Health, Medicine
Side effects: to treat or maim?
In the world, perhaps, there is no one who has never used medicines. Medicines accompany people from the moment of conception, after birth and throughout life. And each of them has side effects - usually of a negative nature.
It is difficult to say whether these or other side effects will occur when taking the drug, because it depends on many factors. First of all, there is a direct correlation between the quality of the drug, its novelty and the number of side effects, as well as the frequency of their manifestation.
This is due to the fact that scientists continue to research and synthesize new substances, and also find new and more effective ways to deliver the active components of the drug to the right organs and tissues. In addition, the degree of purification of raw materials from which medicines are produced and the technology of their production is important. Improving technologies and searching for new ways of delivering medicinal components to the necessary cells of the body can reduce dosage of drugs, the frequency of cases when side effects are manifested, and also the degree of their severity.
Of course, you can take drugs that have been tested for decades, and consider that it is such a test that will not replace any high-tech clinical trials, but scientists are increasingly saying that the drugs used for treatment for a long time are far from perfect, and their reception too Often causes side effects.
But you still need to figure out which factors influence the occurrence of unwanted effects.
One of the main causes of side effects is misdirection.
Many people are engaged in self-treatment, which is especially dangerous for serious and chronic diseases. In addition, it's no secret that there are illiterate and ignorant doctors who prescribe treatment according to outdated methods. There may also be an incorrect dosage or long-term medication. To prescribe medicines, you should always consult your doctor and give him full information about your health and history.
The second factor is no less important - an unsuccessful combination of drugs. This is especially true in the older age, when the number of drugs taken is increasing. In this case, unexpected side effects of a different nature are possible. That is why when prescribing medicines, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about other medications taken. The combination of different drugs can have different effects: they can strengthen each other or, conversely, reduce efficiency. In these cases, dosage adjustment or the administration of a similar remedy can help.
Finally, another reason for the occurrence of undesirable side effects is individual incompatibility. In response to a medicine, the body can give an individual reaction, the range of variants of which is extremely wide. Therefore, at the doctor's appointment and when prescribing treatment should always inform the doctor about allergies and already known individual reactions to medicines.
It must be remembered that the treatment should be prescribed in accordance with the doctor's prescriptions and in no case independently, on the advice of friends or the Internet, because everyone knows the saying "What is good for a Russian, then for a German is death."
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