Food and drink, Recipes
Cod fillet - baked in the oven fish
In our shops cod is found in two types: whole carcasses or already peeled fillets. The second is slightly more expensive, but in principle the cod is sold at a fairly democratic price. Fish experts prefer whole carcasses, when cutting them they will be able to determine the quality of the fish: if the cod does not pass the process of re-freezing, its flesh will be elastic, but if the fish cracks in the hands, it is not recommended to cook it.
To cook the cod fillets (baked in the oven fish), you will have to unfreeze the carcass. When cutting a thawed chicken with a sharp knife, separate the ridge and side bones, and then remove the skin. Clean the fillet well under running water and dip it for half an hour into milk. Cut with a paper towel, salt and make shallow transverse incisions at an angle of 45 degrees. Peel one apple (better than sour varieties) and cut it into thin slices. Insert the slice into each incision and drizzle the fillet with olive oil. The resulting semi-finished product is carefully wrapped in foil and sent to a preheated oven for 20 minutes. That's the time it takes to bake the cod fillets. The oven-baked fish is laid out from the foil in a plate, sprinkled with fresh herbs, and as a side dish, a bright vegetable salad is served. You'll like it!
In general, cod is perfectly combined with various vegetables. I want to offer you another delicious and satisfying recipe for fillet cod. Baked in the oven, the fish will be good with the addition of potatoes and tomatoes. This stunningly beautiful dish is prepared very easily and quickly. You will need 4 cod fillets, the same number of tubers of potatoes and a couple of tomatoes. We pour a lot of oil into the kozanok and dip the potatoes into it. On high heat, he quickly gets a golden crust, reducing the flame, toasting the potatoes almost until ready. We spread on a paper towel, which absorbs excess oil, and podsalivaem. We send the potatoes to the baking dish. Tomatoes cut into thin circles and cover them with potatoes. The next layer we will lay out the fish, which we dip into the following composition: olive oil, chopped fresh herbs, finely chopped garlic, and then sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Oven warm up to 180 degrees and send there our form with cod fillets. Baked in the oven, the fish will be ready in 15 minutes. You will like this combination of fish and vegetables. The dish is bright, fragrant and very tasty.
And another recipe for cod (fillet in the oven) I really love. It is prepared simply and quickly. Directly into the baking dish, the bottom of which is greased with vegetable oil, put onions cut into rings. It forms a kind of pillow for fish. The fillet of my cod in running water, let it drain and salt, after 15 minutes we cut into portions, which are densely laid on the onion cushion. Fill all this with either ready-made cream for sauces, or mixed in equal proportion with mayonnaise, sour cream and water. In a preheated to 170 degree oven this dish will be cooked for no more than 25 minutes. And fish, and onion, soaked in fish juice, mixed with sauce, are obtained - just lick your fingers!
And of course you can not tell about the fillet of cod in batter. This dish can be prepared in the most usual way: fish fillet salt and leave for 20 minutes. During this time, prepare the claret. It can be made on water, on yogurt, on beer, but the principle one - two eggs beat up with a pinch of salt, add half a cup of flour and water so much to get the consistency of sour cream. The density of the batter depends solely on your taste preferences. Sliced salted cod fillets in dipping and spread on the heated frying pan. Fry on each side for 7-10 minutes and get a delicious beautiful golden-colored fish. I very often do not cook, nor do I cook, but dip the fillet into a beaten egg, and then in a plate with sifted flour, then again in an egg and a frying pan. It turns out the same.
Bon Appetit!
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