HealthAlternative Medicine

Useful properties of St. John's wort and contraindications for use

St. John's wort is not just one species of perennial herbaceous plants, as, it must be, many people think, but a whole family. In total there are about 100 of its species. They are distributed mainly in Eurasia and North America.

St. John's wort is easy to recognize by the characteristic rich yellow colors collected in the inflorescence, and a specific, slightly tart smell. The name of the herb is due to the fact that this plant is absolutely non-toxic to humans, but in some species of animals (in particular, horses and cattle) can cause serious poisoning.

Useful properties of St. John's wort and contraindications to the use of this tool were of interest to specialists for a long time. Not for nothing that this plant is recognized as one of the most healing. The first detailed medicinal characteristics of St. John's wort belong to the ancient era and belong to Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder and Dioscorides. Even at the present stage of the development of technologies for the production of medicines, the properties of this plant are still indispensable.

Medical action

The main characteristics of St. John's wort, opened by people for a long time, are relevant to this day. These include antimicrobial, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effects. To this it is necessary to add antispasmodic and hemostatic properties. It becomes clear why the St. John's wort was so appreciated in the past. Useful properties (photos of the plant attached) of this herb were used to heal wounds even in those times when antiseptics were not at all. But today we should not neglect this powerful natural remedy.

The useful properties of St. John's wort and contraindications to the use of this plant are mainly manifested when using its decoctions and infusions. In this form, this plant effectively fights against gastritis, different stages of enteritis, colitis (if it is not a bacterial form). The action is due to the fact that preparations based on St. John's wort remove irritation of the mucous membrane of internal organs and thereby relieve pain, facilitating the rapid healing of all ulcers. Means based on this herb are used as an auxiliary component of the course of treatment for meteorism, hepatitis, cholecystitis, intestinal diseases, provoked by bacteria. At the same time, the ability of substances contained in St. John's wort, the oppressive microflora, is of primary importance.

In diseases associated with impaired renal function, or in cases of fluid retention in the body, infusions and broths based on St. John's wort work as a mild natural diuretic.

If you correctly use the useful properties of St. John's wort and do not ignore contraindications , you can discover a wonderful tool for treating purulent otitis media, tonsillitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, and strengthen the gums and get rid of the unpleasant odor in the oral cavity.

With age, many representatives of the strong half of humanity are facing problems associated with sexual dysfunction and prostatitis. In such cases it is recommended to use St. John's Wort. Useful properties for men are laid in this plant by nature itself.


Do not reduce the numerous useful properties of St. John's wort and contraindications, and the side effects of using this natural medicine. Therefore, it is worth taking them into consideration. Do not use decoctions, infusions and industrial medicines containing St. John's wort, in pregnancy and hypertension. This herb raises blood pressure, so it can even lead to hypertensive crisis or abortion!

Also, do not use drugs containing St. John's wort, longer than prescribed by the course of treatment. Before using St. John's wort alone or in combination with other drugs, you should consult your doctor.

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