracks in the skin. You can get infected by direct contact through a handshake, kiss, during sex. Also get infected, using the things of a sick person, for example, shoes, gloves, a towel. You can catch the virus in public places, for example, in baths, in transport, in swimming pools. The disease is not immediately apparent, but after a few weeks and even months.

Papillomas are convex formations on the skin, rough to the touch, sometimes just unpleasant, sometimes very painful. They are endowed with the ability to grow and spread to neighboring sites. The most terrible thing is that they can degenerate into malignant formations. This occurs when the virus enters the skin cells and changes their genetically engineered fission program. Therefore, it is so important to know how to get rid of the papilloma correctly, that is, to destroy all the viruses fixed in the skin and to exclude the renewal of the disease.

There are official and unofficial methods of treating warts that vary depending on the location of the disease. Papillomas on the hands and feet of the official medicine is treated surgically and medically, with the use of various chemicals, ointments and solutions that include acids salicylic, retinoic, trichloroacetic and others. In the complex, injections of drugs that increase immunity are administered.

How to get rid of papillomas by surgical methods? To do this, laser exposure sessions are conducted. One of the ways is evaporation of diseased skin cells, or their coagulation. Laser treatment is virtually painless and does not leave scarring. Another method is cryodestruction, that is, the freezing of the wart by liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which is known to be about -200 degrees Celsius. Another method is to influence the wart by high-frequency currents.

How to get rid of the papillomas on the genitals? I must say that both men and women are infected equally. Papillomas on the genitals are also called genital warts. They are removed by various methods, but only after a medical examination, the delivery of tests, ultrasound. It is absolutely contraindicated in self-medication. Condylomata in women can cause cancer of the cervix, and in men - serious inflammation. Also in women, the connection between papillomas and breast cancer is proved. Remove them with the use of the US apparatus "Surgitron", laser, electrocoagulation, ozone and medicamentous. Which method is most acceptable - the doctor decides.

How to get rid of papillomas in the anus area? This disease is very unpleasant and always accompanied by painful sensations, and sometimes bloody discharge. In addition, papillomas, or genital warts in the anus area become wet and cause an unpleasant odor. Without appropriate treatment, the disease can lead to rectal cancer. Treatment - medicamental or surgical.

How to get rid of papilla folk methods? For this, many conspiracies are offered, as well as decoctions and alcoholic infusions of various plants. The most widely known tinctures of potato flowers, as well as fresh celandine juice, which need to be smeared with papilloma many times a day. Also apply a gruel from fresh nettles or from raw potatoes, horseradish, fruits of mountain ash, garlic and many others. There is another ancient harmless method, which consists in wiping the wart with potatoes cut in half, and then burying it in a dry, infertile land. It is said that the wart will disappear as soon as the buried potatoes dry up.

Another way of our grandmothers is to tie as many knots on a black string as on a wart's body, and bury this thread in a damp place. When it rotates, the warts will disappear.

But all the same the main rule at treatment by a papilloma - timely reference to the doctor.

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