Education, History
Khrushchev's reforms and his political activities
Nikita Khrushchev entered the history of the USSR and Russia as the most controversial ruler who influenced the development of new directions in the foreign and domestic policy of the USSR and implemented several reforms during the decade of his rule.
Internal policy of Khrushchev
The death of Stalin in 1953 entailed a behind-the-scenes struggle for a seat on the "throne," but Khrushchev got the post of first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. At the XXth Congress (1956), he made a report that received a worldwide response. The main theme was the exposure of Stalin's cult of personality with the listing of a number of crimes of the 30s-50s. And a harsh criticism of his repression. The beginning of de-Stalinization and democratization was initiated.
Khrushchev's reforms
De-Stalinization had, however, neither consistency nor integrity. According to Khrushchev's ideas, it consisted in condemning the cult of Stalin and establishing party control over punitive organs. There was a restoration of law and order, legality and constitutional rights of citizens.
Khrushchev's reforms found their continuation - the reorganization of the ruling party was carried out: democratization, changes in the conditions of admission to it, expansion of the rights of local organizations and union republics. In 1957, the people deported by Stalin were restored to their rights. New bodies of social self-government appear, etc.
Reform of management
An attempt to shift to economic management methods led to a complication of the governance structure, an increase in the number of officials. In 1962, the most unsuccessful reform was undertaken: the specialization of party organizations (industrial and rural). The country was divided into 105 economic regions.
Agrarian Reform
Khrushchev's reforms began with agriculture. Since 1953 the economic status of the collective farms has been strengthened, the size of the agricultural tax has been reduced. Farms were given loans, new equipment was delivered. In the mid-fifties, their general enlargement began, the transformation into state farms. Then the Sovnarkhozes were created.
The peasants were given passports, they were given a pension.
The cornish epic also became part of the image of Khrushchev - following the example of the United States, this culture began to be planted everywhere, even where it basically can not grow (right up to the Far North!).
In 1954, a campaign was launched to develop virgin lands. There was a sharp jump with unprecedented harvests, for the first time in the postwar years, the purchasing price for grain increased. But erosion destroyed the virgin soil. Non-chernozem center has come to a complete decline.
Khrushchev's military reforms
After coming to power, he took a direction on the rise of defense and heavy industry. The SA and the fleet received nuclear missiles. According to the correlation of military power, the USSR achieves parity with the United States. The direction of the development of politics towards the peaceful coexistence of states of different social structures is considered.
Social reform
After the adoption of the law on the payment of pensions to peasants, it was decided to cancel the payment of tuition in the senior classes, eight-year education becomes compulsory. The norms of working time are established, in particular - a 6-hour working day for teenagers of 16 years.
The housing fund is actively expanding. Housing construction is based on industrial methods. The country's housing stock increases by 40% over the seven-year period! True, the construction was conducted in a style that went down in history by the name of "Khrushchev", but the housing crisis disappeared.
School reform led to a single eight-year school. Those wishing to receive a full secondary education needed to continue their education in a secondary polytechnic school (in vocational schools, in evening or correspondence schools).
Foreign policy of Khrushchev
External relations in those days developed in the style of the traditional for the Bolsheviks policy. The main direction of foreign policy was the strengthening of security systems across the border.
Contacts with foreign countries are actively renewed, and positive reviews about other countries appear in the press. Trade relations are expanding. This entails mutual benefit, because the countries of the West receive a vast market for their products.
The launch of the first satellite in 1957 significantly affected the world situation, and a new, space era began. Khrushchev, a supporter of the Queen, supports his idea of overtaking Americans in the exploration of outer space.
This changed the alignment of priorities, now the West was under the sights of Soviet intercontinental missiles.
In 1961 Was put "Berlin ultimatum", in which Khrushchev demanded the erection of a wall between western and eastern Berlin. A huge resonance of the world community. After the "Berlin crisis", another one, so called, flares up. "Caribbean", or "missile crisis." Kennedy attempted to seize Cuba, to which the USSR rendered economic, and now also military assistance, sending there military and technical advisers, various types of weapons. Including missiles, which threatened the US with a blow. Kennedy demanded not to allow the unloading of missiles in Cuba, and Khrushchev accepted these demands.
The killing of Kennedy led to the need to establish contact with President Johnson. But accusations of voluntarism were brought against Khrushchev, and he was dismissed. He was also ruined by an attempt to cut down benefits and privileges for civil servants. Under Khrushchev, an authoritarian system was formed in the USSR, however, the foundations of the command and administrative system were strengthened.
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